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- ДокументTHE EFFECT OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD OF EXTREMELY LOW FREQUENCIES ON THE QUALITY OF WHEAT GRAIN(2022) Yu. Kovra, G. Stankevych, А. BortaThe paper presents the results of studies of how the electromagnetic field (EMF) of extremely low frequencies (ELF), magnetic induction of the EMF, and the duration of processing and storage affect the quality characteristics of wheat grain of the cultivar Shestopalivka harvested in the Odesa Region in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Treatment of grain with the EMF of the frequencies 20 and 30 Hz and with magnetic induction of 5 and 10 mT for 2–20 min reduces the germination capacity of wheat, as compared with the control, by 1–12%. As an exception, in several experiments, the germination capacity increased. The biggest increase (by 14%) was observed when the duration of treatment was 12 minutes, the frequency 30 Hz, and the magnetic induction 5 mT. Treatment of grain for 6 min with the EMF at the frequencies 10–28 Hz and with magnetic induction showed that at 10, 18–24 Hz, the germination capacity increased by 1–5%, but after 15 days, at the frequency 12–26 Hz, the germination power increased by 1–9%. A month later, with the frequency 18, 20, and 28 Hz, the germination power exceeded the control by only 2–7%, and after 10 months of storage, only the experiment with the frequency of treatment 24 Hz was at the control level. With all other frequencies, there was a significant decrease in grain germination. It has been established that treating grain 15 days prior to sowing at 14–22 Hz increases the germination capacity by 7–9%, and it reaches the values 92–94%. In the grain treated with the EMF at 10–30 Hz and stored for 14 months at the controlled air temperature 9–23°C and the relative humidity 33–82.5%, the protein content on a dry basis did not change compared with the control (16.5%). Storage of grain treated for 6 minutes with an EMF at 10–30 Hz, the magnetic induction being 10 mT, allows increasing the gluten content by 1.07–1.21 times, as compared with the control. The biggest increase in the amount of gluten is achieved at the frequency 16 Hz. Even under unfavourable conditions, at the temperature 23°C and relative air humidity 82.5%, the gluten quality goes up by 27.65 conditional units of the device VDK (1.49 times) and becomes as high as the gluten quality of grain that was preserved under far better conditions, at 9°C and the humidity 33 %. When grain is EMF-treated for 6 min at 10–30 Hz, with the magnetic induction being 10 mT, under different storage conditions, this most often affects the content of stearic and gondoic acids. The biggest changes in them were noted during storage at 9°C and the relative air humidity 82%: gondoic acid increased by 12.5–18.7%, and stearic acid decreased by 15.5–25.0%. Under any other conditions of EMF treatment and storage of wheat grain, changes in fatty acids are within the allowable error.
- ДокументTHEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTANTIATION OF PREPARATION OF BIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES FOR PRODUCTION OF HIGHLY HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURES(2022) A. Мakarynska, B. IegorovThe paper supplies a theoretical base for the preparation of bioactive substances used to produce highly homogeneous mixtures. It presents theoretical and experimental data on the physical, technological, and chemical properties of vitamin preparations, carbonic and sulphuric acid salts of trace elements. The study has considered the interrelation, compatibility, and manifestations of the effects of synergism and antagonism, the one-sided and mutual influence of major and minor elements, vitamin preparations and minerals. It has been analysed how the composition of the premix, the filler, its properties affect the activity of bioactive substances. Besides, data are presented on how the moisture content, pH, temperature, and physical properties determine the degree of bioavailability of substances. It has been studied how big the particles are and how homogeneously bioactive substances are distributed when mixed with a premix filler. The size and shape of particles have been established to be essential factors when obtaining homogeneous mixtures. The characteristics of bioactive substances have been summarised, and their physical, technological, and chemical properties, the features of their preparation, and the technological stages of manufacturing premixes have been analysed. Based on this, classifications of bioactive substances have been developed for vitamin preparations and salts of trace elements. The step-by-step structure of the compound feed technological system that produces premixes has been described and compared with the earlier technologies. Based on the theoretical and experimental studies, reasons have been given for the classification of bioactive substances into three groups and for their proper preparation during premix production, depending on their bulk density, particle size, and percentage in the composition of premixes: 0.1–2.0 kg/t, 2.0–30.0 kg/t, 30.0–100.0, and more. It has been determined how particles of the premix components range in size (0.04–0.6 mm), and it has been established that the size of the filler particles should not exceed 0.8 mm. The problems of preparing bioactive substances in the premix production have been analysed, and it has been recommended how to solve them in order to obtain homogeneous mixtures, premixes, protein-vitamin supplements, and protein-mineral-vitamin supplements.
