Quality research of bottled water

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Consumption of bottled water is increasing worldwide. Bottled water has become a pervasive global business, and bottled water consumption continues to increase rapidly, particularly in countries where clean potable tap water is available at very low or no cost. Prior research shows many consumers believe bottled water is convenient and has better taste than tap water, despite reports of a number of water quality incidents with bottled water. This study was carried out to investigate quality of water sources and bottled water as compared to water quality standards.
Kryklyvets, D.A. Quality research of bottled water / D.A. Kryklyvets, O.A. Simakova // Вода в харчовій промисловості: зб. тез доп. VII Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. молодих учен., асп. і студ., Одеса, 26- 27 квіт. 2016 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій. – Одеса, 2016. – P. 19-23: tab. – Ref.: 3 tіt.
Ключові слова
bottled water, water quality perceptions, sources of bottled water
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