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- ДокументANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY OF FLOUR FROM DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF A FLOUR MILL(2019) D. ZHYGYNOV, V. KOVALOVA, A. DRAGOMYR, H. ZHYHUNOVA, К. ZHANABAYEVAResearch in the article is aimed to determining the quality of flour from different systems of the technological process of a wheat milling. Samples of flour were obtained at the mill "Rivne Boroshno". Private enterprise "Rivne Boroshno" is one of the largest producers of wheat flour in the western region with a capacity of 180 tons /day. Flour obtained from various systems of milling process, has a very large variety of quality indicators. Whiteness, Gluten Deformation Index, Gluten Content, Protein Content, Ash Content, Water Absorbing Capacity, FN, SD, the rheological properties of dough on the Mixolab device, as well as the quality of baked bread have been evaluated.During the study, the variability of flour quality indicators on various systems was found. Whiteness varied – from 1 to 71 units, Gluten Deformation Index – from 40 to 100 units, Gluten Content – from 2 to 36 %, Protein Content – from 9,8 to 18,2 %, the FN – from 275 to 374 s, SD – from 15 to 30,3 UCD, Ash Content – from 0,31 to 2,23 %, Water Absorbing Capacity – from 53,5 to69,7 %. In the process of grinding grain and intermediate products, more than twenty flour streams of different quality are producedat the flour mill. From these streams it is required to receive only one or several grades of flour. Naturally, if only one variety is produced, then all flows from different systems are sent to it. The weighted average quality indicators of flour should comply with the requirements of the standard for this grade in terms of Ash Content, Gluten Content, etc.The maximum Ash Content is observed in the streams from the last reduction systems, as well as from break systems in the milling process, where products with a large number of brans are milled. At the same time, the flour from the central parts of the endosperm is slightly less gluten, but more starch than in the flour from the peripheral parts of the endosperm, which are grinding on subsequent reduction systems. For the research, samples of flour were taken from each system of the technological process. For convenience, we have arranged them for quality using the indicator of whiteness. One of the main indicators of the quality of flour, which determines its grade, is whiteness. In the studied samples, the values of the whiteness index range from 71 to 1 unit.
- ДокументASPECT OF MINIMIZATION AREAS OF «HUMAN FACTOR» IN LABOR SAFETY(2019) A. BOCHKOVSKYI, N. SAPOZHNIKOVAThe article analyzes well-known semantic interpretations of the term "human factor" in the context of the evolutionary development of the safety component in "man-machine-environment" systems. It has been ascertained that single, recognized by law term "human factor" still does not exists, but the majority of researchers attribute this phenomenon to the human psycho-physiological reaction to changes in the environment. It is noted that this approach is erroneous because the manifestations of "human factor" at the individual level of each person should be considered in the context of the features of its three main components - biological, social and informational. The trends of the evolutionary development of the technosphere and the analysis of statistical data on occupational accidents, as well as industrial breakdowns and disasters, prove the need to introduce positive changes at the level of the "human factor" components. First of all, it concerns the information component, as the development of technologies over the past decade is far ahead of the level of training in the field of occupational safety, which does not allow maintaining the required level of occupational safety and labor culture in the conditions of a new range of previously unknown hazardous and harmful production factors. It was emphasized that necessary positive changes in the components of the "human factor" should be implemented as a part of the concept of sustainable humanity development, which provides for the development of three interrelated areas: economic, social and spiritual growth of society. Thus, basic directions that will minimize the negative effects of the "human factor" within functioning of the future complex systems "man machine-environment", are to increase the level of motivation for safe human behavior at production facilities and to form safety priorities over economic outcomes of enterprise’s activity. The possibility to implement such directions directly depends on the implementation of the relevant reforms in the system of secondary, vocational and higher education, as well as occupational safety and industrial safety regulatory framework in Ukraine.
- ДокументRISK-ORIENTED APPROACH TO LABOR PROTECTION AT GRAIN PROCESS ENTERPRISES(2019) O. FESENKO, V. LYSYUK, Z. SAKHAROVAThe article focuses on the introduction of a risk-oriented approach to labor protection at the enterprises of the grain processing industry. Such an approach is imperative in modern conditions in accordance with the Concept of reforming the system of labor protection management. This will involve the introduction of the proactive principle of “preventive actions” (prevention of hazardous events and situations) instead of the existing reactive principle of “corrective actions” (response to hazardous events and situations). A risk-oriented approach to occupational safety and health is the basis for the formation of a new national system for prevention of the operational risks. In the grain process enterprises, which have agreed their policy on labor protection with international standards, there has been an increase and improvement of the responsibility and competency of the ordinary employees and managers in the safety field, the risk of on-the-job injury has decreased. Improvement of the system of labor protection and risk management at enterprises should be carried out according to State Standard (DSTU) ISO 31000:2018 “Risk Management. Guidelines (ISO 31000:2018, IDT))”. The purpose of the standard is to reduce operational risks to an acceptable level. The main stages of the risk management process are presented. Identification of hazards, risk assessment, definition of security measures is a constituent and integral part of such a system. This is necessary to identify and understand the dangers that may arise in the course of an enterprise's activity, to assess the risk arising from a particular hazard, and to take measures to reduce the probability of occurrence of hazards. At the enterprises of the grain process industry, the identification of hazards consists in the definition of all objects, situations or actions (or their combination) that are inherent in an enterprise's activities and present a potential threat to the health and life of workers. At the same time, the different types of works and situations are considered in order to identify the dangers that are constantly present in normal working conditions, as well as the hazards, the impact of which is possible in case of deviation from normal working conditions and emergencies. Examples of possible hazardous factors at such enterprises are given. The adequacy of the existing security measures, the need for heir improvement or the introduction of other security measures are determined based on the results of the risk assessment.
