Том 11 № 4
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Перегляд Том 11 № 4 за Дата публікації
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Результатів на сторінці
Налаштування сортування
- ДокументThe use of bacconcentrate Herobacterin in brine cheese technology(2017) I. Slyvka:, O. Tsisaryk, L. MusiyIn the article a comparative analysis of the use of the bacterial preparation Herobacterin and the starter RSF-742 (Chr. Hansen, Denmark) in the technology of brine cheese was conducted. Herobacterin is a bacterial preparation created using bacteria Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactococcus garvieae, isolated from traditional Carpathian brine cheese brynza and identified using classical microbiological and modern molecular genetic methods (RAPD-PCR, RFLP-PCR, sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene). The results of investigations of organoleptic, physico-chemical, syneretical and microbiological parameters of cheese brynza with use of preparation Herobacterin are presented in comparison with the starter RSF-742, which includes cultures: Lactococcus lactis subsp. сremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus helveticus. The use of Herobacterin has a positive effect on organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters, all parameters complied with the requirements of DSTU 7065:2009. The level of survival of lactic acid bacteria in brynza during maturation and storage is high, which confirms the correctness of the selection of strains to preparation Herobakterin, which demonstrated good adaptability to the composition and properties of ewe's milk.
- ДокументGoutweed (Aegopodium podagraria L.) biological activity and the possibilities of its use for the correction of the lipid metabolism disorders(2017) O. Tovchiga, O. Koyro, S. Stepanova, S. Shtrygol’, V. Evlash, V. Gorban’,, T. YudkevichThe article summarizes data concerning the biological activity of the promising herbal raw material: aerial part of goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria L., Apiaceae). This plant since time immemorial has been used as vegetable and fodder plant as well as in folk medicine including the treatment of the metabolic disorders. Nowadays the interest in this plant increases. The technology of obtaining the extract and the tincture from goutweed aerial part is described, the chemical composition of these preparations is elucidated. Pharmacological effects of the preparations obtained from goutweed are characterized with the special emphasis on the possibilities of the lipid metabolism disorders correction and prevention. The presented experimental results substantiate the efficacy of goutweed extract and the tincture under the conditions of alimentary lipemia together with their safety in the intact animals. Thus, the hypolipidemic activity of goutweed extract (1 g/kg intragastrically) and goutweed tincture (1 cm3/kg intragastrically) was shown in the test with olive oil loading in rats. The extract appeared to be able to decrease significantly the level of triglycerides in blood plasma, while the tincture reduced the content of plasma total lipids. In the intact rats, the extract at doses of 100 mg/kg and 1 g/kg as well as the tincture at doses of 1 and 5 cm3/kg did not influence on the values of the lipid metabolism after 12 days of administration. Total and HDL cholesterol as well as atherogenic index and plasma total lipids level remained unchanged. In contast to the data previously obtained on the models of hyperuricemia, in the intact rats there were no changes in plasma uric acid concentration (which was determined proceeding from the role of the purine metabolism disorders in metabolic syndrome pathogenesis). Thus, goutweed preparations are characterized with the regulatory mode of action and sufficient level of safety. The development of drugs as well as functional foods containing goutweed herbal raw material is promising.
