Кінетика екстрагування з плодів шипшини у мікрохвильовому полі

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.18.12 - процеси та обладнання харчових, мікробіологічних та фармацевтичних виробництв. У роботі представлено апарат, що дозволяє отримати полієкстракт з плодів шипшини з застосуванням водного екстрагенту та температурах не вище 50 ° С, що позитивно впливає на якість продукту. Розглянуто різіні конструкції апаратів. Обґрунтовано структуру рівняння в узагальнених змінних для вакуумного екстрагування в мікрохвильовому полі з плодів шипшини. Досліджено гідравлічні процеси у апараті. Порівняння екстрагування традиційним тепловим способом і в мікрохвильовому полі, підтверджує, що при дії останнього підвищується загальний вихід екстрактивних речовин у 5 разів. Узагальнення експериментальних досліджень масообміну дозволило визначити ступеня в критеріальному рівнянні для числа Шмідта 0,43, Бурдо 0,35, безрозмірною проникності 0,42, еквівалентного діаметра частинок сировини 1,2. Складено інженерні методики розрахунку апарату. При експериментальних дослідженнях апарату отримано екстракт. Згідно з актами дегустації, отриманий продукт має високу якість, смакоароматичні властивості, що перевершують звичайний. Для додаткового підвищення концентрації екстракту використано метод блочного виморожування та вакуумного випарювання. Запропоновано комплексну схему переробки плодів шипшини.
Thesis for candidate's degree by specialty 05.18.12 - processes and equipment for food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries. This thesis is devoted to extraction from rose hips in microwave field. The modes of free flow of the extractant through the layer of raw material, extraction in the microwave field under atmospheric pressure and under the conditions of rarefaction are studied. In the introduction and the first chapter of the thesis reasons for urgency of the problem of producing herbal remedies based on wild rose hips, development of innovative approaches to extraction from medicinal plant material are presented. By using traditional heat treatment methods, it is impossible to ensure preservation of a large proportion of valuable components, such as vitamins and aromatic substances. The wide range of herbal remedies, technologies of their production, devices and modes for extraction process, technological lines are analyzed. The world experience in production of herbal remedies, the actual problems of the production of herbal remedies based on wild rose are analyzed. Noted that positive experience was gained from the use of microwave technologies, both in European countries and Asian scientific schools. Device for microwave extraction show good results. Analysis of experimental and analytical methods of research has been carried out, methods have been determined, number of studies have been planned. In the second chapter of the thesis these methods are presented, methods of experimental and analytical modeling are described. The third chapter of the thesis presents the results of experimental research using laboratory stands, including innovative equipment. Innovative equipment provided in the thesis allows obtaining concentrated rose hips extracts. It is revealed that due to phenomenon of barodiffusion, possibility of obtaining polyextract with the use of one extractant - water, appears. Goal of modeling hydrodynamic and mass transfer processes under conditions of rarefaction is to define the constituents of the criterion equations which can not be determined analytically. Using the techniques of similarity theory and dimensional analysis, a general type of mathematical model is established. Given the peculiarities of the process of extraction in the machine, model is simplified. Effect on the magnitude of coefficient is the difference in concentrations between the extract and the solid phase, contact area of the extraction phase and the raw material, duration of extraction, specific heat of vapor formation, and the field strength. Kinetics of mass transfer during extraction from rose hips, conditions of phase equilibrium were determined. Experimental determination of the maximum content of dry matter in the rose hips variety used in the studies, which was 23% of total weight of the fruits. In the course of experimental studies, the efficiency of extraction in a thermostat and in a microwave field is comparatively. It is determined that when using a microwave field, the efficiency of extraction increases by about 5 times. It was also established that the vitamin C content and other extractive components significantly increase in the extracts obtained. The results of experiments prove that there is a barodiffusion effect, which contributes to the release of more extractive components. The analysis of material balances showed that during the extraction process, the solid phase is more efficient than classical extraction. On average, 2...5% more extractive components can be removed. The influence on the kinetics of hydromodule extraction, the intensity of the action of the microwave field, and the size of the hips fetal particles has been experimentally determined. In the conditions of free flow of the extractant through the layer of raw material, the influence of the extractant's charge on the initial concentration of the extract is determined, and the dependence on the results of the experiments is constructed. The fourth section of the paper presents the results of simulation and optimization of the apparatus and models. Using the methods of similarity theory and the dimension analysis method, degree constants for Schmidt, Burdo numbers, and dimensionless parametric permeability are determined. The number of studies have been conducted to increase the concentration of hips extract. Concentration was carried out with a low-temperature method (cryoconcentration) and vacuum microwave concentration. The regime parameters, kinetics are determined. In a vacuum microwave for concentration it is possible to obtain concentrates at temperatures 30 ... 50 ° C. The resulting samples are subject to quality analysis. The sensory analysis was performed, indicators such as color, taste, aroma, consistency of the extract, saturation of taste and aroma were determined. In the samples obtained, the content of ascorbic acid by the Tilmans method. Samples of cryoconcentrate and concentrate obtained in a vacuum microwave machine have high quality, distinct aroma and color, and maintain good vitamins during processing. Reserves for increasing the concentration in a vacuum microwave machine reach 90%. For low-temperature concentration, the index is close to 60%. Exclusion of energy-consuming evaporation processes can significantly reduce energy intensity of the process. In vacuum devices, mode of low-temperature boiling in combination with the effect of barodiffusion is realized. This makes the technology very energy efficient and allows to save maximum amount of nutrients in the extract due to lack of exposure to high temperatures.
Альхурі Юсеф Еліас Жоржет. Кінетика екстрагування з плодів шипшини у мікрохвильовому полі : автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.18.12 "Процеси та обладнання харчових, мікробіологічних та фармацевтичних виробництв" / Альхурі Юсеф Еліас Жоржет ; наук. кер. О. Г. Бурдо ; Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій. - Одеса : ОНАХТ, 2019. - 22 с.
Ключові слова
екстрагування, масообмін, коефіцієнт масовіддачі, мікрохвильове поле, шипшина, поліекстракт, бародифузія, rose hips, medicinal plant material, extraction, mass transfer, mass transfer coefficient, microwave field, soluble coffee, counterproduction, barodiffusion
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