Том 12 № 2

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 5 з 15
  • Документ
    (2018) A. Pivovarov, S. Mykolenko, Y. Hez’, S. Shcherbakov
    The article reveals the research results of freshness and safety of sprouted wheat bread made with the use of water additionally treated with nonequilibrium low-temperature contact plasma. Prospects of the use of dispersion of wheat grain for the wholegrain bread production are shown which allow decreasing the grain raw materials loss along the food chain. The ways of prolongation of bread freshness during storage and slowdown of bread staling are analyzed. It is shown that in case of usage of plasma-chemically activated water in the technology wheat grain soaking duration decreases by 30%. The additional water treatment also promotes bread freshness prolongation up to two days. It is determined that water gets the characteristics relevant for the technology after 30–40 minutes of treatment with nonequilibrium low-temperature contact plasma. According to our findings, usage of plasma-chemically activated water provides slowdown of water migration and moisture loss by the crumb. It is determined that the usage of additional water treatment in the technology results in 17–60% increase in hydrophilic properties of the crumb and slows down their reduction during storage of sprouted wheat bread. Results of differential thermal analysis showed changes in various forms of moisture binding in the product during storage and increase in the part of adsorptionally bound moisture by 6–8%, when additional water treatment is used for grain soaking and dough making in sprouted wheat bread making technology. The rate of moisture removal from crumb of sprouted wheat bread made with the use of water subjected to nonequilibrium low-temperature contact plasma was determined through mathematical processing of data and construction of piecewise linear model. It is proved that safety level of usage of plasma-chemically activated water in sprouted wheat bread technology meets the requirements to the content of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc, and mycotoxins (aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone).
  • Документ
    (2018) O. Fursik, I. Strashynskiy, V. Pasichny, О. Kochubei-Lytvynenko
    . In the article, the data are given of research carried out in vitro to determine the amino acid composition and the degree of digestibility of the reference and experimental samples of cooked sausage, with the use of the protein-containing composition developed. The protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) has been calculated to clarify the assimilation of amino acids that enter the body as part of proteins in experimental cooked sausage samples.It has been established that replacing a part of the meat raw material with the protein-containing composition in the formula of cooked sausages does not affect significantly the amino acid composition of the finished product. The addition of mechanically deboned poultry meat reduces the amount of such essential amino acids as isoleucine by 68 %, compared with the control formula, leucine by 38 %, and valine by 48 %. At the same time, the content of lysine significantly increases by 1.5 times.  The in vitro index of digestibility for an experimental sample of cooked sausages with protein-containing composition at the pepsinolysis stage is slightly reduced compared with the reference sample (by an average of 7 %). At the second stage of hydrolysis (trypsin enzyme), this parameter does not differ from the reference one. During the two stages of hydrolysis, this parameter, with mechanically deboned poultry meat introduced, decreased by an average of 20 %, compared with the reference sample.Calculated PDCAAS has allowed establishing that the true efficiency of proteins in cooked sausages is different from the in vitro index of digestibility, which is due to the presence of limiting values of the essential amino acids content in the product.
  • Документ
    (2018) T. Brykova, O. Samohvalova, N. Grevtseva, K. Kasabova, A. Grygorenko
    The effect of grape powders on the rheological properties of dough and the indicators of butter biscuits quality have been investigated. Butter biscuits were cooked with the addition of powdered grape seeds and grape skins from the grape pomace obtained in the southern regions of Ukraine. The grape powders were added to the dough in an amount of 15.0% of the weight of the wheat flour. It has been shown that the presence of powdered grape skins increases the dough’s effective viscosity by 3.9 times, of powdered grape seeds – by 5.4 times, as compared to the reference sample, and it makes the dough more resistant to destruction. Adding powdered grape skins increases the plastic viscosity of the samples by 31.4%, powdered grape seeds – by 38.1%. The higher plastic properties of the dough allow the biscuits to hold their shape better and to retain the pattern on their surface. With grape powders added, the adhesive strength of the dough decreases. When powdered grape skins are added, the adhesion strength decreases by 23.0 %, and if we add powdered grape seeds, by 33.0%. It facilitates the work of moulding equipment and reduces the production losses of the dough during processing and moulding. The values of physicochemical parameters of the quality of butter biscuits – the specific volume and the wetting ability – slightly increase as compared to the reference sample. Products hold their shape better, and do not become runny during baking, because of a higher degree of form stability. Organoleptic indicators of the quality of butter biscuits with experimental additives are becoming better. Biscuits acquire a pleasant nutty taste after adding powdered grape seeds, and the taste and flavour of prunes and raisins after adding powdered grape skins. Butter biscuits take a deep chocolate colour or chocolate with a violet tint.