- ДокументThе оrgаnіс prоduсtіоn іn thе соntеxt оf іmprоvіng thе есоlоgісаl safety оf prоduсtіоn оf the fооd іndustry(2017) O. Nikoliuk, І. Grуshоva, T. ShеstаkоvskаThе аrtісlе prеsеnts the dаtа оn thе rеlеvаnсе оf conducting sсіеntіfіс rеsеаrсh оn thе оrgаnіс prоduсtіоn іn Ukrаіnе аnd іts rоlе іn еnsurіng еnvіrоnmеntаl sаfеty in the food industry. The аnаlysіs оf оrgаnіс аgrісulturаl prоduсtіоn іn thе wоrld аnd Ukrаіnе hаs bееn саrrіеd оut. Іt іs еstаblіshеd thаt іn Ukrаіnе thеrе іs nо stаtе suppоrt fоr thе dеvеlоpmеnt оf thе оrgаnіс sесtоr, hоwеvеr, іt оссupіеs lеаdіng pоsіtіоns іn dіffеrеnt grоups оf сulturеs іn Еurоpе аnd іn thе wоrld аs а whоlе. Іt іs substаntіаtеd thаt аgrісulturаl lаnds must mееt сеrtаіn rеquіrеmеnts rеgаrdіng thе lеvеl оf thеіr соntаmіnаtіоn by hаrmful substаnсеs, hеаvy mеtаls, rаdіоnuсlіdеs, еtс., fоr thе purpоsе оf соnduсtіng оrgаnіс fаrmіng аnd еnsurіng еnvіrоnmеntаl sаfеty of the products of the food industry. Thіs suggеsts thаt thе conversion pеrіоd fоr thе trаnsіtіоn tо оrgаnіс, еnvіrоnmеntаlly safe аgrісulturаl prоduсtіоn іs ассоmpаnіеd by іndіvіduаl rіsks, whісh nесеssіtаtеs thе sоlutіоn оf thе соrrеspоndіng tаsks, whісh аrе systеmаtіzеd іntо соmplеx grоups. Thе conducted аnаlysіs оf tесhnоlоgіеs usеd іn thе prоduсtіоn оf оrgаnіс аgrісulturаl prоduсts usеd іn thе PP "Аgrоесоlоgy" hаs shоwn thаt thеy аrе соst-еffесtіvе, еnvіrоnmеntаlly sаfе, еnеrgy аnd rеsоurсе-sаvіng, аnd аrе сhаrасtеrіzеd by sосіаl оrіеntаtіоn. Strаtеgіс dіrесtіоns оf prоvіdіng оf есоlоgісаl sаfеty of production of оn thе food industry bаsіs оf lоng-tеrm dеvеlоpmеnt оf оrgаnіс prоduсtіоn іn Ukrаіnе аrе оffеrеd.
- ДокументThe prospects of using milk whey enriched with Mg and Mn in the technology of bakery products(2017) О. Kochubei-Lytvynenko, E. BilykIn this article the technological properties of milk whey, enriched with magnesium and manganese particles by electrical discharge dispersion of metal granules in the medium, and the effect of whey on the technological process and quality of bakery products have been examined. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the quality of milk whey enriched with Mg and Mn has been presented. The toxicological studies has determined that the enrichment of milk whey with magnesium and manganese particles has not caused potentially harmful factors that could significantly affect the viability of cells of the HEK-293, L-929, PTP lines and their morphological features. The cells of the HEK-293 line were the most vulnerable to the effect of the whey, both untreated and treated by electrical discharge method, due to the low pH of the studied whey samples. The positive influence of enriched whey if applied in the amount of 15% to the mass of flour, on the physical, chemical and sensory qualities of bakery products, particularly the increase specific volume and shelf-life, has been proven. Much attention has been paid to the staling processes, associated with the retrograding and aging of the main biopolymers of bakery products. The relevance of the presented research is in expanding the possibilities of using enriched milk whey for bakery products for the elderly.
- Документ“Lving” and “probiotic” cosmetics: modern view and defenitions(2017) N. Tkachenko, O. Chagarovskyi, N. Dets, E. Sevastyanova, L. LanzhenkoIn the presented article, based on the detailed analysis of scientific sources and many years of own experience in production of the probiotic foods, the definition of “probiotics” in cosmetics, as well as the definition of “living” and “probiotic” cosmetics is proposed.The skin is a complex barrier organ that has a symbiotic relationship between microbial communities and host tissue via complex signals provided by the innate and the adaptive immune systems. It is constantly exposed to various endogenous and exogenous factors – physical, chemical, bacterial and fungal, as well as the effects of the hormonal disorders, which affect this balanced system potentially leading to inflammatory skin conditions comprising infections, allergies or autoimmune diseases. In opposition to the gut and stool microbiome, which has been studied and described for many years, investigations on the skin or scalp microbiome lasts only for last 10 years. Therefore, the screening of effective means of correcting and/or maintaining the human normoflora for the preservation of healthy skin microbiome today is an urgent task.It is well known that probiotics and prebiotics are helpful for specific disorders in the human body. Skeptics wonder: can the probiotics and prebiotics be scientifically applied in cosmetics? Different clinical studies indicated that they have special effects in cutaneous apparatus directly or indirectly, which can be considered from different aspects. Probiotic bacteriotherapy can have great potential in accelerating wound healing, in preventing and treating the skin diseases including eczema, atopic dermatitis, acne, allergic inflammation or skin hypersensitivity, UV-induced skin damage and cosmetics products. Therefore, some firms are already incorporating bacteria and/or their lysates into skin creams with the promise of «rebalancing» the community of bacteria that live in the human body and delivering healthier, more radiant-looking skin. However, such parameters as the type of probiotic, the form in which it is added to the formulation (living bacteria, lysates, etc.) and the recommended concentrations of these ingredients in cosmetic products that are safe and effective are still not defined. Due to currently widespread use of probiotic cosmetic products in the world beauty industry, the concept of "probiotic" in the cosmetic industry requires a clear definition.
