Удосконалення технології післязбиральної обробки та зберігання зерна амаранту

dc.contributor.authorВалентюк, Н. О.
dc.descriptionВалентюк, Н. О. Удосконалення технології післязбиральної обробки та зберігання зерна амаранту : автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.18.02 "Технологія зернових, бобових, круп`яних продуктів і комбікормів, олійних і луб`яних культур" / Валентюк Наталія Олександрівна ; наук. кер. Г. М. Станкевич ; Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій. - Одеса : ОНАХТ, 2019. - 24 с.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractДисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук (доктора філософії) за спеціальністю 05.18.02 «Технологія зернових, бобових, круп'яних продуктів і комбікормів, олійних і луб’яних культур». Дисертація присвячена удосконаленню технології післязбиральної обробки та зберігання зерна амаранту, яка буде гарантувати належну його якість та безпечне зберігання. В роботі досліджено та визначено фізико-технологічні, аеродинамічні та гігроскопічні властивості зерна амаранту, його гранулометричний склад, теплофізичні характеристики, встановлено закономірності їх зміни та отримано емпіричні рівняння для їх розрахунку. Досліджено кінетичні закономірності конвективного, комбінованого конвективно-мікрохвильового та ІЧ сушіння амаранту та запропоновано їх математичний опис. Науково-обґрунтовані технологія та оптимальні режими сушіння зерна амаранту дозволяють отримати кондиційне за вологістю та якістю зерно, зменшити енерговитрати на його післязбиральну обробку. За результатами мікробіологічних досліджень і зміни хімічних показників якості зерна амаранту встановлено термін та умови його гарантованого зберіган- ня. Запропоновано удосконалені технологічні схеми, розроблено рекомендації з післязбиральної обробки амаранту та визначено економічну ефективність від впровадження рекомендацій роботи.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThesis for a Candidate Degree in Engineering (Doctor of Philosophy), specialty 05.18.02 “Technology of cereals, legumes, cereals and compound feeds, oilseeds and bast crops”. The thesis is focused on the improvement of the technology of post – harvest processing and storage of amaranth grain, which will guarantee its proper quality and safe long – term storage. The object of research has been the technology of post-harvest processing and storage of amaranth grain, the subject of research was the amaranth grain of the Ultra and Kharkovsky varieties of 2006-2014 crops grown in Kherson region. Physical-mechanical properties of amaranth grain are investigated in the work and regularities of their change depending on grain moisture in the range 9.2…19.3 % are established. It has been shown that with increasing grain moisture the geometric dimensions of grain, the mass of 1000 grains increases, the porosity, the rate of natural sloping, and the coefficients of external friction at rest and motion. Nature (volume mass) decreases. On the basis of the study of the particle size distribution of freshly harvested amaranth grain, it has been established that a set of sieves with circular openings of the following sizes (mm) can be used to isolate its main contaminants in grain separators: Б1 – 1,0...1,1; Б2 – 1.0…1.1; В – 0.6…0.8; Г – 0.6…08; and oblong holes with dimensions (mm): Б1 – (0,8…1,0) × 20, Б2 – (0,5…0,7) × 20, Б1 – (0,4…0,6)×20. It has also been shown that using the values of the transgression coefficients calculated on the basis of certain separability, it is possible to predict the possibility of separating a mixture of freshly harvested amaranth grain and its impurities, in particular from the hard separating flint. The results of studies of the aerodynamic properties of amaranth grain have made it possible to establish that the amaranth grain grain velocity is 3.28…3.51 m/s, and the coefficient of sail respectively 0.91…0.79 depending on the initial moisture content of the grain. It is shown that with increasing moisture content of amaranth grain, its rate of flywheel increases, and the coefficient of soaring decreases, which allows you to set the air flow rate at which it can be actively ventilated and to select the necessary costs of air and drying agent in the drying plants. The empirical dependence of the aerodynamic resistance of the layer of amaranth grain on its humidity and the height of the blown layer has been established. Hygroscopic properties of amaranth have been investigated and the equilibrium moisture content of amaranth grain have been determined depending on the temperature