Black Sea Science
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Результатів на сторінці
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- ДокументElectric passenger transport vehicles: technical characteristics and energy efficiency(2018) Ivanov, R.Electrical passenger transport vehicles: technical characteristics and energy efficiency. Classifications and characteristics of electrical passenger transport vehicles are presented. Some technical advantages and disadvantages of the electrical vehicles are considered. The energy efficiency of the recent electrical vehicles is presented and analyzed.
- ДокументДослiдження ефективностi розроблених лiкувально-профiлактичних функцiональних продуктiв(2018) Романченко, Н. О.
- ДокументПрограммный тренажер для демонстрации уязвимостей Веб-приложений(2018) Бабийчук, В. Д.
- ДокументИнтенсификация процесса сушки зерновых материалов с применением энергии микроволнового поля(2018) Михайлова, О. В.
- ДокументThe strategy of providing competitiveness of the enterprise in the it industry(2018) Moroz, A.; Sharaenko, O.The article deals with the essential characteristics and significance of the company's competitive advantages in the conditions of digitalization. The features of strategy development are analyzed. the key factors of the internal and external environment were assessed. We analyzed LUXOFT Inc. ,namely, the definition of its competitive status, the assessment of its internal and external environment, the assessment of market capitalization and the predictive assessment of the growth of market capitalization and stock prices. We analyzed personnel policy as the main component of LUXOFT's development. The effectiveness of the chosen strategy and the competitiveness of this strategy for IT companies were assessed. Achieving the goal has determined the need to solve the following tasks: – to determine the competitive advantages of the enterprise in the conditions of digitalization; – to describe the features of the strategy of developing the competitiveness of enterprises in IT industry; – to review the internal factors of development of LUXOFT; – to analyze the influence of external factors on development of LUXOFT; – to determine the competitive status of LUXOFT; – to evaluate the effectiveness of the competitiveness strategy of LUXOFT; – to prove that the personnel policy is a key factor in ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise in the IT industry. The object of the research is the strategy of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise in the IT industry. The subject of the research is theoretical justification of formation of competitive advantages of the IT-enterprise and practical recommendations for choosing a strategy to ensure its competitiveness in the conditions of digitization.
- ДокументХолодильная машина рефконтейнера для транспорта замороженных туш голубого тунца(2018) Ерема, В. Ю.В работе рассмотрены две конструктивные схемы каскадных машин: с рабочим веществом R23 в нижних каскадах и рабочими веществами R507 и R 744 в верхних каскадах. Для конкретного температурного режима циклов решена «транспортная» задача оптимизации: определены минимальные массогабаритные характеристики компрессоров, входящих в холодильную машину рефконтейнера для транспорта замороженных туш голубого тунца.
- ДокументОдержання плiвок Cu_2ZnSnS_4 в якостi активного шару сонячного елементу(2018) Мушаровський, О. О.
- ДокументДинамічні властивості процесів забезпечення кібербезпеки на прикладі аудиту кібербезпеки(2018) Козлова, О. Ю.
- ДокументBeverages-bioprotectors with high antioxidant properties(2018) Bezzodina, A.; Oliinyk, M.In the work, the description of the collagen hydrolyzate, which contains oxylysine and oxyproline, is presented. Methods of swelling test of glutin and psyllium, recipes of beverages with bioprotectors with high antioxidant properties and beverages for pregnant women are presented. The chemical composition of the developed drinks was studied, the main quality indicators such as organoleptic, microbiological indicators were determined and the biological activity of the beverage ingredients and the beverages themselves was determined. The technological schemes of beverage preparation are given. ASLT analysis was conducted to predict the terms and conditions for the storage of beverages. The manufacture and storage of beverages were carried out in identical conditions, changing the storage parameters in accordance with the established ALST test plan, in conditions similar to those for modern catering establishments. It has been established that the overall organoleptic quality of developed beverages during storage for 24 hours at different temperatures has not changed. During the next 12 hours, all but the color dropped. Quality scores remained high enough for 72 hours. The research results of the developed drinks have shown that the drinks can be stored for 5 days at a temperature (5 ± 1) °С in a sealed container. It is established that the developed drinks will be competitive on the consumer market of Ukraine. As a result of this work, the results were made on three conferences, three abstracts-reports were published, two articles are in leading international journal and three applications were filed for the obtaining of patents of Ukraine for the utility model.
