Том 14 № 2
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Перегляд Том 14 № 2 за Дата публікації
Зараз показуємо 1 - 19 з 19
Результатів на сторінці
Налаштування сортування
- ДокументPROSPECTS OF USING GLUCOSE-FRUCTOSE SYRUP IN THE RIBOFLAVIN BIOTECHNOLOGY(2020) V. Polishchuk, O. DuganРибофлавін є важливим вітаміном, що широко застосовується у харчовій промисловості для збагачення харчових продуктів та в якості барвника. Важливою проблемою реалізації біотехнології рибофлавіну є підбір раціональних джерел карбону та нітрогену, що є дешевими та технологічними. Це дасть можливість значно підвищити ефективність даної технології. Відомо, що гриби роду Eremothecium здатні до синтезу ароматичних речовин, дослідження рівня накопичення ефірної олії на запропонованих джерелах карбону та нітрогену дасть можливість створення технології одночасного виробництва рибофлавіну та ефірної олії. Об’єктом дослідження був аскоміцет Eremothecium ashbyi Guillierm. F-340. Досліджували біосинтетичну активність обраного штаму-продуценту рибофлавіну на середовищах з різними джерелами карбону та нітрогену, компонентний склад раціонального поживного середовища для культивування продуценту з метою максимального накопичення рибофлавіну, здатність продуценту до синтезу ароматичних сполук на запропонованому середовищі. Встановлено вплив різних джерел карбону та нітрогену на накопичення біомаси та синтез рибофлавіну штамом E. ashbyi F-340, для максимального накопичення рибофлавіну краще підходять моносахариди (фруктоза, галактоза) та шестиатомний спирт сорбіт. Кращим джерелом нітрогену виявився дріжджовий екстракт. Отримані експериментальні дані свідчать про ефективність застосування глюкозо-фруктозного сиропу з вмістом фруктози від 8 до 12% на суху речовину (ГФС-10). Показано, що саме при використанні ГФС-10 синтезується найбільша кількість вітаміну (140 мг/дм3). Показаний широкий діапазон варіювання кількості синтезованої ефірної олії. Найбільша кількість спостерігається на середовищі, що містить в якості джерела карбону ГФС-10 (273–453 мг/дм3). Використання ГФС-10 дозволило збільшити вихід рибофлавіну у 6,7 рази, порівняно з середовищем з глюкозою, та у 3,7 рази, порівняно з середовищем з фруктозою. Вихід ефірної олії збільшився у 5 раз. Отримані данні є передумовою для оптимізації поживного середовища.
- ДокументUSING OF PLANT RAW MATERIALS IN THE PRODUCTION OF PROPHYLACTIC YOGURTS(2020) O. Melnyk, V. Kiiko, K. Zolotoverkh, M. IanchykSour milk products, especially yogurts, are very popular not only in Ukraine but also around the world, so improving the composition of this category of products is quite important. Using plant raw materials in yogurt will not only broaden the range of this product, but will also allow using it in various diets, including those to prevent certain diseases, to improve the function of the digestive tract and physiological processes in the body, and to prevent premature ageing. The purpose of the study is to create prophylactic products using powders of plant raw materials (Jerusalem artichoke, celery, pumpkin seed meal) and determine their effect on the organoleptic, physicochemical, structural and mechanical properties of yogurt. Plant raw materials can enrich yogurts with plant proteins, complex polysaccharides, vitamins, and minerals. Experimental samples of yogurts with plant powders added in different concentrations have been obtained in the laboratory. According to the results of organoleptic studies, using the point rating method, the optimal amount of plant raw materials added is 5%. According to the results of structural and mechanical studies, the dependence of the effective viscosity of yogurts on the concentration of the introduced plant powder is not linear. This is explained by the interaction among the particles in yogurt and the formation of a structured food system. The change of the acidity of the yogurt samples (which is an important quality parameter) has been studied, according to the results of titrimetric and potentiometric analyses. It has been determined that powders from plant raw materials increase the titrated and decrease the active acidity of yogurt. To study the probiotic properties of the yogurt samples, the viability of probiotic microorganisms has been calculated in vitro, under conditions simulating the process of human digestion. The results show that the probiotic capacity of the product increases by 1–2 orders of magnitude. It has been experimentally confirmed that using plant raw materials to produce yogurts is practical
