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- ДокументTHE ANTIDISBIOTIC EFFECT OF OIL CAKE FROM HIGH OLEIC SUNFLOWER SEEDS IN RATS WITH EXPERIMENTAL DYSBIOSIS(2022) А. LapinskaThe work shows the relevance of the use in feeds production of means for correcting the microbiome. It is shown that the useof probiotic and prebiotic preparations increases the zootechnical efficiency of feed products, contributes to an increase in theamount of livestock and poultry products and forms its quality and safety. The expediency of using oil cake from high oleic sunflowerseeds in the production of feed products has been substantiated from the point of view of ensuring the nutritional value of productsand a positive effect on the norm of the flora of farm animals and poultry.Experimental dysbiosis in rats was reproduced with lincomycin. Oilcakes from linoleic and high oleic sunflower seeds wereadded to the diet in an amount of 10%. The experiment lasted 18 days. The activity of urease, lysozyme, elastase was determined inthe mucous membranes of the digestive tract (oral, small and large intestine), and the degree of dysbiosis was calculated.The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of oil cake from high oleic sunflower seeds on the development of inflammatory anddystrophic processes in the digestive system of rats under experimental dysbiosis was established. Studies have established an increasein the activity of elastase, urease, a decrease in the activity of lysozyme in rats with experimental dysbiosis. It was found thatthe consumption of high-oleic sunflower oil cake has a significantly greater therapeutic and prophylactic effect in comparison withthe linole-type sunflower oil cake, since it reduces the level of elastase by 23-45%, urease by 13.5-58% in the mucous membranes ofthe digestive tract. An increase of 25-94% in the activity of lysozyme in animals with experimental dysbiosis was established whenusing oil cake from high oleic sunflower. It was found that the consumption of oil cake from high oleic sunflower seeds reduces thedegree of dysbiosis in all tissues, especially in the small intestine (5 times).It was found that with dysbiosis in the digestive system, inflammatory-dystrophic processes develop as a result of a decreasein the level of nonspecific immunity. It was found that the consumption of oil cake from the seeds of high oleic sunflower has an antidisbioticeffect and, as a consequence, mucosoprotective effect.
- ДокументINNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN THE FORMATION OF COMPOUND FEED RECIPES FOR DECORATIVE BIRDS AND SINGING BIRDS AND TECHNOLOGY OF COMPOUND FEED PRODUCTION FOR THEM(2022) T. Bordun, B. IegorovThe share of compound feeds for unproductive pets in the compound feed markets of the world is growingevery year. In Europe, decorative and songbird birds are the third largest pet population (cats and dogs being numbersone and two, pectively), according to FEDIAF data, with 51.87 million decorative birds in all of Europe (37.23 millionof those in the European Union) in 2019.Decorative and songbirds need complete feeding to maintain life and health. Today, owners of decorative andsongbirds have a wide range of ready-made food, which allows them to make the right choice of appropriate feedingregime for their pets. Analyzing the market of feed for decorative and songbirds, we saw that a significant part of it isimported feed, while the range of domestic feed in the Ukrainian market is very small and does not always meet marketrequirements and can not compete. However, the presented compound feeds can hardly be called complete, as they aremainly different types of feed mixtures, which include, depending on the price category, different types of components:from cereals and ending with different nuts and dried fruits.Compound feed should contain all the components necessary for energy production, growth, tissueregeneration, as well as to regulate metabolism. Complete feed for decorative and songbirds must contain a certainamount of all nutrients and biologically active substances. Factors such as age, general health, breeding season,growth, molting, housing conditions and even the season should also be considered.To date, there are a number of issues that need to improve our knowledge of the nutrient and biologicallyactive needs of each species of decorative and songbird, including the characteristics of feed materials, the amount ofenergy, digestibility of feed and the content of nutrients and biologically active substances.In this regard, it is necessary to study each class of nutrients and biologically active substances and features ofthe formation of compound feed recipes, taking into account the need for decorative and songbirds. To study in detailthe functional purpose of nutrients and biologically active substances, symptoms that occur in the body of decorativeand songbirds in their absence or excess in the feed, as well as their sources and minimum needs of birds duringreproduction, growth and maintenance of healthy birds.To meet the forage needs of decorative and songbirds when kept in captivity, one of the most effective methodsis to create complete feed by using innovative technologies (for example, in the form of crumbs or a blend of crumbsobtained by extrusion). This will provide an opportunity to meet both the behavioral and feeding needs of birds.