- ДокументDISINFECTION OF MARKETABLE EGGS BY PLASMA-CHEMICALLY ACTIVATED AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS(2022) О. Pivovarov, О. Kovalova, V. KoshulkoMicrobiological purity of raw materials and finished products is one of the most important factors of food safety. The acceptable level of microbiological contamination is provided by a set of sanitary and hygienic techniques in the course of manufacturing, selling, and consuming food products. It has been suggested that eggs should be disinfected by treating them with plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions in order to reduce microbial contamination of the egg surfaces and remove salmonella from them. The surface of eggs is disinfected with aqueous solutions activated by non-equilibrium contact plasma with the different time of activation of these solutions. Plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions act as high-quality disinfectants. They contain an active substance (hydrogen peroxide) with the concentration of 100 to 700 mg/l, and have pronounced antiseptic properties. The studies have revealed that with the use of plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions as a disinfectant, the number of bacteria and fungi on the eggshell is significantly reduced. For example, E. coli and S. Enteritidis were not found in samples at the peroxide concentration as high as 100 mg/l, while the total bacterial contamination and pathogenic microflora under study (E. сoli, Asp. fumigatus, S. Enteritidis) were absent at 300 mg/l concentration of peroxides. Besides, our research included bacteriological studies of marketable eggs in storage. Thus, plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions with the peroxide concentration 300 mg/l, besides destroying the pathogenic microflora completely (as evidenced by the total absence of QMAFAnM, CFU/cm3, S. enteritidis, E. coli, Asp. fumigatus in the studied samples), had a long-term disinfection effect: no pathogenic microflora appeared on the surface of the eggs within a month. This will allow extending the shelf life of marketable eggs. The studies of microbiological parameters of the dirty eggshells treated with plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions have shown that the 400 mg/l concentration of peroxides allows getting rid of coliform bacteria, staphylococci, salmonella, spore-forming microflora, which makes a product saleable. The outward appearance of raw materials improves as well, which indicates a wide range of applications of the proposed technology of egg surface disinfection.
- ДокументSTUDY OF THE QUALITY OF QUINOA GRAIN DURING STORAGE(2022) L. Valevskaya, O. Sokolovskaya, A. Iegorova, A. ShulyanskaThe paper presents data on the useful properties of quinoa seeds, which are rapidly gaining popularity due to their rich chemical composition. The results of studying the changes in the organoleptic, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of quinoa grain during storage under different conditions are presented. The quinoa seeds considered in the research were stored for 12 months at the temperature +(5–30)°С and relative humidity 20–80%. It has been shown that after storing the quinoa seeds for 12 months at +(5–30)°C, their organoleptic characteristics changed: a noticeable rancid and unpleasant aftertaste appeared, accompanied by a foreign smell and a slight change in the colour. When the quinoa grain was stored at +5°С, its acidity remained within the standards of good grain quality throughout the whole storage period. At +15°C, the acidity remained normal for up to 9 months of storage, and at +30°C, up to 6 months. Analysis of the obtained results on the microbiological characteristics has shown that the predominant component of the bacterial microflora of quinoa grain (70.5%) is non-spore-forming bacterium Erwinia herbicola, a representative of the epiphytic microflora. The micromycetes found are mould fungi of the genus Aspergillus and field fungi of the genus Mucor. It has been shown that when quinoa grain is stored at +(5–30)°С, the vital activity of microorganisms is significantly reduced, the development of bacteria and even moulds is retarded, which has a positive effect on maintaining the grain quality. The studies have made it possible to recommend storing quinoa grain for up to 12 months at +5°C, up to 9 months at +15°C, and not more than 6 months at +30°C.
- ДокументLow-allergenic hydrolysates of whey proteins with natural bioactive peptides(2022) V. Yukalo, K. Datsyshyn, V. TurkinaHydrolysate of whey protein concentrate (WPC) has been obtained under conditions that ensure retention of natural bioactive peptides. Prior to this, the WPC was characterised by electrophoresis, which revealed the presence of major whey proteins that can cause allergies and be precursors of bioactive peptides. The electrophoretic studies have allowed establishing that by the 120th minute, the proteolysis of the main protein allergens was almost complete. That is why this sample of WPC hydrolysate was used for further studies. Sephadex G-50 gel filtration has shown that 23.4% to 27.5% of proteolytic products soluble in trichloroacetic acid are low-molecular-weight peptides with a molecular weight up to 1500 Da, while the control WPC sample contains less than 3 % of them. The hydrolysate obtained under physiological conditions was tested for allergenicity. The study was conducted in 18 rats divided into three groups. Animals of the first group (control) were given water, the second group whey protein concentrate, the third group pancreatin hydrolysate of whey proteins. According to the results of the experiment, the concentration of IgE in the 2nd group is significantly higher compared with the control (49%), and in the 3rd group, does not differ from the control values. To detect possible sensitisation in the experimental animals, we used the specific leucocyte agglomeration reaction, the leucocyte specific lysis reaction, the values of the change in the concentration of circulating immune complexes, and the neutrophil damage index. The studies have shown that in the animals receiving WPC hydrolysate, no signs of an allergic reaction were detected, while the animals sensitised with WPC developed type I hypersensitivity (by the value of the IgE content).
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