- ДокументRESEARCH OF THE BACTERICIDAL PROPERTIES AND TOXICITY OF COMPOSITIONS FOR STONE FRUIT PRESERVATION(2020) A. Dubinina, T. Letuta, V. NovikovaDamage of stone fruit during storage begins with the development of mycelial fungi on their surface that destroy the shell of a fruit and its anatomical integrity. Therefore, developing new tools for processing stone fruits on the basis of components harmless to people is a topical task of the modern agricultural, phytochemical, and biological industries. Nine compositions from extracts of medicinal plants and 2% of chitosan have been developed. The raw materials used to obtain extracts were: aloe leaves, camomile inflorescences, spruce bark (in the ratios 4:3:2, 5:4:3, 3:1:2, samples 1, 2, 3, respectively); eucalyptus leaves, basil herbs, thyme herbs (in the ratios 1:2:1, 2:4:3, 2:5:2, samples 4, 5, 6, respectively); lemon balm leaves, sage leaves, verbena grass (in the ratios 3:2:1, 4:3:2, 3:1:1, samples 7, 8, 9, respectively). All the compositions have been tested for fungicidal properties against Monilinia laxa and for antimicrobial activity by the sanitary-bacteriological method, and for toxicity by bacteriological methods (the method of direct inoculation on blood agar and the method of diffusion into agar). In all the samples studied, inhibited growth of the culture of the agent causing stone fruit moniliosis has been detected. All nine compositions have revealed antimicrobial action against Bacillus cereus ATCC 107-02, Escherichia coli ATCC-25922, and Candida albicans ATCC-885-653, with the best results in samples 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9. In the study of toxicity by direct inoculation on blood agar, samples 1, 2, 6 caused hemolysis of erythrocytes only in the area of application of the sample. Other samples did not show hemolytic activity. The study has shown that samples 3, 4, 9 are safe for humans, they demonstrate fungicidal properties and antimicrobial action against pathogens of stone fruits, which makes it possible to use them as components of chitosan-based film-forming compositions during storage.
- ДокументIMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EXPORT CONSIGNMENTS OF CLASS 4 WHEAT INTENDED TO BE USED AS FOOD(2020) G. Stankevych, A. Borta, A. PenakiIn Ukraine, the gross harvest of grain, including wheat, is growing from year to year. However, along with this, there is a steady tendency towards deterioration in the technological properties of wheat grain: the share of food grain is reduced in comparison with non-food wheat. That is why an important yet little studied issue is how to form export consignments with the use of grain which is substandard by some quality indicators. Primarily, this relates to class 4 non-food wheat grain. In the work, the changes and reproducibility of the quality indicators of consignments formed from different quantities of class 4 wheat of different quality have been studied. It has been shown that export consignments of food wheat can be formed from local batches of non-food wheat. On analysing their class-making characteristics, the quantitative and qualitative parameters have been determined for 11 samples of class 4 soft wheat (harvested in 2019) selected at enterprises of the Odessa Region, and for batches of export wheat formed from these samples by mixing. It has been shown that mixing individual local batches of wheat grain, which belong to class 4 by their quality characteristics, makes it possible to obtain export consignments of wheat conforming to the food class standards. It has been established that the more local batches are mixed, the greater are the differences between the calculated weighed average quality indicators and the experimentally obtained values of the same parameters. The class-making parameters “quantity and quality of gluten” do not always obey the law of mixing 2–4-component mixtures, and can behave in a most unpredictable way. This applies mainly to consignments formed on the basis of local batches where a lot of grains are damaged by the sunn pest. The rest of the quality parameters, though different from the calculated data, are within the tolerance limits for each parameter. It has also been shown that from non-food wheat grains (class 4), by using linear programming methods implemented in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, one can obtain the optimal export consignments satisfying all the requirements for food wheat quality (class 3). Thus, exporting enterprises, due to the difference in prices, can receive additional profit. When a consignment is formed, the calculated quality parameters can sometimes differ from the final quality characteristics needed for the intended purpose of the export consignment. Therefore, it is not only necessary to calculate the weighed averages of the consignment quality, but also to form a test batch and experimentally determine its quality indicators in the laboratory, because some of them can deviate towards better quality as well as towards deterioration.
- ДокументINVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF WATER-SOLUBLE GLUCAN YEAST SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE(2020) N. Cherno, K. NaumenkoIt is known that a well-functioning immune system is important for human health. There are many natural and synthetic preparation that are widely used as immunomodulators. One such natural preparat is β-glucan. Beta-glucans are a group of natural polysaccharides. They are recognized as an effective immunocorrector. Their use is advisable both for the prevention of immunodeficiency pathologies and for the complex treatment of many diseases from cardiovascular to oncological. The physiological activity of β-glucan depends on the type and configuration between monosaccharide residues, branching and conformation of macromolecules, solubility in water. One major source of β-glucan is the baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Much research has been carried out over the years examining cell wall glucans from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This work is the development devoted to the characterization of water-soluble beta-glucan obtained as a result of controlled degradation with the enzyme Rovabio Excel AP of glucan cell walls of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study conditions were selected which allow to accumulate the maximum water-soluble fractions with a molecular mass of 1–30 kDa presumably as fractions with a high immunomodulatory effect. The results of the paper show that glucan can be isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in very pure form by the method used in this study. Thus structural analysis gives reliable results. The structural characterization of pure product was performed using the common analytical procedures: enzymes hudrolyses and spectral analyses FTIR, NMR spectroscopy. On the basis of the obtained results it was concluded that investigated glucan is a (1→3)-β-linked glucose polymer with (1→6)-β-linked side chains with sparsely branched. Further work will concern the physiological effect of water-soluble glucan in comparision to the native glucan. The structural requirements for example for an immunomodulation in humans or animals are still under discussion.
- ДокументFEATURES OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CORN GRITS AT THE DIFFERENT DEGERMINATOR MODES IN THE DENT CORN PROCESSING(2020) R. Rybchynskyi, S. Sots, I. KustovThis article is devoted to the study of transforming the chemical composition of corn grits at the different operation modes of degerminator in the dent corn processing. The experiment was conducted in industrial conditions on Skvyrskyi grain processing factory Ltd. during the processing of kernels using the degerminator of Bühler company. The operation modes of the degerminator were changed for 5 times during the experiment by means of the regulation of the gap between the shell and the drum. The study has shown that in terms of the low operation mode of the degerminator (the passage of the sieve Ø3.0 – 34.9%) there is a high output of fine fractions of the intermediate products, but the quality level of the overtail product of the degerminator is the best by fat content 1.81% and crude fiber content 6.72%, which indicates a minimal germ and bran content. In case of the increase of the gap (the passage of the sieve Ø3.0 – 12.4%), the output of fine fractions of the intermediate products, as well as the output of feed germ meal, declines, at the same time the overtail product has the high number of remnants of the germ and bran after the degerminator, as the fat content increases to 2.80% and crude fiber content increases to 9.82%. It was also found that the change of degerminator modes (increase in the passage of the sieve Ø 3.0 from 34.9 to 12.4%) leads to a decrease in the starch content from 79.36 to 75.43%, the protein content does not change. In order to provide the high quality of corn groats products, it is advisable to control the quality of the overtail products of the degerminator by the fat content. The fat content in the overtail product must not be higher than 2.2% – during the production of long shelf life products, and not higher than 2.5% – during the production of common corn products. For prompt regulation of the degerminator operation modes, it was offered to use release indicator, which can be determined by means of sieving of the 100 g of the overtail products using the Ø 3.0 sieve. In order to provide the fat content in groats within 0.6–0.8% and 0.8–1.0%, the general extraction of the fine products (release indicator) with the Ø 3.0 sieve use in the dent corn processing should vary within the range of 27–32% and 22–27%, respectively.
