Том 11 № 1
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Перегляд Том 11 № 1 за Дата публікації
Зараз показуємо 1 - 12 з 12
Результатів на сторінці
Налаштування сортування
- ДокументMathematical aspects of nutrition systems projecting for dietary therapy(2017) G. Krutovyi, A. Zaparenko, A. BorysovaThe mathematical toolkit created and used for the design of durable nutrition systems aimed at the prevention and therapy of the diseases caused by calcium deficiency is analyzed. In particular, these are: the complex of mathematical models of the expendable diets and methods of the ingredients content optimization in them, mathematical model of daily diets optimization, and formalizationed method of fast and light determination of a diet’s biological value.The ways for the improvement of the developed mathematical toolkit aimed at the creation of the nutrition systems with higher level of both nutrients balance and provision of daily needs in them on the basis of using unconventional floury products enriched with the deficient nutrients, functionals for balancing the connected groups of nutrients are determined, as well as the introduction of aggregated restrictions on these groups of nutrients to the models (both products and rations).
- ДокументTechnology of production biological active additive based on selenium containing culture of bifidobacterium(2017) L. Kaprelyants, A. Zykov, N. TregubThe article presents data on the positive impact of essential microelement selenium on the human body. It was characterized the ability to accumulate inorganic forms of selenium (such as selenites and selenates) into the organic forms by probiotic microorganisms. The article presents data concerning sodium selenite concentration impact on biomass growth of bifidobacterium culture. It was fined optimum conditions for accumulation maximum selenium containing biomass of microorganisms. Based on experiments it was created selenium containing biologically active additive.
- ДокументModelling formulae of strawberry whey drinks of prophylactic application(2017) N. Tkachenko, P. Nekrasov, S. Vikul, Ya. HoncharukExpediency of the development of formulae and innovative technologies for production of prophylactic application drinks possessing antioxidant, probiotic and hepatoprotective properties with the use of the secondary dairy product – whey, as well as the domestic vegetable raw materials having a high content of bioactive substances has been substantiated.Formulation composition of the prophylactic drinks based on cheese whey, extract of Tagetes patula flowers and the berry filler “Strawberry” with the use of the response surface method has been developed. Bioactivity of the drinks and the complex quality indicator which accounts for the total influence of the bioactivity, organoleptic assessment and weight coefficients of the specified unit indicators were taken as the optimization criteria; as the independent factors that were varied in the course of the experiment, the mass fractions of the marigold flowers extract and the strawberries filler were selected. It is recommended that the mass fractions of the berry filler “Strawberry” and the extract of Tagetes patula flowers in the prophylactic drinks are set as 7 and 20 % of the finished product, accordingly. The practical mass fraction of the citric acid of 0.2 % was determined as it ensures high organoleptic characteristics of the finished drinks. Recommendations are given concerning development of innovative technologies of unfermented and fermented strawberry whey drinks of prophylactic application enriched with the extract of Tagetes patula flowers.
- ДокументDesserts with a high nutritional value in the industry employees nutrition(2017) L. Telegenko, J. KaluginaIn the article there are considered questions of the sweet foods with a high nutritional value development. Evaluation of the organoleptic and physical-chemical properties of model jelly samples with jost and spirulina showed that the proposed formula and technology gives a product with high consumer properties. There is a theoretically substantiated expediency of a jost and spirulina jelly implementation in such restaurant enterprises as dining rooms in the industrial plants. Using the jost and spirulina nutritional supplements can expand the range of the preventive nutrition foods.
- ДокументHigh-tech processing of secondary resources of winemaking(2017) G. Kasyanov, T. DavydenkoThe information about problems and prospects of development of food production processes based on high-tech and knowledge-intensive technical solutions is presented. To accomplish these objectives the problems of rational growing of grapes, intensive methods of production of conventional and concentrated grape juice, application of CO2ditartration for the removal of wine stone were solved.White and red table grapes, grape pomace, grape seed oil, protein and CO2-meal are the objects of the research. To evaluate the quality of raw materials, intermediate and finished products such devices as gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography, and spectrophotometer were used. Obtaining of grape juice of white and red grapes with content of tartaric acid salts less than 1 %, food drying products and products of processing of grape pomace are the intermediate results of the research. Grape juice in flexible packages of «Pure-Pak» and «Doy-pack» types, CO2-extracts of seeds and skins of grapes and protein CO2-meal are the final objects of the research. Performed research allows us to make conclusions about expediency of high-tech methods of processing of raw materials for obtaining food products.