- ДокументDETERMINATION OF QUINO SEED SAMPLES(2022) L. Valevskaya, O. Sokolovskaya, A. IegorovaQuinoa is a promising crop due to its use in the food industry for the development of functional products. But there arevery few recommendations in the world literature and almost no practical experience in the storage and processing of quinoa seeds.The study of quinoa and its properties in Western countries, as well as the development of modern methods of organic production inSouth America have led to the fact that quinoa is rapidly gaining popularity as a healthy and healthy product rich in vitamins andminerals and gluten-free. This has caused a boom in production and exports in Latin America, which continues to this day.In Ukraine, quinoa has gained popularity in recent years, many Ukrainian cereal producers now include quinoa in theirrange. But so far, raw materials have been purchased abroad, primarily in Latin America.Grain quality is a set of properties and characteristics (organoleptic, biological, physicochemical, technological, consumer)that determine the suitability of grain for its intended use. The main indicators of quinoa grain quality of different types: white,red and black are determined in the work. The quality of the studied samples was determined by organoleptic, chemical and microbiologicalindicators.The results of the sensory analysis confirm the high results and the display of the grain of the cinoa by species.The acidity of the grain of kinoa is determined, and it is set according to the indicators of acidity, until the acidity of thegrain of kinoa is brought to good grain.The results of microbiological studies show that the highest content of bacteria was found in samples of red quinoa seeds.The analysis of the obtained results showed that the predominant component of the bacterial microflora of quinoa grain is the nonspore-forming bacillus Erwinia herbicola. Molds of the genus Aspergillus and Muccor were found in samples of white quinoa seeds,fungi of the genus Penicillium in samples of red quinoa seeds, and no molds were found in samples of red quinoa seeds. Microbiologicalstudy showed that all samples were free of both pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens.Organoleptic, chemical and microbiological indicators confirm the satisfactory quality of the studied quinoa grain samples
- ДокументREGULATION OF BAKING PROPERTIES OF WHEAT FLOUR BY USING OF POTATO PRODUCTS(2022) N. Khorenghy, D. Zhygunov, O. Voloshenko, Y. BarkovskaThe most common in Ukraine today is the use of a synthetic group of technological additives used in flour mills,bakeries, confectioneries, etc. However, more promising and natural is the group of herbal supplements. The articleanalyzes the influence of different potato products in the amount of 4-10 % and extrudates of different cereals on thequality of flour products. The change of properties of trial baking in comparison with the control sample is investigated.The materials of the article show the quality indicators of wheat flour TM "Bogumila" in comparison with therequirements of GSTU 46.004-99. The composition of model mixtures of wheat flour: potatoes in the ratios 96...90:4...10, as well as mashed potatoes and mash 5-10% was developed. Physicochemical parameters of laboratory bakingof bread were determined for the obtained samples.Extrusion of model mixtures of grain with raw potatoes at a temperature of + 100-120 °C and a vapor pressureof 0.2 MPa. Extruded mixtures of wheat and potatoes were added to wheat flour TM "Bogumila" in the amount of 5; 7.5and 10 % by weight of flour before kneading the dough and performed a test baking of bread. Organoleptic andphysicochemical parameters were evaluated for the obtained bread samples. Changes in the baking properties of flourwith the addition of similar crushed extrudates in different proportions have been studied. It was found that the starchcontent in extruded samples increases with increasing humidity and reaches a minimum value with a minimum contentof potatoes and grains of 1.6 and 0.6 mm.It was found that the addition of 7.5 % raw potato pulp and raw 5 % mashed potato in patent baking wheat flouris optimal due to the best quality indicators of products without significant deterioration of traditional organolepticproperties and somewhat delayed staling. Extruded wheat flour obtained from a mixture of wheat and potato, is recommendedas an additive to baking flour in an amount of not more than 7.5 %.
- ДокументMODERNIZATION OF THE MACHINE FOR HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT OF GRAIN(2022) A. Aleksashin, G. GoncharukThe purpose of hydrothermal processing of grain is to change its initial technological properties in the direction ofstabilization and maintaining them at the optimal level for the further process of processing it into the final product - flour or cereals.The use of devices of continuous action allows the steaming process to become more efficient, while hydrothermal treatmentoccupies a special place in the technology of processing cereals, obtaining them high consumer properties. The analysis of designs ofdevices of continuous action, shows that the most widespread have devices of horizontal type where the main working body of thesteamer has functions of transportation and hashing. This design allows to achieve uniformity of steaming during processing of theproduct. To achieve a flexible change in the exposure of steaming, it is proposed to introduce a two-stage variator in the drive of theworking body, which will significantly change the steaming time and use the apparatus for steaming more different crops, and toensure a constant set steam pressure the design of which allows to carry out these operations without pressure losses. In the two-stageversion of the variator, the rotation from its drive shaft by means of a V-belt is transmitted to the intermediate shaft, and from it bymeans of an additional V-belt to the main working shaft. The gear ratio is adjusted by turning the glasses and their synchronous shiftin the axial direction.At the same time there is a simultaneous movement of movable conical disks, transfer of a V-belt and anadditional V-belt to other diameters. We use sluice gates with a flat sealing surface and a fluoroplastic gasket to supply grain to theworking chamber under pressure and unload it. This design allows the most effective sealing of the working chamber under pressureand to maintain the working pressure within the specified limits, with continuous loading and unloading of the device. Thecalculations show the feasibility and efficiency of modernization of the steamer by ensuring the tightness of the unloader and theuniformity of the speed of the product processed in the working chamber by using a two-stage gearbox or drive motor with afrequency converter.