- ДокументNUTRITIONAL PROPERTIES OF CHIA SEEDS AND THEIR SANITARY SAFETY(2020) L. Valevskaya, A. Iegorova, L. Ovsiannykova, O. Sokolovskaya, F. Marchenkov, A. ShulyanskaCurrently, there are more and more requirements not only to the quality of food, but also to the raw materials it is made from. This leads to the search for new, non-traditional products. One of these is chia seeds (Salvia hispanica). The article provides data on their useful properties. The high demand for chia seeds is due to their unique chemical composition. The main feature of the seeds of this crop is that they contain many chemical substances of high calorific and biological value, as compared with cereals and oilseeds traditionally grown in Ukraine. In chia seeds, there are 30–35% of fat, 25–41% of carbohydrates, and 20–22% of protein. Chia seeds are a valuable source of vitamin B, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and copper. The fatty acid composition of this crop indicates a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. 63.3% of them is linolenic fatty acid, which belongs to ω-3 acids and is important for the brain function, growth, and development of a living organism. That is why it is so important to find optimal ways of preparing freshly harvested chia seeds so as to extend their shelf life. These ways must take into account the biological and chemical characteristics of this crop, and make it possible to preserve its consumer properties for further targeted processing. The article presents the results of studying the quality indicators and microbiological condition of chia seeds to establish how long they can be safely stored and to assess the sanitary safety of this crop. It has been shown that within the period of 6 months, the greatest changes in the quality of chia seed oil are observed at 25°C: there is a significant increase in the acid and peroxide values and a decrease in the iodine value (the latter indicates spoilage of chia seeds). Lowering the air temperature to 5°C slows down the enzymatic processes that take place in chia seeds, and inhibits the increase of the acid and peroxide values of fat, which ensures retention of the consumer properties of seeds. It has been established that the seeds of the crop under study can be stored, without any loss of their quality, for 6 months at 5–15°C and the relative humidity 60–70%. All the beneficial properties of chia seeds are due to their unique composition, so they are supposed to be widely used for specialised and functional nutrition
- ДокументASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF MODERN COMMERCIAL PORK PRODUCTS(2020) K. Garmatyk, R. Susol, M. Broshkov, O. Danchuk, Ih. Panikar, L. SusolBy a morphological study of carcasses of young pig stock of different origin, it has been proved that up-to-date crossbreeding schemes using meat-type breeds as parents increase the percentage of meat in a carcass and optimise the lean-to-fat ratio. Physicochemical analysis of pork obtained from pigs of different breeds has shown that all the parameters investigated are within the current physiological standards. Most parameters have shown no significant difference, though tend to exhibit some peculiarities associated with the effect of a genotype on how this or that physicochemical characteristic manifests itself. The use of the Piétrain breed as the sire line decreases the intramuscular fat content, and hence the calorific value of pork. The back fat of this breed has the highest melting point, which indicates its high storability, but somewhat lower cooking properties than those of similar products obtained from offspring of Large White and Landrace parents. The pH and water-holding capacity of the pork of Piétrain-sired offspring make it quite similar to PSE (Pale, Soft, Exudative) meat: this pork is slightly less tender and paler in colour and exhibits greater weight loss during thermal processing. Also, the result of a comprehensive sensory evaluation of boiled pork and pork broth obtained from Piétrain-sired young stock was the lowest, which is consistent with most of the physicochemical properties of pork from pigs of this genotype. So, it is the 75% purebred Landrace that should be favoured as a terminal sire line in crossbreeding programmes in order to obtain pork and bacon of improved quality in intensive commercial swine production systems. It is recommended to combine Piétrain and Duroc lines to produce terminal sires, ½ (Piétrain + Duroc), that will be further mated with two-breed-cross dams – ½ (Large White + Landrace).
- ДокументDEVELOPING A TECHNOLOGY OF LOCAL WINES WITH THE ENHANCED AROMATIC PROFILE(2020) A. Bezusov, I. Kalmykova, M. Bilko, T. Melikh, V ShcherbinaDifferent methods of enhancing the aromatic profile of wines are researched throughout the world. One of them consists in adding unsaturated fatty acids to must as the yeast feeding. This work considers how the aromatic profile of dry white table wine made from the local grape variety Aromatny is influenced by the feeding that contains olive oil (a source of oleic acid) and the enzyme lipase and is added to must in combination with rehydrated active dry yeast Anchor Alchemy I (the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae). This method has been compared with the two other ones: with the classic method of obtaining dry white table wines by must fermentation (control) and with the sur lie method (when the dry white table wine material is aged on the lees for three months following the end of the must fermentation process). In the wines under study, 19 volatile compounds have been identified and quantified. These compounds, which are the most noticeable and active agents in aroma