  • Документ
    (2018) T. Mudrak, A. Kuts, S. Kovalchuk, R. Kyrylenko, N. Bondar
    In this paper, an optimal complex is selected of enzyme preparations for hydrolysis of the components of grain raw materials during fermentation of high concentration wort. When selecting enzyme systems, their effect on the technical and chemical parameters of the fermented wash during the fermentation of wort is investigated. For the research, maize grain with a starch content of 69.0 % was used. Fermentation was carried out with 18–30% of dry matters (DM) in the wort, using the osmophilic yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae DO-16.The recommended concentration of the enzyme preparation Amylex 4 T (the source of the α-amylase enzyme) – 0.4–0.6 units of α-amylase ability/g of starch – is optimal for the concentration 18–27% of DS in the wort. For 30 % of DS, it is practical to use 0.6 units of α-amylase ability/g of starch. With the use of the enzyme preparation Diazyme TGA (the source of the enzyme glucoamylase), the value is 7.5 units of glucoamylase ability/g of starch, alcohol accumulation in fermented washes was 10.51, 13.35, 15.78% vol., according to the wort concentrations 18, 27, 30 %, respectively. It has been established that with the application of the cytolytic enzyme Laminex 750, the concentrations of dissolved carbohydrates and non-dissolved starch have a tendency to decrease. In the samples where the proteolytic enzyme preparation Alphalase AFP was added at a concentration of 0.05 units of proteolytic ability/g of raw materials, there was an increase in the accumulation of yeast cells by 6.5% compared with the reference sample. The recommended concentration of Deltazyme VR XL (the source of β-glucanase and xylanase) is 0.05 units β-glucose/g of raw materials. The addition of a cytolytic and proteolytic enzyme preparation in combination with β-glucanase and xylanase contributed to an increase in the accumulation of ethanol in the washes by 1.7 % compared with the reference sample, and to an almost 33 % decrease in the concentration of dissolved carbohydrates and non-dissolved starch. On the basis of experimental studies, it has been found that using a complex of enzyme preparations – amylolytic (Amylex 4T), saccharifying (Diazyme TGA), proteolytic (Alphalase AFP), cytolytic (Laminex 750), and complex AF β-glucanase and xylanase (Deltazyme VR XL), in various combinations of their concentrations, – contributed to the intensification of the fermentation process of the wort and increased accumulation of the target product, ethanol, by 0.8–1.4 %, depending on the wort concentration. The highest amount of ethanol accumulated at the maximum dosage of additional enzyme preparations.
  • Документ
    (2018) O. Kupchyk
    Industrial cultivation of mushrooms in Ukraine in recent years has been developing at a rather high pace. A promising consumer of Ukrainian mushrooms may be the European Union market. But mushrooms are not delivered there in significant volumes due to quite high requirements for the product quality. From the biosphere, heavy metals can enter the mushrooms and make them potentially dangerous for people. The content of heavy metals: zinc, cadmium, lead, and copper in edible mushrooms (ceps, chanterelles, butter mushrooms, saffron milk-caps, and champignons) has been studied by using the stripping voltammetry method after the destruction of the matrix of mushroom samples. Sample preparation was done by the method of “wet” mineralisation with oxidising mixtures of various compositions using inorganic acids (nitrate, chloride, sulfate), and an oxidiser – hydrogen peroxide. Besides, dry ashing was used. As a result of the experiment, it has been found that the most effective method of extracting the ions of heavy metals and ensuring the accuracy of the analysis is sample preparation using nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The concentrations of the metals under analysis are calculated on the dry basis (mg/kg). The concentrations found for bioelements that are contained in enzymes in living organisms (zinc, copper, and toxic elements – lead and cadmium), are within the range of 51.3–72.9; 3.0–10.3; 0.2–1.32, and 0.06–0.33 mg/kg, respectively. Thus, by arranging the samples of the mushrooms under study in ascending order by the specified total content of heavy metals, we obtain the following series: ceps – butter mushrooms – chanterelles – saffron milk caps – champignons. Besides, the relative error of analysis has been calculated, and the replicability of the selected research method has been estimated. Thus, the method of stripping voltammetry can be applied in quantitative determination of heavy metals in mushroom samples.