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- ДокументRECIPES OF COMPOUND FEEDS FOR BUDGERIGARS AND THEIR QUALITY(2023) A. Makarynska, N. VoronaThe article describes that budgerigar are the most widespread group of poultry. They are the 4th most popular pet in Ukraine after cats and dogs. Budgerigars are unpretentious, but they need a full and balanced diet and comfortable keeping conditions. The feasibility of using pelleted feed for a balanced and complete feeding of budgerigars is justified. It should make up at least 75% of the diet. It has been proven that pellets have a good effect on the parrot's body, because compressed feed contains much more nutrients, vitamins and microcomponents for the good development of the parrot's body. It is established that creation of a compound feed model with the help of recipe calculation optimization programs allows you to produce an effective compound feed. It allows to meet the needs of animals in nutrients and biologically active substances for life support, health, development, reproduction and obtaining high productivity. Recipe calculation programs permit you to choose components from the available raw materials, taking into account their quality, in the optimal ratio and the minimum cost of the finished product. As practice shows, the use of optimization programs of compound feed recipes allows you to reduce the cost of the product by 5 – 7%. It is proven that budgerigars should receive high-quality and balanced feed for normal development. The program complex for calculation and optimization of compound feed recipes "Korm Optima Expert" was used to develop recipes of pelleted compound feed for budgerigars with minimal cost. They meet the feeding standards and restrictions on the introduction of components and can be used for their complete feeding. Experimental samples of compound feed were made in accordance with the developed recipes of pelleted compound feed for budgerigars. Physical properties and chemical composition were studied in the experimental samples. It is established that the experimental samples are characterized by satisfactory physical properties and are balanced in content of nutrients and biologically active substances and meets the physiological needs and feeding standards of the budgerigars. The cost of raw materials for the developed pelleted feed is on average 10 UAH per 1 kg. It is advisable to produce pelleted feed for budgies, because the low cost and high quality will attract owners of budgies.
- ДокументSTUDY OF SORPTION PROPERTIES OF QUINOA SEEDS(2023) O. Sokolovskaya, L. ValevskayaThe paper provides an analysis of the current state of the quinoa seed market in the world and the prospects for its production in Ukraine. The main producers of quinoa are Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Due to its rich chemical composition, quinoa seeds are rapidly gaining popularity. Ukrainian enterprises use quinoa grain for the production of various products and semi-finished products. Quinoa seeds are attracting increasing attention worldwide not only for their nutritional and functional properties, but also for their ability to grow in adverse climatic conditions. Increasing demand and rising global prices for quinoa is encouraging producers to adapt the crop to low altitudes and grow it in arid conditions. Breeders and scientists of different countries are actively working on the adaptation of quinoa seeds to growing in different regions, which has an important impact on food security. Quinoa grain imported to Ukraine requires long-term storage without weight loss and quality deterioration. An important influence on the state of grain mass during storage is its hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to sorb and desorb water vapor. Knowledge about the hygroscopic properties of grain is of practical importance for the scientific justification of the choice of rational modes of storage and post-harvest processing. The main characteristic of the hygroscopic properties of grain materials is the equilibrium moisture content, therefore, its determination is an important step in preserving grain quality. The equilibrium moisture content of quinoa grain was determined. The research was carried out by the generally accepted tensimetric method in the range of air temperatures ±(5...25)°С and relative air humidity 40...80%, which simulate the conditions of grain storage and correspond to long-term average data, corresponding to warm and cold seasons in Ukraine. The nature of the change in the equilibrium moisture content of quinoa grain depending on the temperature and relative humidity of the air has been established. As the relative humidity increases and the ambient temperature decreases, the equilibrium moisture content of the quinoa grain increases. Empirical coefficients were determined and an equation was proposed that describes the dependence of the equilibrium moisture content of quinoa grain on the parameters of the surrounding air, which can be used to predict its change. The obtained data are of practical importance for the selection of high-quality storage regimes for quinoa seeds.
- ДокументCLASSIFICATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FEED FOR DECORATIVE AND SINGING BIRDS(2023) T. Bordun, I. Cherneha, T. PashchenkoIn the developed countries of the world, animal business is one of the most profitable and promising branches of production.Pet business includes the totality and interaction between enterprises engaged in the production and distribution of goods and services for pets, and consumers of these goods and services. The structure of pet business is represented by pet products, services, and animals, and pet products, in turn, by feed, medicines, care products, and accessories. The global pet food market size was valued at USD 94.76 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4 % from 2022 to 2030. Increasing consumer awareness regarding natural and organic pet food products has forced the manufacturers to shift their focus from synthetic to natural products which has acted as one of the major forces impacting the global market. In Ukraine, in 2017–2021, the category «Animals – pets and feed for them» in the structure of retail turnover occupied a share of 0.3 – 0.5 %. The volume of retail turnover during this period increased 3.4 times, from UAH 1,612.5 million in 2017 to UAH 5,468.6 million in 2021. In Ukraine, goods are classified according to the classifications DC 016-2010 «State Classifier of Products and Services» and DC 021:2015 «Unified Procurement Dictionary», as well as the Ukrainian classification of goods of foreign economic activity, which is the commodity nomenclature of the Customs Tariff of Ukraine. According to the current classifiers, separate groups of goods directly related to goods for pets (dogs, cats, etc.) are provided only for feed and brushes for animal care. Yes, according to DK 016-2010, ready pet food has the code 10.92.10-00.00 and according to DK 021:2015 – 15713000-9 and does not have further details. Today, the owners of decorative and singing birds have a relatively wide range of ready-made feeds at their disposal. Analyzing the feed market for decorative and singing birds, we saw that a significant part of it is occupied by imported feeds, while the assortment of domestic feeds on the Ukrainian market is not large and does not always meet market requirements and cannot withstand competition. However, it is difficult to call the presented feeds complete, since they are mainly different types of feed mixtures, which include, depending on the price category, different types of components: starting with cereals and ending with various nuts, dried fruits, etc. Ready-made feeds in combination with a correctly selected feeding regime strengthen the health of birds, and also meet their expectations regarding taste qualities and the owner's expectations regarding the price and convenience of feeding. Careful observation of the appearance and behavior of birds allows you to establish the correct diet for your pet and determine his preferences for one or another type of feed. In order to understand the entire range of feeds offered on the market, it is necessary to study and systematize them. Based on the analysis of feeds presented on the market, we proposed a classification of feeds by types of poultry, purpose, price, form of release, physiological features and age, as well as by type of packaging. By bird species, feed is divided into three varieties: for singing birds, for decorative birds, and for parrots, which are a kind of hybrid of the first two species. For parrots, food can be distributed according to their size: for large, medium and small. According to their purpose, complete ration feeds and feed mixes, treats, and feeds fed for therapeutic purposes and for preventive purposes are distinguished. By price, fodder for decorative and singing birds is divided into three price categories: economy, business and premium classes. This is the formation of classes was developed based on the income of the population. Economy class includes consumers who can afford to buy food for their pets at a price of UAH 70 to 100 per kilogram, business class – UAH 101-250 /kg, premium class – consumers who can buy food for of their pets is higher than UAH 251 /kg. According to the form of release, there are molded fodder and loose fodder mixes. Formed – represented by a small amount of granulated and partially extruded feed. According to the physiological characteristics, feed can be divided into feed for the pre-nesting period, during the molting period, for birds, for adult birds at rest and for females during the feeding period. The type of fodder packaging is also of great importance: natural (cardboard), polymer and combined (based on cardboard and polyethylene).
- ДокументGLOBAL FEED PRODUCTION REMAINS STEADY IN 2022(2023) Alltech CompanyGlobal feed production remained steady in 2022 despite significant macroeconomic challenges that affected the entire supply chain. Europe bore the brunt of the impact, including significant disease challenges, severe weather and the impacts of the invasion of Ukraine. Alltech’s Agri-Food Outlook estimates that global feed tonnage totalled 1.266 billion metric tons (BMT) in 2022, a decrease of less than one-half of one percent from 2021’s estimates. The annual survey, now in its 12th year, includes data from 142 countries and more than 28,000 feed mills.
- ДокументUSING ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIATION TO DISINFECTCOMPOUND FEEDS(2023) K. Yeryganov, B. IegorovCompound feeds are sources of not only nutrients required to maintain animals’ vital activity, but also of a complex of microorganisms inhabiting them. This complex develops in them after the heat treatment of raw materials (extrusion, conditioning, expansion, etc.), which creates non-competitive conditions for the foreign microorganisms to enter (in particular, from non-grain and animal raw materials). At the same time, the animal's gastrointestinal tract contains its own complex microbiome, which in young animals (at the time of switching to pre-starter) is not yet fully formed and not very stable. It can be disturbed by foreign microbiota, which will lead to a decrease in productivity. In addition, the foreign microbiota requires an immune response from the body, which is a very energy-consuming process. Therefore, the disinfection of compound feed for young animals at the stage of production and in finished form is reasonable and important. The most promising method of disinfection today is ultraviolet irradiation, which is widely used for disinfection of surfaces, air and water. It is cheap, easy in mounting and maintenance and effective without disrupting any properties of the product or feed. For compound feeds, it is currently used only on livestock farms, and is not used on production lines. Therefore, the task of this study was to test the effectiveness of ultraviolet irradiation of a compound feed for further implementation in manufacture. Irradiation with a bactericidal lamp of a model feed mixture (60% crushed wheat, 30% sunflower oilcake, 10% wheat bran) was conducted. The numbers of MAFAnM (mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms) declined from 1 million to 20 thousand cells per gram after 5 hours (300 minutes) of UVC exposition (254 nm wavelength). The diagram obtained coincides well with the reference diagram for a typical bacterial strain and shows that the use of ultraviolet irradiation is quite effective even without requiring a long-time exposition. Therefore, it can be used industrially to disinfect compound feeds and their raw materials.