Економічні та соціальні аспекти розвитку України на початку XXI століття (Aspects of economic and social development of Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century)
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Перегляд Економічні та соціальні аспекти розвитку України на початку XXI століття (Aspects of economic and social development of Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century) за Назва
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Результатів на сторінці
Налаштування сортування
- ДокументAlternatives for cash crops in a small farm(2019) Certan, I.; Dinu, T. A.
- ДокументAutomotive industry is a priority direction of innovative development of Ukraine’s economy(2020) Kolischuk, O. V.
- ДокументBioeconomy strategy in the European Union(2020) Voicilaş, D. M.
- ДокументConcept and classification of non-current assets: theoretical aspect(2019) Stupnytska, T.; Volodina, O.; Pryimak, V.; Vozniuk, L.
- ДокументConceptual approaches to the development of the national innovation system(ОНТУ, 2023) Коваленко-Марченкова Є.В.; Бут К.А.Activation of innovative activity is a fundamental condition for raising the level and quality of life of the population of Ukraine. Modernization of the production base, informatization of production and management processes, increasing the share of services and knowledge-intensive industries in the structure of GDP will make it possible to form a new technological structure of the economy and increase its competitiveness on this basis. This is the only way to ensure the expansion of export potential and sustainable growth of GDP, and therefore the standard of living of the population.
- ДокументConceptualizări în determinarea locului științei marketingului în teoria dezvoltării economice durabile(ОНТУ, 2023) Burbulea RodicaConceptul de dezvoltare durabilă a devenit un obiectiv recunoscut pe scară largă pentru societatea umană a secolului XXI. Studiul asupra bogăției și bunăstării a scos în evidență în 1987, noțiunea de dezvoltare durabilă, ca un element fundamental al dezvoltării la nivel global. În Raportul Comisiei Mondiale pentru Mediu și Dezvoltare ”Viitorul nostru comun” sustenabilitatea sau dezvoltarea durabilă este definită ca „satisficerea nevoilor de azi fără a afecta abilitatea generațiilor viitoare de a-și satisface propriile nevoi”
- ДокументDigital ecosystems as a model of innovative development of enterprises(ОНТУ, 2023) Sedikova I. O.; Sedikov D. V.In the era of business digitalization and business processes, enterprises face the question of their further transformation and development ways. The success of such enterprises depends a lot on their investment activities, the correct reinvestment of their own profit, the ways and its distribution channels. An important factor is the business model chosen by the company's management when entering the online market. It can be a shared consumption model, a freemium model or an ecosystem – the key role will be played by the reduction of transaction costs and optimized management. Digital ecosystems are a collection of disparate products and services under a single brand. These may include goods and services from various industries, such as finance and transportation, travel and commerce, the entertainment industry, and food delivery services. To compensate for the lack of production capacity, platforms are actively investing in the algorithm development to analyze data about customer preferences and desires. Combined with network effects, this enables exponential growth, which level in recent years has caused serious risks to the existence of classic businesses and enterprises.
- ДокументEnhancement of employees’ motivation while improving management system(2017) Muhailovska, O.The methodology of the article is based on research of academic works on Maslow’s, Alderfer’s and Locke’s theories. Two need theories of motivation are compared and contrasted as well as contested by supporting and not supporting research articles. The goal setting theory was presented from the points of view of many researchers in a form of contrast approach to need theories.
- ДокументEsg принципи та методичний підхід їх використання для підсумкового рейтингу підприємств(ОНТУ, 2023) Лагодієнко О.В.Впровадження прогресивних ідей сталого розвитку в сучасному світі, їх поширення до рівня компаній призвело доформулювання та розширення впливу поняття сталого розвитку організації. Сталий розвиток організації передбачає збалансоване за кількома критеріями (як правило, як ці критерії береться екологічна, соціальна та економічна складова) поступальне позитивне та якісне перетворення, націлене на довгострокову перспективу та пов'язане з усвідомленою та акцентованою взаємодією підприємства із зовнішнім середовищем з урахуванням цілей підвищення своєї конкурентоспроможності. Таким чином фіксується чіткий зв'язок глобальної концепції сталого розвитку та діяльності конкретної організації,спрямованої, зокрема, на отримання прибутку
- ДокументImpact of new central bank digital currencies on macroeconomic stability(ОНТУ, 2023) Koldovskyi ArtemCentral bank digital currencies (CBDC) should be regulated in the same way as traditional currencies, but should be treated similarly to stablecoins. The main goals of the new policy on digital currencies are: economic and monetary stability, reduced access to and use of cash, support for payment innovations (realtime settlements, programmable currency, cross-border payments), financial integration (expanding users), and data protection (network effects, gender interaction), competition of digital currencies in the market (such as impact on bank deposits).
- ДокументIP DUE DUEDILIGENCE(2019) Дружкова, І. С.Власники інтелектуальної власності подають свою інтелектуальну власність (IВ) на ретельну перевірку з кількох причин. Серед них: потенційний ліцензіат зацікавлений у ліцензії; венчурний капіталіст зацікавлений інвестувати в стартову компанію, якій IВ може бути призначений або ліцензований; покупець зацікавлений у торгівлі продажем ІВ; підготовка до первинного розміщення акцій та розміщення на біржі.
- ДокументModern aspects of the analysis of the ratio of receivable and creditor indebtedness(ОНТУ, 2023) T.M. Stupnytska; O.A.KozakOne of the key problems of any enterprise is the effective management of financial resources. This includes optimal regulation of the relationship between receivables and payables, control over the volume of these obligations, management of their payment terms and the impact of these financial obligations on the financial stability of the enterprise and its financial indicators.
- ДокументPR-технології як інструмент ефективного просування(2021) Значек, Р. Р.; Бахчиванжи, Л. А.; Євтушок, О. В.
- ДокументProblematic aspects of the receivables audit of enterprises(2021) Stupnytska, T. M.; Volodina, O. P.; Nakoryk, A.
- ДокументPromoting Odessa as a touristic destination(2018) Chmura, О.; Sorokina, А.
- ДокументResearch on bioeconomy potential in Romania(ОНТУ, 2023) Voicilas D.M.The European Commission states “bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forest, fish, animals, and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials and energy.” The BIOEAST Initiative says that “The bioeconomy encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, bio-based products and bioenergy independently of the processing technologies. It thus includes agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and pulp and paper production, as well as parts of chemical, bio-technological and energy industries.” Romania does not have an official national definition for bioeconomy (https://ec.europa.eu/knowledge4policy/bioeconomy/country/romania_en). However, there are several definitions of the bioeconomy in specialized articles, such as: A complex system composed of Earth resources and their anthropic and natural transformation processes, which belong to biology and contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of people in a sustainable way, based on knowledge, forethought and empathy (Voicilas, D.M., 2021).
- ДокументRural development in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization of power and governance(2021) Pavlov, O. I.; Pavlova, I. O.
- ДокументScrum teams as a tool for flexible management style in organization(ОНТУ, 2023) Kisiielis-Shvydka Y.; Kozak K.In today's ever-changing business landscape, companies face the challenge of staying competitive and adaptable. Traditional hierarchical management styles often struggle to keep up with the dynamic nature of markets and technologies. Here is where Scrum comes in - a flexible project management framework that originated in software development but has since found applications in various industries.