Том 11 № 1
Постійне посилання зібрання
Перегляд Том 11 № 1 за Автор "H. Nemchenko"
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Результатів на сторінці
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- ДокументTHE INNOVATIVE WAY OF OVERCOMING OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES PROBLEMS(2019) H. NemchenkoUkrainian sustainable development envisages the food industry reforming and the formation of amodern structure of the national economy. Regional financial decentralization should help to solve this problem. Fiscal decentralization should optimize the economic interests of agricultural, food businesses, regionsand the state. The analysis of the formation of the modern food industry structure in the conditions of financial decentralization was presented in the works of many scientists: both national and foreign ones. However, so far there is no single correct decision. All this makes the problem of improving the structure of the foodindustry relevant. It has been substantiated that financial decentralization should optimize the economic interests of enterprises, regions and the state. It is impossible to separate the management of the food business and the region. It may be about managing the food business and the region at the same time.For the rapid development of the food industry, only lending under current conditions is not enough,and sometimes impossible. All this involves the creation of a regional food industry support fund that wouldstimulate the production and consumption of environmental products, introduce innovative technologies, helpto reconstruct, modernize and, in some cases, re-profile enterprises, providing them with benefits, subsidies,and subventions.