Software designing for virtual promotion based on machine learning

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The results of applying modern methods of search engine optimization on the Internet show their low efficiency. First, it is difficult to assess this effectiveness itself. Secondly, there are no tools at the enterprise level that would allow him to manage the process of promoting a product on the Internet. Of course, there are such software tools for managing promotional events. But their main drawback is that in the pursuit of advertising budgets, their effectiveness is assessed at a low level. Therefore, there is an urgent need to create alternative software solutions based on machine learning that will allow the enterprise to manage the entire promotion process as a whole.
Orekhov S. V. Software designing for virtual promotion based on machine learning / S. V. Orekhov // Комп'ютерні ігри та мультимедіа як інноваційний підхід до комунікації : матеріали II Всеукр. наук.-техн. конф. молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів, Одеса, 29–30 верес. 2022 р. / Одес. нац. технол. ун-т. Навч.-наук. ін-т комп`ют. систем і технологій "Індустрія 4.0" ім. П. М. Платонова ; ред. С. В. Котлик ; орг. ком.: Б. В. Єгоров (голова) та ін. – Одеса : ОНТУ, 2022. – P. 132–133 : fig. – Ref.: 6 tit.
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