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- ДокументЕлеваторні потужності по областям України: Рейтинг за 2019 р.(2021) Джерело: Https://elevatorist.comУ 2019 елеваторні потужності України, за даними Карти елеваторів сайту Elevatorist.com склали близько 51 млн т одноразового зберігання. У ці потужності входять фермерські, портові, примлимнові елеватори, а також зерносховища, для комбікормових заводів і ОЕЗів. З них на даний момент підлогові склади займають 35,7%, СОГі - 20,6%, металеві силоси - 43,7% від загального обсягу зберігання.
- ДокументPECULIARITIES OF THE PROCESS OF PURIFICATION OF AMRANT GRAIN FROM IMPURITIES(2021) G. Stankevych, N. ValentiukProper and balanced nutrition is the key to a person's physical health, especially in the face of deteriorating environmental conditions and the effects of daily stress caused by the accelerated pace of life in recent years. In this regard, the attention of many researchers and entrepreneurs is focused on the development and implementation in mass production of foods that would fully meet human needs for protein, vitamins, micro-and micronutrients, etc. Recently, ingredients made from non-traditional vegetable raw materials have been used for the production of functional foods. Amaranth belongs to such vegetable raw materials. Amaranth culture has been known since ancient times, used by the ancient Aztecs. The main feature of this culture is the unique chemical composition, which causes an extremely wide range of its use, which is not limited to the food industry. In terms of amino acid composition, amaranth grain protein is close to the composition of an ideal protein. The presence of squalene in amaranth oil makes it possible to use it for the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics. However, despite the prospects for the use of amaranth, producers face difficulties with the characteristics of the grain of this crop. Small grain sizes require careful selection of mode parameters of technological equipment for post-harvest processing. To substantiate the cleaning regimes, a study of the particle size distribution, physical-mechanical and aerodynamic properties of amaranth grain mass has been carried out. Based on the research, it is established that despite the fact that some amaranth species like shchyrytsya” have almost the same grain size and shape, the transgression coefficients calculated according to certain divisibility values can predict the possibility of separating a mixture of freshly harvested amaranth grain and its impurities, in particular from difficult to separate . It is proposed to use a set of sieves with round holes of the following sizes (mm) to separate this mixture: B1 – 1.0…1.1; B2 – 1.0…1.1; B2 – 1.0…1.2; G1 – 0.7…0.9; and elongated holes with dimensions (mm): B1 – (0.8…1.0)×20, B2 – (0.5…0.7)×20, B1 – (0.4…0.6)×20 .
- ДокументREGULATORY AND LEGAL PROVISION OF THE PROCESS OF DISINFECTION OF GRAIN AT GRAIN PROCESSING FACILITIES(2021) О. Fesenko, V. Lysyuk, S. NemenuschaThe article is devoted to the topical problem of controlling the contamination of grain products with agricultural pests at the facilities of the grain processing industry. The authors consider the use of one of the most effective methods of disinfection of grain products - fumigation, which, provided it is carried out competently and in a timely manner, avoids unwanted losses of grain and grain products. The characteristics of the main chemicals that are widely used as fumigants are presented. The article summarizes fumigants used in advanced countries of the world and are an alternative to the banned methyl bromide. A brief overview of modern fumigants allowed by the legislation of Ukraine is given, the existing problems of the domestic market of pesticides are revealed. Given that the effectiveness of fumigation depends on compliance with the technology of fumigation, special attention in the article is paid to the procedure for disinfection of grain products by fumigants. The authors analyse in detail the regulatory framework of this issue, safety rules, the use of personal protective equipment. The characteristic features and consequences of harmful effects of fumigants on the human body human body and the environment in the conditions of changing the order of disinfection of grain products are revealed. All grain processing enterprises have strict safety requirements for fumigation and degassing works. Training of experienced specialists is one of the important prerequisites for the safety of disinfection, so this article suggests ways to solve the problem of staff training. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve the regulatory mechanisms for regulating the quality control of both fumigants and fumigation works.
- ДокументQUALITY EVALUATION OF PROTEIN FEED ADDITIVE AND TURKEY COMPOUND FEED(2021) В. Iegorov, A. Makarynska, N. VoronaThe article describes that there is a problem of providing the population of the planet with a complete protein in the world today. It is proved that its lack can lead to significant pathologies. This issue becomes very acute with the rapid increase in the number of people on Earth. In this situation the challenge is complicated for compound feed producers because it is necessary to provide protein feeds to farm animals and poultry to meet people's needs for animal protein products. However, feed manufacturers should not use protein raw materials that can be consumed as food. Based on cooperation with compound feed producers, the task of finding alternative sources of protein raw materials, preferably of vegetable origin, is set. The optimal composition of protein feed additive (PFA) for soybean meal replacement in compound feeds for farm animals and poultry has been developed. PFA can be manufactured at a feed mill with portion technology by weighing portions of components and mixing in a paddle periodic action mixer. PFA can be used as a part of compound feeds for poultry farms and livestock complexes, feed concentrates for poultry and livestock farms, feed mills with advanced technology, inter-farm or mini-feed mills. We have developed compound feed recipes for heavy type turkeys using PFA to determine the cost-effectiveness of using PFA in compound feed. Turkeys have been chosen as a poultry because they are the most demanding birds to the quality and quantity of protein in the ration. The experimental samples of PFA were made in accordance with the developed recipes. We determined their physical properties and chemical composition. The PFA experimental samples match the quality of soybean meal according to the physical properties and chemical composition. In accordance with the developed recipes of mixed feeds for heavy type turkeys experimental samples of starter and grower feeds were made. Research of the physical properties and chemical composition of compound feeds has shown that the replacement of soybean meal with PFA in their composition does not affect the nutritional value and technological properties of the final product.
- ДокументOPTIMIZATION OF THE COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF BAKERY PRODUCTS(2021) О. Lakiza, L. Rudnіeva, V. VinogradovaThe article is devoted to the study of the properties of bakery products, in particular the choice of the optimal concentration of flaxseed cake in baguettes in order to ensure maximum caloric content. It is known that bakery products are necessary for a person to ensure his health and ability to work. The range of food products, in particular bakery products, is constantly growing. The analysis of the range of bakery products showed that the market is experiencing a shortage of flour products for dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic and special purposes for different groups, and their share in total production does not exceed 1-2%. The problem of food production is becoming more complicated and exacerbated by increasing consumption, declining natural resources of food raw materials and the presence of specific anti-nutrients. The article describes the characteristics of anticancer substances in food, which belong to the groups of hytosterols and lignans. The article presents the results of optimizing the composition and properties of wheat baguettes with the addition of linencake, flaxseed meal. The recipe of bread with the inclusion of linen cake in the amount of 1 to 15% was developed. The nutritionalvalue and caloric content of bread are calculated, its characteristics are given according to the main organoleptic indicators of quality (product surface, color and thickness of the crust, as well as the condition of the crumb). The effect of the percentage of flaxseedmeal on the moisture and acidity of bread samples was studied. It is established that with the increase of the content of flaxseed mealthe protein content increases, the carbohydrate content decreases, the fat content and the amount of unsaturated fatty acids increase.As the content of linen cake in bread increases, the amount of unsaturated fatty acids increases and its caloric content decreases, andits nutritional value increases. The use of flax seeds and products of their processing in the formulation of bakery and confectionery products can increase their biological value and physiological efficiency due to the content of anticancer substances, fibers, micro- and microelements, proteins and essential amino acids. Trial laboratory baking of baguettes showed that the optimal content of linen cake is 5% by weight of wheat flour, which allows you to get bread that meets the standards and does not require changes in technological parameters, which are set for the product without additives.