- ДокументКонтамінація м’яса тварин і птиці та засоби її зниження(2017) А.П. Палій, К.О. Родіонова, А.П. ПалійУ статті представлено результати з визначення рівня мікробної контамінації м’яса забійних тварин та птиці в процесі його технологічної переробки. Визначено, що кількість МАФАнМ та бактерій родини Enterobacteriaceae на поверхні туш яловичих варіює протягом робочого часу. Найнижче значення МАФАнМ реєструють після початку роботи забійного цеху – (2,85±0,03)×103 КУО/см2, а найбільше значення реєструють під час забою у другу половину робочого часу на ділянці нутрування туш – (5,6±0,06)×103 КУО/см2. Бактерії родини Enterobacteriaceae займають вагоме місце в складі загальної кількості бактерій, які контамінують контактні поверхні яловичих туш. Середня кількість МАФАнМ в повітрі на дільниці забою та переробки птиці наприкінці робочої зміни перевищує встановлену норму у 3,3 рази, та не відповідає встановленим нормам у камері охолодження. На всіх ділянках первинної переробки м’яса птиці в пробах-змивах виявляли бактерії групи кишкової палочки. Причиною незадовільного санітарно-гігієнічного стану туш може бути порушення виробничої санітарії. Препарат «П3-оксонія актив 150», до складу якого у якості діючих речовин входить надоцтова кислота та перекис водню, забезпечує повне знищення мікроорганізмів на поверхні тушок курчат-бройлерів при використанні 0,03 % розчину засобу за експозиції 30 хвилин, а також забезпечує мікробіологічну стійкість продукції протягом 9 діб.
- ДокументFeatures of obtaining malt with use of aqueous solutions of organic acids(2017) O. Pivovarov, O. Kovaliova, T. Khromenko, Z. ShuliakevychRecently, the traditional formulations of essential food products are actively including malt – a valuable dietary product rich in extractives and hydrolytic enzymes, obtained by germination in artificially created conditions. Containing a full set of essential amino acids and a high saccharifying ability of malt, obtained from grain cereals, determines its wide use in the production of beer, alcohol, mono- and poly-malt extracts, bakery products, special types of flour, food additives, cereals, non-alcoholic beverages, lactic acid products and, in particular, in the production of natural coffee substitutes. However, the classical germination technology, which includes 2-3 days of soaking and 5-8 days of germination due to the considerable duration and laboriousness of the process, does not meet the requirements of modern technology and the constantly growing rates of industrial production, so this problem requires finding new and improving existing scientific and technical solutions. The features of malt production using organic acids of different concentrations are presented. The malt production technology has been analyzed and investigated. It includes washing, disinfection, air and water soaking of grains, germination and drying. The feature of the technology under investigation is using of aqueous solutions of butadiene, 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid and pteroylglutamic acid. The results of the inquiry of the effect of these organic acids on energy and the ability of germination of the grain are presented. The optimal values of concentrations of active substances in solutions are revealed. The influence of organic acids on the absorption of grain moisture has been investigated. It has been established that in comparison with the classical technology, the use of these acids as a growth stimulator can reduce the overall length of the reproduction process of the material from 1.5 to 2 times and increase the yield of flour grains in the batch of malt.
