Icewine as a modern global brand

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Ostapenko, V. Icewine as a modern global brand / V. Ostapenko // Харчові технології, хлібопродукти і комбікорми : зб. тез доп. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., Одеса, 13–17 верес. 2016 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій ; під заг. ред. Б. В. Єгорова. – Одеса, 2016. – P. 117–119. – Ref.: 4 tit.
The essential feature of the wine industry is that it is one of the most conservative ones, hence development is possible through the harmonious combination of the traditions with winemaking innovations. The technology of icewine production is referred to atypical method of grape processing representing the enterprise innovation strategy for further growth, as used nonclassical control methods and regulation of physical and chemical parameters. It should be noted, icewine is intensely rich, concentrated, with exotic, ripe flavors produced from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine
Ключові слова
icewine, grape processing, wine business, winery, winemaker, viticulture
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