- ДокументВикористання полімерних комбінованих плівок у технології sous-vide(2017) О. Дишкантюк, А. АндріяноваУ статті обґрунтовано доцільність використання вакуумних полімерних матеріалів в технології Sous-Vide при приготуванні страв для військовослужбовців, туристів, експедиторів. Із метою дослідження вакуумних упаковок проведено детальний аналіз літературних джерел щодо плівкових матеріалів, які використовуються в харчовій промисловості. Детально вивчено стандарти виготовлення цих матеріалів. Проаналізовано їхню безпека для людини, реакцію з продуктами, стійкість до температур. Вивчено комбінаційні компоненти комбінованих плівок, детально проаналізовано кожен компонент плівок, та їхні властивості. На основі проведеного аналізу обрано для використання в технології Sous-Vide комбіновані вакуумні плівки «Profi cook». Визначено їхні бар’єрні властивості, вивчено вплив низьких і високих температур на їхні властивості. За результатами випробувань визначено, що обрані плівки «Profi cook» відповідають стандартам і безпечні для приготування в них страв за технологією Sous-Vide.
- ДокументChelate forms of biometalls. Theoretical aspects of obtaining and characteristics(2017) A. Kapustyan, N. ChernoThe problem of microelements bioavailability is highlighted and the correct ways of its solution are substantiated as a result of generalization of theoretical aspects of obtaining of the biometals chelate forms. The characteristics of the main biogenic elements, their physiological significance, electrochemical properties are presented. The main examples of the participation of biometals in various biological processes are given. The properties and the structure peculiarities of biometals coordination complexes are considered in detail. It is shown that in obtaining of biometals chelate forms, there is the mutual selectivity and the affinity of biometals and ligands. The main factors of obtaining a hard metal complex are given. Potential bioligands for obtaining bioavailable forms of microelements are detailed. Among them there are amino acids, peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates. The possible character of complexation depending on the nature of the bioligand is indicated. Practical examples of preparation of biometals mixed ligand complexes are given. The expediency of using metabolic products and processing of lactic acid bacteria as promising components of mixed ligand chelate complexes is substantiated. These substances contain in their composition a mass of potential donor atoms that are capable to form covalent and coordination bonds with biomethalles, and also possess high biological and immunotropic activities. The use of this system in the biocoordination compounds of the "metals of life" can provide a synergistic effect of the components, significantly to expand the range of their physiological activity and to increase the degree of assimilation by the body.
- ДокументUsing the profile method for evaluationthe beer quality(2017) O. Bocharova, I. Melnik, D. Hnatovskaya, S. ChubThe expediency of using the profile method of analysis for assessing the influence of technological factors on the quality of beer has been established. The characteristics for the evaluation of beer quality by the profile method are chosen. The results obtained using the profile method give a more complete picture of the properties of beer than the results of the scoring method. Each of the samples was analyzed and studied. The results of analysis of such criteria as aroma, flavor, appearance and physicochemical parameters are demonstrated on profilograms. Estimation of flavor is the most difficult, since this concept includes a complex sensation of taste, aroma and consistency, determined in the oral cavity. To confirm the organoleptic properties of the «body» of the best sort of beer, rheological analysis data were presented. Such an integrated approach will allow fully studying the properties of a low-alcohol beverage and clearly demonstrating the advantages of a profile method of analysis.