formation, include higher alcohols, organic acids, complex esters, aldehydes, terpene alcohols. The sample where the feeding was added is substantially higher in aroma-forming compounds than the other samples are. Also, this sample has the highest odour activity value (OAV). Sensory analysis of the wines considered has shown that the feeding containing olive oil and lipase has a positive effect on the aromatic profile of wine: in the aroma, there are distinct floral and fruity notes, more intense than those in the control sample an in the one obtained by ageing the wine material sur lie. This is possible due to a higher concentration of complex esters and a moderate content of higher alcohols. Adding the feeding results in no unpleasant tones in the wine’s odour, which are often caused by fatty acids, as their content is low. The advantages of the method suggested to enhance the aromatic profile of wines are its simple production technology and availability of the natural ingredients of the feeding. This research is supposed to help wine manufacturers satisfy consumers’ demand for local wines with their site-specific character, because one of the main motivations for tourists to visit the world’s wine-producing regions is an opportunity to taste unique wines with a pronounced and attractive floral-fruity aroma
- ДокументINVESTIGATION OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF EMMER FLOUR(2020) A. Zaparenko, S. Didenko, O. Holyk, Y. GoloventsovThe article presents the results of studying the technological properties of emmer flour obtained from the grain of the variety Golikovska, in comparison with commercial patent wheat flour. It has been found that emmer flour contains 1.4 times as much crude gluten and 1.3 times as much dry gluten as wheat flour does. It has been shown that gluten of emmer flour is 1.2 times less strong and 1.3 times more elastic than gluten of wheat flour, and can be included in the 2nd group of quality. According to the results of farinographic tests, it has been established that the experimental emmer dough sample is formed 2 minutes earlier and is 3 times less stable than wheat dough. The results of the alveographic tests have shown that, compared to wheat dough, the tenacity of emmer dough is lower by 25.9%, the extensibility is higher by 26.3%, its alveogram configuration ratio is lower by 36.4%, and its baking strength is lower by 28.2%. It has been established that the starch of emmer flour starts being gelatinised (turning into paste) a little later and at a slightly higher temperature than wheat flour starch does. The maximum viscosity of wheat starch paste is by 58.3% higher than that of emmer starch paste. It has been established that the falling number of emmer flour is by 9.6% smaller in comparison with that of wheat flour. The dough-raising capacity of model yeast dough systems prepared from emmer flour is by 25.0% better than it is in model systems made from wheat flour. It has been found that in emmer yeast dough, fermentation processes are more intensive than in wheat yeast dough: at the end of fermentation, the emmer dough had by 13.3% higher titrated acidity and had formed by 12.5% more carbon dioxide. The volume of emmer dough was by 16.7% higher than that of wheat dough. The sensory evaluation of unleavened and yeasted puff pastries made from emmer flour has shown that they are not inferior in quality to baked products made from wheat flour, have a regular shape and a bright crust colour, and are large in volume.
- ДокументAPPLICATION OF THE IMPEDANCE METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE IN FOOD PRODUCTS(2020) Yu. Slyva, E. PokhodyloThe article presents the results of studying how impedance analysis can be used for determination of monosodium glutamate in order to identify food fraud. We have suggested that the parameters of complex conductivity (admittance) of a two-terminal circuit could allow detecting monosodium glutamate (E 621), an additive used in the food industry to enrich the taste. The method involves passing current of different frequencies through solid foodstuffs and a cell with liquid foodstuffs, measuring the electrical conductivity, and determining and analysing the frequency dependence of admittance. The active G component and the reactive B component of the admittance have been measured at different frequencies, from 100 Hz to 100 kHz. For the experiment, food samples were prepared in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius recommendations for the dosage of the food additive E 621: orange juice with monosodium glutamate added in the amount of 0.3%, and mashed potatoes with glutamate added in the amount of 1%, of the total weight of the products. The temperature of the tested products was 22 ± 0.2°С. The results of the studies have shown the dependences of the admittance components on the frequency for the control samples of juice and mashed potatoes and for the samples with monosodium glutamate added. The dependence of the active component and the reactive component of the foodstuff admittance have been established, with monosodium glutamate (added in the above-specified proportion) and without it. The difference is in how the dependences change in their nature. The monosodium glutamate curves both in juice and in mashed potatoes are similar. The samples containing monosodium glutamate have far higher values of the active and reactive admittance component than the control samples do, with a distinct peak of the reactive component characteristic. Therefore, impedance analysis is a possible method to detect quickly the flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate in foods of different consistency and thus identify food fraud.
