Changes in quality indicators of wheat grain during storage in metal silo

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Назва тому
Zhygunov, D. Changes in quality indicators of wheat grain during storage in metal silo / D. Zhygunov, A. Fomenko // Технології харчових продуктів і комбікормів : зб. тез доп. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., Одеса, 25–30 верес. 2017 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій ; під ред. Б. В. Єгорова. – Одеса, 2017. – С. 6–7 : табл., рис. – Бібліогр.: 2 назв.
Grain is the most important strategic product that determines the sustainable functioning of the agrarian market and food security of the country. Grain production is the main and decisive basis for the development of all branches of agriculture, as well as many processing industries. The economic importance of grain is enormously increased due to such exceptional qualities of grain products as the ability under certain conditions for long-term storage without a significant change in their properties and nutritional value, as well as high transportability. Grain and food derived from it are the cheapest comparing with other food products. All this historically determined the significance and location of grain and its processing products in nutrition — they became products of the mass and everyday use of human being.
Ключові слова
grain, agrarian market, grain storage, wheat grain, grain quality
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