Том 19 № 4
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Результатів на сторінці
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- ДокументFEATURES OF PROCESSING OATS INTO GROATS PRODUCTS(2020) S. Sots, I. Kustov, Y. Kuzmenko, O. VereshchynskyiIn the given article the existing technologies of hulled oats grain processing into groats products were analyzed. The possibilities of using new breeding varieties of oats to improve existing technologies were analyzed. Advantages using naked oat varieties for the production of groats and flakes were considered. Results of research influence intensity of pearling and water heat treatment on yield of pearled groats and its quality indicators were shown. The high efficiency of use naked oats for the production of pearled groats with regulated quality indicators was determined. It was found that the technologically expedient moisture content of naked oats before pearling is 12-12.5 %. In the pearling the grain with this humidity depending on the duration of pearling yield of groat estimated to range between 78 94 %. Use as raw materials naked oats increase yield of pearled groats at 1.4-1.6 times in compared to processing of conventional varieties. Modes of preparation of pearled groats for flaking was investigated, feature their influence on the yield and qualities of flaked groats were determined. Analyses of the physical properties of the obtained flaked products were conducted. It was found that the technologically expedient moisture content of pearled naked oats groats before steaming is 17-17.5 %. After steaming groats with this moisture yield of flaked groat estimated to range between 84,3 93,6 %. The main stages of processing naked oats into groats products were determined. The technological scheme of processing naked oats for producing groats and flakes were developed. The technological scheme of processing hull-less barley and naked oats for producing groats, flakes, mixtures of groats and flakes were developed. Technology includes grain cleaning stage, grain water heat treatment, pearling, sorting of pearling products, pearled groat water heat treatment, mixing, flaking, drying, and control of end products.
- ДокументMODES OF PRODUCTION SMALL CORN FLAKES IN SEMI-INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS(2020) R. RybchynskiyThe article presents study results of steaming and tempering modes effect on the yield and quality of small corn flakes. Production of small corn flakes was carried out in semi-production conditions on the basis of a test section of the existing machinebuilding operation OLIS Llc, which allowed to get as close as possible to the production conditions. The study consisted of 2 series of experiments: in the first series of experiments, five identical samples of corn grit with an initial moisture content of 13.1% were sent to the steaming stage, where it was subjected to water-heat treatment for a specified period of time (2.5; 5; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 minutes), with increasing steaming time, the tempering time gradually increased by 10 minutes, from 10 to 50 minutes, respectively. In the second series of experiments, the grit was moistened by cold conditioning to a predetermined moisture content of 16±0.25%, moistened for 12 hours, and then moistened grit was subjected to water-heat treatment at the same parameters as in the first series. The initial sample of corn grit No. 4 was obtained in the factory and had the following quality indicators: moisture content – 13.1%; ash content – 0.58%; the starch content – 71.1%. The technological scheme of small corn flakes production in semi-production conditions included the following steps: grit moistening by a special device that sprays water for 15-20 seconds, and wetting in special sealed containers of grit samples (if necessary); grit steaming in the steamer camera of periodic action of EPP-1; tempering for 10-50 minutes in thermostable conditions; flattening of the obtained product on a rolling mill "EVV-1" with smooth rollers at a gap of 0.3-0.4 mm; drying the flattened product on a laboratory dryer; control on the laboratory dispenser RLU-1 (sieving on a sieve No. 067) for extraction of flour products. It was found that as a result of grit steaming with initial moisture content (13.1%) and subsequent flattening in semiproduction conditions a lot of meal was formed – 33.6 and 23.3% with the duration of steaming for 2.5 and 12.5 minutes, respectively, with an ash content of 0.64-0.57% and a starch content of 63.2-63.4%. With the ash content of the original grit of 0.63% and the starch content of 71.1%, it indicated that although moisture penetrated into the inner layers of the grit during conditioning, yet it was not enough on the surface. Therefore, high-ash peripheral grit particles were worse exposed to flattening, crushed and formed meal. Thus, the selected modes of small corn flakes production in semi-production conditions were not sufficient to provide the grit particle with the necessary structural and mechanical changes, and further increase in the duration of processing was impractical, as it significantly increased energy consumption and reduced flakes production productivity. Preliminary wetting of grit to a moisture content of 16±0.25% and