- ДокументДослідження процесу переробки холодним способом плодів кісточкових культур(2017) М. КепінE статті виконано дослідження процесу переробки холодним способом слив сортів «Угорка домашня» та «Угорка італійська» з використанням перфорованих оболонок в полі відцентрових сил з метою відокремлення запасаючих тканин (м’якоті) від кісточок. В якості основних факторів, які впливають на процес переробки, використовували діаметри отворів і колову швидкість лопатей.Встановлено залежність інтенсивності відокремлення м’якоті від діаметрів отворів та колової швидкості лопатей. За результатами дисперсійного аналізу показано істотний вплив колової швидкості лопатей на процес розділення в порівнянні з діаметрами отворів для обох сортів. Експериментально доведено вплив структурно-механічних характеристик запасаючих тканин на вибір оптимальних режимів переробки. Практичне значення запропонованого процесу переробки полягає в можливості спрощення машинно-апаратурних схем за рахунок вилучення теплового обладнання, що, в свою чергу, дозволить раціонально використовувати енергоресурси.
- ДокументComparative analysis of field ration for military personnel of the ukrainian army and armies of other countries worldwide(2017) M. Mardar, M. Hkrupalo, M. StatevaFor the purpose of improvement of the Ukrainian nutritional standards this Article provides comparative analysis of field rations of different countries worldwide to make a proposal on improvement of food-stuff assortment in food ration for military personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Army of USA, the British Army, Army of Germany, Army of Italy, Army of Canada, Army of France, Army of Belarus, Army of Armenia. In accordance with the comparative analysis it was established that ration composition used for the Armed Forces of Ukraine military personnel lags behind developed countries of the world both in nutrition arrangement and in nutrient composition, especially in relation to assortment and variety of ration food-stuff. Moreover, a field ration is strictly unified and doesn’t consider individual needs of military personnel in calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, food fibers. Selection of individual field ration takes to account only age of military personnel, i. e. individual needs related to nutrition composition such as physical abilities, level of physical activity, gender, type of occupation before military conscription and etc. are not consideredThe obtained results confirms practicability of assortment products assortment included to field rations for the purpose to correct nutrition rations towards optimal balance for military efficiency of army, adaptation of military personnel to physical and psychological loads.
- ДокументСomparison of the quality micronutrient compound of recommended daily intakes and the second type diabetes patients’ diet(2017) J. Kozonova, L. Telegenko, N. StavnichaThe comparative analysis of the micronutrient diet compositions of the patients with type II diabetes and healthy people were held. It was found that in a diet it is necessary to enrich the following micronutrients: B vitamins, biotin, vitamin A, E, D, C, minerals magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium, manganese, chromium, sulfur. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the content of sodium, iron and fluoride. You can find the recommendations for the creation of software for the development of individual diets for the prevention and treatment of diabetes type II. In addition to these selected criteria (Micronutrient) it is recommended to enter the following: the total number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as the minimum content of omega-3 fatty acids, and the maximum content of simple carbohydrates and starch. The analysis of the chia seeds chemical composition on the content of diabet essential micronutrients were held. It is shown that the use of chia seeds in products for the prevention and treatment of diabetes is extremely important.
- ДокументМодифікація структури та функціонально-технологічних властивостей казеїну: наукові та прикладні аспекти(2017) Н. Гринченко, Д. Тютюкова, П. ПивоваровУ статті узагальнено сучасні явлення про роль казеїну в технологічних процесах перероблення молока, розглянуто фізико-хімічні, хімічні та ферментативні способи модифікації казеїну, висвітлено взаємозв’язок між способами модифікації казеїну та його функціонально-технологічними властивостями, розглянуто основні моделі структури казеїнових міцел, що дозволило спрогнозувати можливість його структурних модифікацій з метою регулювання функціонально-технологічних властивостей. Показано роль кальцію у забезпеченні колоїдної стабільності молока, зазначено, що введення секвестрантів (альгінату натрію) до молока знежиреного за обґрунтованих параметрів підвищує його колоїдну стабільність та може бути використано для регулювання його функціонально-технологічних властивостей. Наведено модель технологічної системи виробництва молока знежиреного зі зміненими функціонально-технологічними властивостями за рахунок модифікації структури казеїнових міцел, що проявляється в підвищенні гідрофільності, здатності до дисоціації, рівномірності розподілу поверхневого заряду.