and relative humidity of the environment. It has been found that the equilibrium humidity increases with increasing relative humidity and decreasing its temperature. The thermophysical characteristics of amaranth grain (specific heat, coefficients of thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity and thermal activity) are determined, depending on its humidity and temperature. The empirical equations were obtained, which allow to calculate thermophysical characteristics at grain moisture content of 9.4...19.6 % and temperature 5...25 °C. The kinetics of convective, combined convective microwave and IR amaranth drying were investigated, regularities were established and empirical equations were proposed to describe the kinetics of amaranth grain drying under different modes, modes and conditions of energy supply. It is shown that it is possible to achieve the conditioning moisture content of grain within the permissible temperature of its heating without deteriorating the quality of dried amaranth in the following drying modes: for convective drying of amaranth for food purposes in mine grain dryers at a drying agent temperature of 50...60 °C, and for drying - at a temperature of the drying agent is not higher than 50 °C; for IR drying at radiator power not exceeding 100 W; at MV drying under pulsed (oscillating) modes with duration of pulses of energy supply of 4 s and duration of pulses of purging with outside air 20...40 s. The effect of drying on the quality of dried amaranth grain has been established. It is shown that the largest reduction of squalene occurs when using IR drying. However, this method can be used if it is not intended to produce oil, but flour, blown grains, etc. products. Science-based technology and optimal modes of different ways of drying amaranth grain allow you to obtain grain moisture and quality conditionally, as well as reduce energy costs for its post-harvest processing. The joint effect of temperature and humidity of amaranth grain on the intensity of its respiration was investigated, an empirical equation describing this dependence was obtained. It has been shown that reducing humidity and storing it at low temperatures leads to a decrease in the intensity of respiration, a decrease in the loss of dry matter of the grain and contributes to its long-term storage. The study of chemical indicators of quality of amaranth grain showed that when stored under relative humidity those of air φ = 75 % and temperatures of 25 °C the acidic number of fat (from 5.56 to 38.20 mg KOH) and acidity (from 2.45 to 7.15 deg. of acidity) in the alcohol hood change the most. Therefore, reducing the storage temperature of the seed to +4...+6 °C under conditions of relative humidity φ = 55...75 % guarantees the extension of the life. The results of microbiological studies have shown that the conservative effect of low temperatures, which significantly reduces the life of microorganisms occurs at temperatures of +5...15 °C and relative humidity φ = 55 %. Under these conditions, amaranth grains with humidity up to 12 % delay the development of bacteria and even molds, which protects the grain from the active influence of microorganisms and maintains its quality. It is shown that storage of amaranth grain at a temperature of 15 °C and relative humidity φ = 75 % contributes to the development of microorganisms. However, storage at the same relative humidity, but at a temperature of +5 °C, stops the reproduction of microorganisms. It has been established that it is possible to guarantee safe storage of amaranth grain for 12 months without deteriorating its quality at an air temperature of not more than 15 °C and relative humidity of no more than 55 %. Advanced technological schemes of postharvest amaranth grain processing using convective and combined convective microwave drying methods are proposed. Recommendations for post-harvest amaranth processing have been developed and costeffectiveness of implementation of work recommendations have been determined.ru_RU
dc.subjectпіслязбиральна обробка зернаru_RU
dc.subjectсушіння амарантуru_RU
dc.subjectочищення амарантуru_RU
dc.subjectзберігання амарантуru_RU
dc.subjectpost-harvest grain treatmentru_RU
dc.subjectamaranth dryingru_RU
dc.subjectamaranth cleaningru_RU
dc.subjectamaranth storageru_RU
dc.titleУдосконалення технології післязбиральної обробки та зберігання зерна амарантуru_RU
dc.title.alternativeImprovement of the technology of post-harvest processing and storage of amaranth grainru_RU
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