- ДокументStudy of diffusion processes in pumpkin particles during candied fruits production(2017) V. Atamanyuk, I. Huzova, Z. GnativThe production of candied fruits is a priority development area of the food industry. The basic process in candied fruits production is diffusion of sugar syrup into vegetable raw material. Kinetics of the diffusion processes depends on sucrose concentration, medium temperature, particles size and internal structure of the fruits.The experiments to determine the factors influencing the diffusion processes were carried out using the installation designed by the authors; the experimental dependences of sucrose concentration change in pumpkin candied fruits on time have been determined at temperatures of 20, 40, 60 and 80°C. Cell sizes and diameter of pores between the cells in raw and blanched pumpkin have been determined. This makes it possible to determine the internal porosity of the pumpkin particle, the value of which determines the coefficient of mass transfer.On the basis of the experiments we derived the dependence, allowing to determine the mass transfer coefficients for sucrose molecules in blanched pumpkin fruits within the temperatures corresponding to the quality of the finished product. The experimental studies and the chosen mathematical model allow us to calculate the change in sucrose concentration in the pumpkin fruits in time at different temperatures and to determine the time required for the candied fruits to reach the equilibrium concentration. Also, the coefficients not depending on temperature, but depending only on the shape of the particles being saturated with sugar syrup, have been determined using the kinetic model of diffusion processes. The obtained theoretical dependences are in good agreement with the experimental data and substantiate the expediency of the chosen temperature and concentration ranges. The designed installation, the obtained experimental and theoretical dependences, and the calculated coefficients allow to create an intensive sucrose diffusion process in pumpkin particles during pumpkin candied fruits production.
- ДокументInfluence of the unfrozen magnetized water on juices(2017) K. Mikhaylova, L. Telezhenko, E. ShtepaInfluence of magnetic field on water has been described in the paper. The patented device constructed on the basis of a stator of three-phase asynchronous motor has been used for processing of water in the experiments.It has been found that the water, processed in the electromagnetic field contains less mineral salts, has bigger cell permeability, and is characterized by falling of reduction-oxidation potential, and also by decreasing of electromotive force of the system. Electro physical indices may be used for rapid estimation of sanitary effect of water which is processed in the rotating magnetic field, and it is used for dilution of fresh-squeezed juices. Such juices have more positive action on a human body in comparison with non-diluted ones.The electromotive force of the system, which correlated with the value of reduction-oxidation potential of the system, has been measured. The decreasing of electromotive force confirms the sanitary effect of pure magnetized water, as well as the mix of fresh-squeezed juices with magnetized water. One of the main disadvantages, which interferes with wide introduction of magnetized water into the institutions, which are not equipped with special equipment, is the gradual loss of the obtained by the water properties with time. The results of the investigation show that the water threatened by electro magnetic field after freezing, low-temperature storage, and defrosting, preserves the obtained properties for a long time. It has been shown in the paper, that application of defrosted magnetic water for germination of seeds accelerates the processes of growth. Diluting of juices, such as apple, carrot, beat, and ash berry ones, by magnetized water, reduce of electro physical indices.
- ДокументEfficiency of the functioning of the state control system for the safety and quality of animal products in Ukraine(2017) I. Kyryliuk, Ye. KyryliukThe study reveals the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the state control system (supervision) on the safety and individual indicators of the quality of livestock products in Ukraine. The necessity of application of such components of efficiency as legislation, management and its organizational structure, inspection and laboratory service, information, training and communications is substantiated. It has been determined that during a sufficiently long period of time (until 2015), the system of state control (supervision) was archaic and actually focused on the principles of command and administrative economy. The modern tendencies and specifics of the improvement of the Ukrainian control system in the direction of its harmonization with the European one are shown. The emphasis was on significant volumes of work that needed to be done in a very short time, as well as in the absence of adequate funding and appropriate skilled specialists. The emergence of clarity and unambiguousness in determining the responsibility of market operators for violating the legislation requirements in the field of production and circulation of animal origin food products was emphasized. Along with the achievements, there were identified systemic problems related to the technical regulation of safety assurance processes and individual quality indicators in Ukraine. Also it was noted and revealed that legislation in the area of guaranteeing the quality and safety of livestock products in Ukraine remains incomplete and not fully developed. The necessity of development of a number of by-laws and allocation of necessary financing for effective functioning of the state control system over product safety is substantiated. Article specified on the presence of insufficient number of professional inspection and laboratory services is underlined. The mechanisms of avoiding corruption risks and excessive pressure on the subjects of the livestock production market are proposed. The necessity of determining the separate by-law of the state audit mechanism of procedures based on the principles of HACCP, in the production, processing, storage and transportation of livestock products is proved. The conclusion is made about the lack of systematic, chaotic measures for the formation of an approaching European system of state control. The necessity of the legislation improvement was substantiated and other solutions were proposed to improve the effectiveness of the system of monitoring the safety and individual indicators of the quality of livestock products in Ukraine.
