Branch microbiology. Microbiology in the catering services

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This tutorial was made according to the current curriculum and working program of the discipline "Branch microbiology" which is one of the basic ones for specialized training of bachelors in the science branch 18 "Industry and Technology", speciality 181 "Food Technology", training program "Microbiology in the Catering Services". The tutorial's material is aimed for the students to acquire knowledge and practical skills in such an important area of food quality management in the catering services as the microbiological safety parameters and sanitary-bacteriological control of the manufacture.
Branch microbiology. Microbiology in the catering services : tutorial / A. V. Yegorova, L. V. Kaprelyants, L. V. Truflcati etc. ; Translated from Ukrainian by K. V. Yeryganov ; Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies. — Ivano-Frankivsk, 2022. — 160 p.
Ключові слова
Microbiological Control, Food Production, Criteria of Food Safety, foodborne diseases, Sanitation And Hygiene of Catering Facilities, microbial contamination, microorganism, microbiological control at Bread-Baking, microbiological control at Confectionery manufacturers, microbiota of flour, microbiota of fish, safety criteria for meat, microbiology of wine, microbiology of beer
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