- ДокументBasis of intellectual security management of the enterprise(2018) Kemskaya, V.The work consists oftheoretical and practical principles of management of intellectual security of the enterprise. In Section 1 the theoretical and methodological principles of research of intellectual security of the enterprise have been considered. The peculiarities of the system of indicators of intellectual security management of the enterprise have been characterized. In Section 2the activities of the enterprise, the processes of personnel movement at LLC "Theme Fashion Ukraine" have been analyzed, the innovation level of the enterprise, the level of development of employees and the level of material incentives have been assessed. In Section 3a methodological approach to the formation of the integral indicator of the enterprise's intellectual safety management system has been developed and the potential of taxonomic analysis to assess the effectiveness of management of the level of intellectual security has been used. In the work the system of indicators of estimation of intellectual security is offered (in section 1 there is a method of their calculation, and in section 2 – calculation). The proposed quantitative methods for assessing of the level of intellectual security have allowed us to estimate the dynamics of this complex phenomenon. The calculations have been carried out using MS Exсel.
- ДокументStudy and formulation of the organizational recommendations: how to reduce the cost of customer service in the taxi companies?(2018) Gniady, M.; Kowalczyk, J.; Kusnierz, J.; Lichwala, A.; Mikolajczyk, M.We studyed conditions of customer service in the taxi Companies. It was studyed the conditions of customer service of many taxi Companies. These taxi Companies were from four voivodeships in Poland: - Małopolskie, - Podkarpackie, - Śląskie, - Świętokrzyskie. In our study we used well-documented and powerful methods of analysis. Our results showed that it was different prices and conditions of customer service in different voivodeships. The most intense competition among taxi service means population – in Końskie city (Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship). The weakest competition among taxi service means population – in Cracow city (Małopolskie Voivodeship). A comparison of the operating conditions of taxi companies showed how to reduce travel costs. And our study helped to formulate some organizational recommendations.
- ДокументBlack Sea Science 2018(Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, 2018)
- ДокументВикористання охолоджувального потенціалу абсорбційно-ежекторної холодильної машини(2018) Богза, Л. Л.; Боду, Д. Ж.
- ДокументТехнологiя питних снiданкiв з використанням харчових композицiй з рослинної сировини(2018) Серенко, А. А.
- ДокументDevelopment of a graphical user interface for egg quality assessment based on a computer vision system(2018) Zhelezarova, P.; Paskova, N.The paper presents a developed graphical user interface for recognizing defective eggs in the MATLAB environment, based on computer vision. The interface is modular, which allows for the upgrade of the procedures and algorithms that are used. The accuracy of recognition for the four main qualitative groups of eggs was tested. Accuracy ranges is from 0.6 to 2.1%.
- ДокументA novel two-stage ejector refrigerator with mixed refrigerants(2018) Wang, Xuehui; Zhou, Yifan; Pan, Yini; Chen, GuangmingThe energy consumption is ramping up in recent decades. Therefore, it was very important to recover and utilize the low-grade energy, such as the solar energy, the geothermal energy and low-temperature waste heat discharged to the environment. The ejector system has a good prospect in this area due to its obvious advantages :simple structure, without moving part and available for heat sources in different temperature levels, as well as long life-span. Nevertheless, the coefficient of performance of the ejector system is relatively low, so the technology to optimize the ejector refrigeration cycle has been hot topics. In this report, a novel two-stage ejector system with mixed refrigerants was proposed to improve the efficiency of the ejector system. A separator was used to divide the working fluid to high boiling point fluid and low boiling point fluid. The performance of the new system was calculated and compared with other ejector systems. It was suggested that the novel system had a higher COP than other ejector refrigeration systems. Furthermore, it could operate at a higher condensation temperature. When the condensation temperature continued to rise above 50℃, the new system could still be reliable and the COP was about 0.1
- ДокументСистема вiддаленого метеорологiчного спостереження для передачi i обробки даних в реальному часi(2018) Романченко, Н. О.
- ДокументДослідження трафіку, створюваного інтелектуальними сервісами в NGN(2018) Кондратенко, А. О.; Кисленко, М. О.
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