- ДокументThe influence of antioxidant postharvest treatment on content of biologically active substances during storage of cucumbers(2017) O. Priss, V. Yevlash, V. Zhukova, I. IvanovaThe influence of heat treatment with antioxidant compositions on the content of biologically active substances during storage of cucumbers is investigated. It was found that the use of the proposed treatment inhibits the activity of ascorbate oxidase by 15–18%, which allows to slow down the decomposition of ascorbic acid by 1.5 times. The content of ascorbic acid in the experimental fruit after storage for 28 days is 1.4 times higher than in the control after 21 days of storage. It was found that in the cucumbers 11–14 sm long, the synthesis of polyphenols continued in the period of storage. The intensity of accumulation of phenolic substances proved to be different in the treated and control groups. It was shown that thermal treatment with antioxidants slowed the growth rate of total polyphenols by 20% relative to control, indicating inhibition of maturation processes. It was revealed that the activity o polyphenol oxidase during the storage of treated fruits was slowing down. It has been established that the application of said treatment substantially inhibits the degradation of chlorophylls. Rapid loss of chlorophyll caused yellowing and loss of consumer properties in the control groups after 2 weeks of storage. In processed cucumbers only 21 days of storage revealed a decrease in the concentration of chlorophyll in relation to the moment of laying. At day 28 the amount of chlorophylls in the experimental fruit is at the same level as in the control after a week of storage. It has been found that the use of the proposed treatment slows the degradation of carotenoids. The quantity of carotenoids in experimental cucumbers at the end of storage is 21–23% higher than in the control ones. The compensatory function of ascorbic acid, carotenoids and phenolic substances during storage of cucumber fruits is proved.
- ДокументStudy of regularities of distributing powdered dietetic additives in coarse dispersed foodstuffs(2017) M. Pogozhikh, T. Golovko, A. Pak, A. DyakovAn important intervention in the composition of food products is enrichment of food with micronutrients. In this regard, the authors investigated how the additive with the corresponding trace element will be distributed in the food product, and in this case, in minced meat, in order to meet the human needs for microelements.Micronutrient deficiencies have a significant impact on the nutritional status and health of the population in well developed and developing countries. These deficiencies cause a delay in the growth of children, various diseases, mortality, brain damage, reduced cognitive capacity and the ability of people of all ages. The global scale of micronutrient deficiencies in dietary intakes, in particular the lack of trace elements, has led to the development of powdered dietary supplements containing essential elements that enrich the coarse-type food products to increase their nutritional value. The dietary supplement should provide the daily requirement of trace elements in the human body; therefore, it should be added to the product in a normalized amount and evenly distributed in the product.Two nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis were performed to determine the distribution of the additive in food products. The analysis was carried out in two stages respectively: study of molecules mobility by measuring the spin-spin relaxation time (Т2) and spin-lattice relaxation (Т1) on a pulsed NMR spectrometer; establishment of a connection between the exponent of the amplitude of the sample A0 and its mass. Based on the data obtained, as a result of the measurement, a curve is constructed for the dependence of the amplitude of the echo signal from the value (time interval between the probing pulses). The spin label used in this work is one of the first variants of a paramagnetic probe-an easily accessible transition metal ion Mn2+. According to the constructed graphs and tomograms from the results of the studies, it is possible to study the characteristics of this dietary supplement and the expediency of its use.