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- ДокументCOMPARISON OF ALVEOGRAPH CHARACTERISTIC OF FLOUR OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT TYPES OF COMMON WHEAT AND SPELT WHEAT(2020) D. Zhygunov, I. Toporash, Y. Barkovska, Y. YehorshynPractice of processing of new types of wheat is widespread in the world, but it’s almost unknown in the CIS countries, because selection for many years aimed at obtaining exclusively high protein bread-baking varieties of wheat. But not known what technological properties of flour possesses from wheat types of a special intended purpose, and that it’s necessary to consider when conducting varietal grinding of such raw material. The alveograph measures the viscoelastic properties of wheat flour. According to the standard method ISO 27971 the amount of added water is initially calibrated directly as a percentage of dough moisture. This method is designed for standard types of flour and may not be suitable for evaluating the rheological properties of flour with different water absorption capacity. To find out the properties of new types, standard methods may not be suitable, therefore, methods should be studied and adapted if necessary. To investigate the relationship between water absorption capacity and viscoelastic properties of the dough, alveograph tests were conducted on eight flour samples obtained from different types of wheat. The studies were performed using a standard test (calculated for WAC of flour = 53%) and a test with adaptive moistening, for which the amount of added water was calculated according to the water absorption capacity (WAC) of the flour, which was determined on mixolab. Flour from common red wheat (Kuyalnik) is the benchmark of common bakery wheat and according to the results of standard alveogram has the highest strength (W) and elasticity (Ie) of all samples. The wheat with W= 43910-4J corresponds to strong wheat (W>20010-4J). The addition of water in accordance with the WAC softens the dough W=26010-4J, but it`s still optimal for bakery purposes. The results of studies of common black wheat (Chornobrova) correlate with the results of wheat Kuyalnik, but the baking properties were worse. For waxy wheat (Sofiika), the test on the alveograph with adaptive moistening gave her more water, which led to an increase in elasticity (Ie=52.4%) and extensibility (L=77 mm) and became closer to an optimal P/L ratio (0.74) that was more suitable for the bake bread (0.8-1.2). Flour from soft wheat is expected to have average baking properties (W>15510-4J), but in all respects it is slightly better than Chornobrova. Adaptive moistening, unlike the sharp deterioration of rheological characteristic of Chornobrova, does not alter the properties of the Belyava and Oksana dough, due to the low WAC value (53.8% and 54.0%). Spelt wheat flour has low strength(W<6210-4J), lower P/L ratio 0.25-0.50 and unsuitable (fluid, sticky) test consistency. All samples of Spelt with adaptive moistening showed similar result – its decrease of P indicator and increase of extensibility (L). In a result we observe decrease of P/L ratio to 0.18-0.29, thus indicating extremely extensible doughs with very little elasticity. For all samples, with adaptive moistening a decrease in resistance to extension (P) and an increase in extensibility (L) are observed, in a result of the decline in the P/L ratio. Adaptive moistening for common wheat (Kuyalnik) will show the change in P and L and the P/L ratio in real cooking conditions, since the standard alveograph test assesses only the potential of wheat. By adjusting the amount of water, we can achieve optimal dough characteristics for different products. For soft and spelt wheat, adaptive moistening is not necessary, because the WAC and moisture content are the same, and according to the standard of the experiment. It is advisable to carry out an alveograph test with adapted moistening for waxy wheat, that giving it more water, which leads to an increase in elasticity and extensibility, as a consequence, and leading to an optimal P/L ratio that was more suitable for the bake bread (0.8-1.2). Based on its special application, it is necessary to develop specific recommendations for determining its properties on the alveograph.
- ДокументINVESTIGATION OF ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF FATTY WASTE PROCESSING OF SUNFLOWER SEEDS BY IMMOBILIZED LIPASE(2020) V. Skliar, G. Krusir, V. ZakharchukUkraine has a developed agricultural sector, in particular crop production, which is a source of large quantities of production residues and waste. One of the most promising areas for solving environmental problems in the production of grain products is the processing of industrial waste by enzymes and the use of processing products in other industries. The current needs of sustainable environmental practices have increased the use of enzymatic technologies in production processes. Lipases be used in the processing of waste from oil and fat enterprises, namely, waste from the stage of demetallization of hydrogenated fat from vegetable oils by enzymatic hydrolysis.The work is devoted to the study of conditions of enzyme Rhizopus japonicus lipase immobilization and its physical and chemical characteristics. Factors for obtaining immobilized biocatalysts, methods and conditions for determining the activity and stability of immobilized enzymes are highlighted. Lipolytic activity of the enzyme immobilized under these conditions remains more than 30% compared to native, which is a high indicator of activity retention. It has been shown that immobilization promotes the expansion of the pH- and thermo-optimum of the lipase. It was determined that for the Rhizopus japonicus immobilized lipase, the pH optimum increased with a shift from 7.0 to 6.5, and there was an increase in pH stability during prolonged incubation of the immobilized enzyme for alkaline and acidic pH values. It has been established that lipase immobilization leads to expansion of the thermo-optimum, as well as stabilization of the enzyme during prolonged incubation at 40 ° C and at higher temperatures (+60-80 ° C), which are possible when drying the final product. The high activity and stability of the immobilized lipase make it possible to recommend it for biotechnological processing ofoil-fat waste.
