Bioelectronic systems of early biological detection of water toxicity

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Bioassay methods recently become leading in determining water quality. With reactions of living organisms (test objects) one can state water toxic effects on an organism. Indicator of living organisms state is the efficiency of physiological processes that ensure its normal development. Using information-measuring systems in animals (crawfishes, crabs, surfs) these figures have been recorded. Rapidness and possibility of integrated assessment of contaminants impact on biota is the advantage of this method, it can be used as a method of water toxicity early detection.
Kvasnevskaya, N.F. Bioelectronic systems of early biological detection of water toxicity / N.F. Kvasnevskaya // Вода в харчовій промисловості: зб. тез доп. VII Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. молодих учен., асп. і студ., Одеса, 26- 27 квіт. 2016 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій. – Одеса, 2016. – P. 28-30. – Ref.: 8 tіt.
Ключові слова
bioassay method, drinking water, water toxicity, test object, bioelectronic system, physiological reaction
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