Technological properties and quality indicators of hulled wheat

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Among the many types of wheat, the most common today is the modern cultivated wheat T.aestivum L., which is known as common wheat or bread wheat, but exist ancient types of wheat: diploid – T. monococcum L. (AA); tetraploid – emmer (AABB), as well as hexaploid – spelt (AABBDD). In this research work, the currently used species of wheat, this is part of the group of hulled species – spelt and emmer wheat. Hulled wheat considered being a crop with high nutritional value, which determines its relevance and using in Ukraine. Hulled wheat in comparison with common wheat contains practically all the nutrients that are necessary to the human body. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the directions of further processing of spelt and emmer on the basis of comparison of their physicotechnological and chemical composition with ordinary hard wheat. In this work was done following tasks: 1. Chemical composition of macronutrients of investigated samples of wheat; 2. Physico-technological properties of the studied samples; 3. Flour and cereal indices of investigated samples of wheat; 4. Physico-chemical properties of investigated wheat samples. The results of the research showed the difference in the physical and mechanical properties of the spelta and emmer compared to the common wheat (Kuyalnik). The work consists of 6 sections, outlined on 18 pages, includes 6 tables, the list of references includes 18 titles.
Zhyhunova H. Technological properties and quality indicators of hulled wheat / H. Zhyhunova ; supervisor H. Stankevych // Black Sea Science 2018 : матеріали Міжнар. конкурсу студентських наук. робіт, Одеса, 4 квіт. 2018 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій ; ред. кол.: Б. В. Єгоров [та ін.]; орг. ком.: Б. В. Єгоров (голова) [та ін.]. – Одеса : ОНАХТ, 2018. – P. 98–110 : tabl. – Ref.: 18 tit.
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