subsequent steaming at the same parameters as grit flakes with a starting moisture content of 13.1% showed a significant decrease of flour products output, which amounted to 13.7-7.8% at 2.5 and 12.5 min of steaming, respectively. However, the additional grit moistening before steaming led to an increase in flakes moisture content, which requires higher energy consumption during their drying and bringing them to standards (less than 13.0%), guaranteeing their storage for 6-9 months. The technologically appropriate wet-heat processing mode of corn grit in the production process of flakes in semi-production conditions, to obtain small corn flakes according to the scheme of preliminary wetting of grit, steaming it in a steamer of periodic action, short-term tempering, flattening, drying and control of flakes on meal separation, is a grit moisture content before steaming at 16±2.5%, steaming at atmospheric conditions for 7.5-10 min, duration of tempering – 30-40 min. The obtained flakes do not require cooking, but can be brewed in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
- ДокументOPTIMIZATION OF FEED COMPOSITION FOR TURKEYS(2020) A. Makarynska, N. VoronaThe article describes that domestic feed products cannot always compete with high quality products of foreign firms. However, the use of imported feed leads to a significant increase in their value and, as a consequence, to an increase in the cost price of the final product. It is established that for the normal development and realization of productivity, turkeys should receive quality and balanced for all indicators of compound feed. Therefore, the task was to develop recipes for turkeys using high quality domestic raw materials. The necessity to determine the complete components characteristics of compound feeds for the finished products production, which meets the requirements of regulatory documents and the consumer, has been proved. There are many indicators and factors that are not taken into account when calculating recipes, but significantly affect the compound feed quality. We have developed compound feed recipes for heavy type turkeys aged 1…4 weeks, 5…13 weeks, 14…17 weeks, 18…30 weeks and over 31 weeks using the “Korm Optima Expert” software complex. The program incorporates the principle of calculating recipes at minimum cost, taking into account the restrictions on the input of each component and the nutrition of the finished product using linear programming by formulas. The expediency of replacing soybean meal in poultry feed due to its high cost for cheaper protein components is substantiated. In order to reduce the cost of compound feed, we have proposed the optimal composition of protein feed additive (PFA) for replacement soybean meal in feed recipes. On the basis of the developed recipes of compound feeds for heavy type turkeys we calculated similar recipes of compound feeds with replacement of soybean meal for PFA in their composition according to the norms of its introduction The quality indicators of finished products are in compliance with the minimum nutritional requirements of compound feeds for heavy type turkeys of a given age. The cost of compound feeds with PFA is much lower than similar with soybean meal. We determined the annual feed consumption of turkeys by growing periods based on the daily feed intake and the duration of each fattening period.
- ДокументPERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR EMPLOYEES GRAIN PROCESSING ENTERPRISES(2020) O. Fesenko, V. Lysyuk, Z. SakharovaThe article deals with pressing issues of providing employees of grain processing enterprises with personal protective equipment (PPE). The presence of hazardous and harmful production factors in such enterprises requires the employer to use these remedies as one of the methods of protection of workers in conditions where safety of work cannot be ensured by the design of equipment, the organization of the production process and the means of collective protection. The authors of the article analysed the existing legal documents, according to which the employer is obliged to organize the acquisition, issuance and maintenance of individual funds in working order, which would protect the worker from the effects of industrial hazards, as well as pollution and adverse weather conditions. The modern classification of industrial PPEs (depending on destination), which should be used in grain processing industries, is given. The grounds, rules for providing and designing personal protective equipment are considered. The choice of the specific type of PPE for the grain processing industry should be made taking into account the safety requirements for the process or type of work. The obligations of the employer to provide workers with personal protective equipment, including the procedure and rules for issuing, inspecting, replacing PPIs, with reference to applicable regulatory documents, are disclosed in detail. A list of duties of an employee to use personal protective equipment is also provided. As a practical example, the distribution of PPE by main occupations of employees of grain processing enterprises in accordance with the "Minimum safety and health requirements for the use of personal protective equipment in the workplace by employees" is presented.
- ДокументPRACTICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE PRODUCTION OF PET FOOD(2020) О. Voietska, T. Bordun, О. TsiundykThe article presents data on the population of dogs and cats in European countries for 2018, countries with a high number of animals per capita. On the basis of the conducted scientific research, the composition of compound pet food, the needs of domestic animals for nutrient and biologically active substances, their content in recipes and the calculation of compound feed recipes are analyzed. The features of technological processes for the production of extruded pet food are determined and their characteristics are given. A technology has been developed for the production of dry pet food, which makes it possible in private enterprises to ensure the production of domestic competitive in the market complete pet food, depending on their breed, age, and physiological condition. A line for the production of dry compound feeds for dogs with a productivity of 1...3 t/h with the possibility of producing up to 20 tons of finished compound feed per month has been developed. To organize production, a production manufacture, a raw material warehouse, a finished product warehouse, a utility room, and the ability to drive vehicles into the raw materials storage and unload them are necessary. To service the feed production line, two specialists are needed - a technologist and an operator for servicing the extruder and expander, as well as a worker who is responsible for the preparation of components and packaging of finished products. To implement the project, technological equipment is needed: a hammer mill, air conditioning, extruder, hopper scales, mixer, expander, dryer, cooler, device for spraying on the surface of the liquid components. The main stages of production include intake, unloading and refining of raw materials; grinding grain components in the same fraction; extruding and cooling grain components; grinding extruded grain components; weighting of feed components; mixing the components to a homogeneous mixture; conditioning; expansion of bulk feed; drying; size control of finished products; spraying on the surface of the liquid components; cooling; feed packaging
- ДокументRATIONALE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR THE COMMON AND HULLED WHEAT PROCESSING INTO WHOLE GRAIN FLOUR(2020) D. Zhygunov, O. Voloshenko, N. Khorenzhy, D. Marchenkov, A. BatashchukThe article is devoted to rationale the need of expand the range of flour products and increase its nutritional and biological value by the whole wheat flour production. The article shows the main tasks and problems facing the modern grain processing industry: increasing the utilization rate of grain; reducing the energy intensity of grain processing technological process; and to expand the range of end-products with increased nutritional and biological value. The production of whole grain flour (WGF) will allow expanding the range and increasing the nutritional value of the finished products. Ukraine's state standards for WGF are absent today. DSTU 46.004-99 named «Wheat flour. Specifications» applies only to high-grade flour and dark flour. The studying of Ukrainian WGF quality indicators showed that some manufacturers are guided by DSTU 46.004-99 in the WGF production, other manufacturers control the quality of flour with their own local specifications. Depending on such indicators as ash and particle size, some of WGF manufacturers adhere to the principle of almost 100% entry of all anatomical grain components into end-products. Despite of this, the particle size may vary by the level of the particle size of the dark flour or significantly differ from it. It depends either on the type of grinding machines (millstones or roller mill) or also on the usage of additional bran grinding in the technological scheme. Other manufacturers, in forming WGF to improve its baking properties, adhere to the principle of eliminating a certain amount of shell particles (in bran form). Such flour has an ash content much lesser comparing to the grain, but also its size depends on different structure and modes of grinding process. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the structure of the technological scheme and optimal modes while making WGF. During the research, a number of laboratory grindings of common wheat and spelta wheat into whole-grain flour were conducted. It is established that for the production of WGF it is most expedient to use combined technological schemes with the use of roller machines as grinding equipment on the main systems of technological process and millstones on the last stage systems for the final grinding of intermediate products. Due to the research, it is possible to recommend a scheme consisting of 3-4 roller mill systems and 1-2 millstone systems. The requirements determined for the wheat WGF particle size: top on sieve No. 067 – less than 2.0% and passage through sieve No. 38 – more than 50%.
- ДокументRESEARCH OF QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF GRAIN RAILWAY ON GRAIN TERMINAL(2020) G. Stankevych, A. Katz, V. Shpak, O. GaponiukAn important component of the production and export of grain is the system of transportation of grain from its producers to grain reloading terminals. Among the means of transportation of grain the leading place is occupied by the railway, which is able to provide uninterrupted multi-tonnage transportation of grain from producers to the places of its accumulation and shipment to sea vessels. However, there are some problems in the internal and external operation of grain terminals, which has necessitated these studies. The purpose of the study was to investigate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the flow of grain from the railway to the grain terminal to improve its efficiency. The object of the study was the technological process of receiving grain from the railway at the grain terminal; The subject of the research was grain crops, as well as data on daily revenues of grain by railway transport at the grain reloading terminal of LLC «Ukrelivatorprom» for three calendar years — from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014. The studies were conducted on the basis of the processing of the data of the invoice logs for each year of the research, which summed up the amount of daily transported grain (net). Further processing of the obtained was performed by the combined graphoanalytical method, for which on the basis of tables for each investigated year the corresponding histograms were constructed and the necessary indicators were determined. It was found that maize had the highest volumes of grain coming from the railways in 2012–2014, followed by wheat in 2012 and rapeseed in 2013–2014. Barley was the third, except for 2013, in which its volumes were the smallest among the main crops that came to LLC «Ukrelevatoprom» in the years studied. It is shown that the major share was occupied by cereals (67.1… 78.1%), followed by oilseeds (15.1…26.7%), and the smallest was occupied by legumes (2.77…6.8%). The duration of the annual grain intake periods, which amounted to 315, 331 and 333 days, respectively, was determined for 2012–2014. Annual, daily average and maximum grain yields were determined, as well as daily and annual irregularity coefficients of grain supply. The actual coefficients of the daily irregularity of the grain input from the railway in the period 2012-2014 were respectively Kdaily = 1.62; 1.86; 1.79, and monthly irregularities respectively K mont. = 1.31; 1,40; 1.35. According to the standards such coefficients have values Kdaily = 2.5 and Kmont. = 2.0, which allows to use them for design and verification calculations of grain terminal equipment in technological processes of grain acceptance from railway transport.