- ДокументSTUDY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN CORN GRAIN DURING STORAGE UNDER HERMETIC CONDITIONS(2019) A. BABKOV, М. ZHELOBKOVAIn recent decades, in addition to the traditional grain storage in dry conditions, the technology of grain storage without access of air - in hermetic conditions has gained a widespread in polymeric grain bags (silobags). The aim of the research was to study the regularities of the physiological processes of respiration in maize grain when stored in hermetic conditions, which would determine the terms of safe storage of different humidity grain in polymeric grain bags and reduce the costs of its processing and storage. The object of research is the technology and processes of freshly harvested corn grainstorage. As the main subject of the study, a dent-type hybrid of corn DKS 3705 was used, which, according to its botanical and agronomic properties, was better for use on food and non-food needs and for export. On the basis of the conducted researches it was established that with an increase in initial moisture of grain from 14% to21% and subsequent storage in hermetic conditions at constant temperatures the natural losses of dry matter of grain increase in comparison with losses of dry matter of grain with standardhumidity (14%), in particular, at a temperature of 18 ºС by 112%, at a temperature of 11 ºС by 296% and at a temperature of 4 ºС by 123%. Thus, it is shown that the decrease of the temperature regimes of grain storage of maize with different initial humidity under hermetic conditions contributes to the reduction of the intensity of thenatural physiological processes in it and, consequently, the natural losses of its dry matter. It has been established that during storage of corn grain for three months and reduction of temperature storage conditions from 18 ºС to 11 ºС in samples of grain with an initial humidity of 14% decrease: the absorption rate of oxygen by 34%, carbondioxide emissions, loss of dry matter and the production of thermal energy by 66%. For a grain with an initial humidity of 21%, the reduction in intensity under the same conditions is: for absorption of oxygen 22%, the production of carbon dioxide 28%, losses of dry matter 37% and the production of thermal energy 23%. Reducing the storage temperatures of corn from 11 ° C to 4 ° C in samples of grain with an initial humidity of 14% reduces the intensity: absorption of oxygen by 79%, carbon dioxide generation by 60%, dry matter loss by 60%, and the generation ofthermal energy by 60%. For grain with an initial moisture content of 21% under the same conditions, the intensity decreases: oxygen absorption by 28%, carbon dioxide generation by 77%, dry matter loss by 77%, and heat generation by 77%. Established regularities of the physiological processes in corn grain with different initial humidity when stored in hermetic conditions at different temperatures, it is possible to predict the characteristics of gas exchange processes in the grain mass, natural losses of dry matter and the generation of heat during storage of grain.
- ДокументUSING OF BIOTESTING IN SAFTY ASSESMENT OF THE EXTRUDED FEED ADDITIVE WITH ALGAE(2019) A. MAKARYNSKA, N. VORONAThe article is devoted to the problems of determining quality and safety of extruded feed additive (EFA) with algae. It is used in the production of mixed feed and premixes. It is proved that the safety of finished food products depends on the safety of feed and feed raw materials. The list of conditions for obtaining safe finished products is given. Today traditional methods of analytical chemistry, express and toxicological methods (marking, biotesting) are used for the analysis of feed safety. The expediency of use of brown algae in the composition of feed products is substantiated. The brightest representative ofbrown algae is Laminaria. The technology of using Laminaria algae in the composition of feed products in the form of extruded feed additive is proposed. The method of determination of organicity by methods of biotesting is given: biocrystallization method, determination of the oxidation-reduction potential index (ORP), organicity using Colpoda steinii culture. Indicators of organicity are given. An analysis of experimental samples biocrystalograms suggests that EFA is environmentally safe and do not endanger the environment or the health and life of animals and humans. When determining the ORP of the EFA with algae it was established that the product is easily digestible, since it has a biological compatibility with the animal organism. The expediency of using the process of extrusion to reduce the toxicity of algae is established. The application of the extrusion allows to add up to 15% Laminaria algae to the feed. The results of biological studies of EFA in vivo are presented, which indicate a high biological efficiency of the use of algal feed supplement in the composition of feed for young farm birds in the amount of up to 25%, since the average daily weight gain of rats increases and the cost of feed decreases.