- ДокументPRODUCTION OF FLAKED PRODUCTS FROM NAKED OATS. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE FLAKES(2020) S. Sots, Y. Chumachenko, I. Kustov, Y. KuzmenkoFlakes and instant groats products have become increasingly prolific in recent decades among groats products. The interest of consumers in this type of groats and groats products is primarily connected to their ability to be quickly prepared and good food and flavoring properties compared with traditional groats. Due to their balanced amino acid composition, the presence of mucous substances unique vitamin content, most of groats can be attributed to the products of dietary and restorative nutrition.In the given article the existing technologies of hulled oats grain processing into groats products were analyzed. Thepossibilities of using new breeding varieties of oats to improve existing technologies were analyzed. Advantages using nakedoat varieties for the production of groats and flakes were considered. It was found that the technologically expedient moisture content of pearled naked oats groats before steaming is 17-17.5 %. After steaming groats with this moisture yield of flaked groat estimated to range between 84,3-93,6 %. For substantiation of modes of preparing pearled groats to flaking determining of its impact on physical properties of the flaked groats were conducted. Flaked products obtained from naked oats characterized by high uniformity, however by fractional composition are smaller compared with control samples. The main their percentage (about 60-70%), obtained by overflow of sieves 3,0 mm and 1,5 mm. Thickness of obtained in the studied modes flaked products is in the range 0,4-1,1 mm. Flaked products obtained from naked oats by steaming oats groats with moisture content 19.1 % by indicator of thickness characterized as flaked groats for which the characteristic thickness is 0.7 to 0.9 mm. Mode of steaming groats at vapor pressure of 0.15 MPa with moisture content 17.5 % allows producing flaked products which correspond by the value of thickness of the control of classical oat flakes 0,4-0,9 mm. Decreasing moisture content of groats before steaming to 15.4 % allows producing thin flakes, values of thickness of which in the range of 0.4-0.7 mm. Except thickness, strength of flakes also depends on mass fraction of moisture. For flakes with higher humidity inherent strength is greater compared to a product with low humidity. The final moisture of oat flakes is normalized by regulations and must not exceed 12.0%.Waterheat treatment of pearled groats with further its flaking reduces the proportion of ashes of flaked products from 1.8 to 1.5%.
- ДокументAWARENESS OF THE EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT OF CHIA SEEDS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP TO PRESERVING IT(2020) L. Ovsiannykova, O. Sokolovskaya, L. Valevskaya, S. OrlovaThe article presents the results of studies of hygroscopic properties of chia seeds, which is a relatively new culturefor the Ukrainian industry. Chia seeds are a product with a high nutrient content and rich in trace elements, vitamins andminerals that can be of great benefit to human health. Therefore, the main task of post-harvest technology is to bring it to a state that will ensure long-term storage of chia seeds without loss in weight and poor quality. An important influence on the condition of the grain mass during storage and, in particular, during the initial treatment has its hygroscopicity, ie the ability to sorption and desorption of water vapor. Knowledge about the hygroscopic properties of grain are of practical importance for the scientific substantiation of the choice of rational modes of active ventilation, drying. The main characteristic of hygroscopic properties of grain materials is equilibrium moisture, so its determination is an important step for maintaining the quality of grain. The equilibrium moisture of chia seeds has been determined for the first time. The studies were carried out by the generally accepted tensimetric method in the range of air temperatures in the range of 5... 25 °C and iota relative humidity of 33...70 %, which model the conditions of storage of seeds and corresponding to the long-term average data, correspond to the warm and cold seasons in Odessa region. The influence of relative humidity, air temperature and grain moisture on the equilibrium moisture of chia was investigated, numerical values of equilibrium moisture of chia seeds were determined according to environmental parameters: temperature 5, 15, 25 °C and relative humidity 33, 45 and 70 %.The nature of the change in the equilibrium moisture of chia seeds was determined depending on the temperature and relative humidity. With increasing relative humidity and decreasing ambient temperature, the equilibrium moisture of chia seeds increases. The empirical coefficients and the equation that describes the dependence of the equilibrium moisture of chia seeds on the parameters of ambient air - temperature and relative humidity at which its change can be predicted.The data obtained can be used to select drying and active ventilation modes, as well as storage conditions for chia.
- ДокументEFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF TOMATO SHOOTS IN PIG BREEDING(2020) O. Karunskyi, О. Voietska, I. Cherneha, V. FedoryakaThe further development of animal husbandry requires more active involvement of all factors that increase milk and meat production. The widespread use of recyclable canning production in the diets of farm animals is one of the important resources for strengthening and developing the feed base. Efforts aimed at the practical solution of the problem of the use of secondary raw materials of the food industry are rightly considered at the same level as the implementation of measures to increase the yield of fodder crops. In conditions of production, animals are not always provided with complete diets, especially for protein, vitamins and other biologically active substances. One method of balancing pigs' diets for nutrients and biologically active substances may be to feed them tomato shoots. Tomato squeezes can replace some of the forage that is included in the feed mix. Tomato shoots have a wide range of biological activity, and therefore using them as a feed additive can normalize the metabolic processes of the animal body, improve the function of the digestive system. However, there are no clear guidelines for the inclusion of tomato shoots in pig feeds today. In addition, there is still no consensus among researchers on the relatively optimal way of harvesting, preserving and storing these unconventional feeds. The purpose of the work was to justify the optimal levels of tomato shoots animals in the feed for young pigs for fattening. In the course of the research, the chemical composition and nutritional value of tomato shoots were analyzed, compound feed recipes were developed with partial replacement of grain components for tomato shoots, the effect of the developed compound feeds on feeding them on the growth of pigs and peculiarities of the influence of tomato buds were studied, their rational use in pig production is substantiated.The results of the experiment indicate the feasibility of replacing in the feed for the repair of young pigs part of the raw material for tomato shoots. Studies have shown that feeding young pigs with tomato shoots leads to a slight decrease in the digestion of nutrients. Analysis of the daily average nitrogen balance indicates better deposition of it in the body of the animals of the experimental groups, which fed 10 and 15 % of tomato shoots. At feeding of 20 % of tomato shoots nitrogen balance worsened considerably.