The calcium complexes with metabolites and degradation products of the lactic acid bacteria cell walls

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The fermentolysis products of lactic acid bacteria composition is promising with regard to obtaing complexes of biometals because it contains a large number of functional groups related to the formation of ionic, covalent and coordinative bonds, namely, the carboxyl groups of organic acids, amino groups, carbowyl groups and peptide bonds of peptides and free amino acids. In addition, organic forms of calcium include low immunotropic peptides, that can significally improve the functional significance of the product.
Kapustyan A. І. The calcium complexes with metabolites and degradation products of the lactic acid bacteria cell walls / A. І. Kapustyan, N. K. Cherno // Зб. тез доп. 77-ої наук. конф. викл. акад., Одеса, 18-21 квіт. 2017 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій; ред. кол.: Б. В. Єгоров (голова), Н. М. Поварова (заст. голови). - Одеса, 2017. – P. 124–126. – Ref.: 5 tit.
Ключові слова
calcium, metabolites, food components, biometal, chelate, muramylpeptide, peptidoglycan, fermentolysis, lactic acid bacteria, amino acid
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