- ДокументPLANT-BASED MILK ANALOGUES IN THE NUTRITION OF PEOPLE WITH NUTRITION-DEPENDENT NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASES(2020) N. Pritulska, I. Motuzka, A. Koshelnyk, M. Jarossová, A. LackováA recent tendency in Ukraine is the changes in the structure of food consumption, which are caused by the reduced consumption of some product groups and by their decreasing quality. A persisting problem is that affordable and easy-to-consume food products made with due consideration of the needs of patients with certain categories of diseases can hardly be found on the domestic market. The products present on the domestic market are all imported, available in a limited assortment, very expensive, and not customised to suit all the specific needs of human metabolism. Approaches to the nutrition of patients with certain types of nutrition-dependent and non-infectious diseases have been analysed. It has been established that аn effective component in the diet of patients with non-infectious diseases can be plant-based milk analogues. It has been determined how important it is to use domestic raw materials: it will contribute to expanding domestic production, will help the gross domestic product growth, and will reduce the product’s costs, thus reducing the costs of diagnostic and treatment procedures. It has been established that the assortment of plant-based milk analogues is constantly expanding. The vegetable raw material conventionally used to make this product group has been analysed. It has been shown that fenugreek seeds can be most effectively used to make special food products (in particular, plant-based milk analogues) for the nutritional support of patients with non-infectious diseases. This is feasible due to the availability of the raw material, simple cultivating conditions, the chemical composition of the product (e. g. a wide range of biologically active substances), low costs of the product when it is made from domestic raw materials, and the simple production technology. It is expected that manufacture of milk analogues from fenugreek seeds will widen the assortment of this product group, and satisfy the target consumers’ needs of safe and high quality products that offer an alternative to imports.
- ДокументSPECIFIC FEATURES OF NITROGEN METABOLISM DURING FERMENTATION OF MUST FROM WHITE GRAPE VARIETIES GROWN IN THE ODESSA REGION(2020) O. Tkachenko, O. Kananykhina, T. Suhachenko, T. Turpurova, O. TitlovaFor wine quality management, nitrogen metabolism should be considered as a key process in the system “grape – wine.” Nitrogen is one of the dominant elements a grapevine receives from the soil. It is important in many biological processes of the plant itself and of the microorganisms involved in fermentation. Nitrogen-containing compounds are nutrients necessary for yeast growth, in particular, for stable fermentation. This group of compounds directly and indirectly affects the aromatic and taste qualities of wine during its maturation and largely determines its stability. Nitrogen compounds are transferred to wine directly from grapes and yeast during fermentation. Since their role in the formation and maturation of wine is significant, it is highly important to regulate their metabolism in the fermenting must. On analysing literature references and summarising the information on the metabolism of nitric substances, a scheme has been developed reflecting how these substances influence the formation of the quality characteristics of grape wines. The paper presents the results of studying the metabolism of total nitrogen and amino nitrogen in grape must during its fermentation. The grape variety considered in the research was Sukholimansky White bred by the National Science Centre “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking” and harvested in 2015–2017. It has been established that nitrogen metabolism during fermentation does not depend on the feedings added. However, the yeast race affects the physicochemical parameters, namely the content of volatile acids. It has been observed that during fermentation, the amine nitrogen concentration decreases by 90% and the total nitrogen concentration by 40–50%. Regarding the factors that effect on the quality characteristics of wines produced in the South of Ukraine, the physicochemical parameters of wine materials can be improved by using the active dry yeast Vitilevure Quartz and the nutritional supplements Actiferm 1 and Actiferm 2, in combination with aeration. This allows revealing fruity aromas, and achieving the right acidity and harmony of taste due to the presence of the descriptors (butter, apple, peach, apricot, and geranium) characteristic of the grape variety Sukholimansky White.
- ДокументDEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF SOYA FLOUR ENRICHED WITH IODINE(2020) Ya. Beletska, R. Plotnikova, M. Bakirov, O. VereshchynskyiA research on developing a technology of iodine-enriched soya flour has been conducted. The technology developed will allow the body to receive organic forms of this micronutrient, the deficiency in which causes thyroid disorders in 40% of Ukrainians and 35% of people throughout Europe. The research has shown that promising soya bean varieties to be enriched with iodine are the early-ripening varieties Almaz, Anzhelika, Kyivska 98, Faeton, Medeya, PSV 808, Podyaka, Khortytsya, Yug 30, Rusa. They are the highest in protein (42.75% on average), the maximum content of which is necessary for iodine accumulation. Besides, their cropping period is short (up to 95–105 days), which is cost-effective for a manufacturing enterprise, because there is no overlapping with the winter crops sowing time and thus, there are no periods when cultivation areas remain idle. The following parameters of steeping soya beans have been found rational: the iodine concentration in the solution 98-100 μg/g, the duration of steeping 48 hours. The mass fraction of iodine in the steeped soya beans is 126 μg/g. Longer steeping leads to microbiological spoilage of sprouted soya beans. It has been determined how iodine is distributed in cotyledons, sprouts, seed coats, and whole sprouted soya beans. This has allowed establishing that in a whole sprouted soya bean of the early-ripening soya variety Almaz, the iodine content is 126 μg/g, of which 123 μg/g is accumulated in the cotyledons of a seed, and 3 μg/g in the sprouts and the seed coats. This indicates a high level of iodine conversion into the organic form when soya seeds are steeped in potassium iodide solution. A technology of manufacturing iodine-enriched flour from sprouted soya beans has been developed. It differs from the control one in that soya seeds, washed and disinfected, are soaked in potassium iodide solution (with the iodine concentration 98–100 μg/g and the hydromodulus 1:2) for 48 hours at the solution temperature 14-16°С. Flour from sprouted soya beans contains 126 μg/g of iodine. The technology suggested can be used at hotel and catering enterprises, in sanatoria and health centres, to treat iodine-deficiency disorders, and to make food for people who need special dietetic nutrition.
- ДокументCANNING FOOD IN SEMI-RIGID POLYMERIC AND COMPOSITE CONTAINERS(2020) Ya Verkhivker, Ye MiroshnychenkoFor thermal preservation of food, various types of retail polymeric packaging can be used: rigid, semi-rigid, flexible, and other kinds of containers. To make polymeric (plastic) containers usable for thermal sterilisation, and to ensure long storage of food, they should have a barrier layer that will make them heat-resistant, prevent oxygen ingress, and preserve the product’s quality and nutritive value. Every polymer material has its individual heat resistance characteristics. This paper considers such retail containers for food packaging as a composite can made of metal with a plastic lid and a semi-rigid heat-resistant polymer container with a foil cover. When using different container types for heat sterilisation and prevention of physical defects in cans, the following technological characteristics of cans should be taken into account: closure strength, depressurisation pressure, method of closure, diameter of a container’s opening, absence or presence of a stiffness relief on the cover, temperature of packaging, and other factors. The research includes analysis of existing types of retail composite and polymeric containers for canning food using different heat sterilisation methods. The theoretical and experimental research conducted has resulted in obtaining the values of the closure strength of the containers, an important parameter without which proper heat sterilisation of a product would be impossible. Developing scientifically proved parameters and modes of high-temperature sterilisation of meat and fish products in semi-rigid heat-resistant composite metal-plastic containers will allow enterprises to manufacture high-quality and safe canned food with high nutritive value.
- ДокументOn conformally reducible pseudo-Riemannian spaces(2021) Тетяна Iванiвна Шевченко, Тетяна Сергіївна Спічак, Дмитро Миколайович ДойковThe present paper studies the main type of conformal reducible conformally flat spaces. We prove that these spaces are subprojective spaces of Kagan, while Riemann tensor is defined by a vector defining the conformal mapping. This allows to carry out the complete classification of these spaces. The obtained results can be effectively applied in further research in mechanics, geometry, and general theory of relativity. Under certain conditions the obtained equations describe the state of an ideal fluid and represent quasi-Einstein spaces. Research is carried out locally in tensor shape.
- ДокументGalois coverings of one-sided bimodule problems(2021) Vyacheslav Babych, Nataliya GolovashchukApplying geometric methods of 2-dimensional cell complex theory, we construct a Galois covering of a bimodule problem satisfying some structure, triangularity and finiteness conditions in order to describe the objects of finite representation type. Each admitted bimodule problem A is endowed with a quasi multiplicative basis. The main result shows that for a problem from the considered class having some finiteness restrictions and the schurian universal covering A', either A is schurian, or its basic bigraph contains a dotted loop, or it has a standard minimal non-schurian bimodule subproblem.
- ДокументSome applications of transversality for infinite dimensional manifolds(2021) Kaveh EftekharinasabWe present some transversality results for a category of Frechet manifolds, the so-called MCk - Frechet manifolds. In this context, we apply the obtained transversality results to construct the degree of nonlinear Fredholm mappings by virtue of which we prove a rank theorem, an invariance of domain theorem and a Bursuk-Ulam type theorem.
- ДокументDeformations of circle-valued Morse functions on 2-torus(2021) Bohdan FeshchenkoIn this paper we give an algebraic description of fundamental groups of orbits of circle-valued Morse functions on T2 with respect to the action of the group of diffeomorphisms of T2