Том 9 № 4

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 5 з 13
  • Документ
    (2018) D. Salskyi, A. Kozhukhar, O. Olshevska, N. Povarova
    Most of the currently developed systems are based on the client-server architecture. This architecture is usedeverywhere, from mobile-native development to Web applications.However implementing an application based on this architectural solution requires quite a lot of effort from the softwaredeveloper, and therefore, in order to simplify and speed up the development, certain standard solutions and approachesappeared. This article will discuss the most popular technologies used in the development of Web applications in the context ofenterprise development.Also in this article will be mentioned the project, built on the architecture of "client-server" - ScienceToMetrics.The main theme of this project is the study of science-metric indicators for the structural divisions of the faculty of theOdessa National Academy of Food Technologies. In fact, it is a portal for viewing and editing information on employees, inthe future this portal may be extended to subprojects.In this project, the main idea of this architecture was embodied: decomposition of the application into atomic parts inorder to distribute it to several hardware units of capacity to improve performance. The client is an independent application,which at the same time receives information from an external API-interface through REST-requests. In turn, the backendprovides this API with certain security restrictions on the content provided. The backend for this architecture provides a layerfor the content of the data users, whether it's a database (NoSQL, SQL) or an integration API with external aggregationsystems. To ensure the necessary level of security, JWT (Javascript Web Token) authorization is used, which allows you not tocreate an explicit session between the client and the backend, but allows you to communicate through a token that stores allthe necessary meta-information for this user.
  • Документ
    (2018) В. А. Хобин, С. И. Лагерная
    Two groups of the mathematical models, which describe changes in the regulated variables of closed automatic control systems as stochastic processes, are considered in the article. The first group is the informative models, obtained on the basis of analytical transformations that represent in the model of the process spectral density all the parameters of the object, regulator and perturbation effects models. The second group is well reflecting the nature of the spectral density formal models with a minimum number of parameters. This makes it possible to identify them in the real time, during the regular operation of the automatic control system. Comparison of models, including computer experiments based on simulation show the potential promise of their application for identifying the parameters of control object models in real time and without opening the control loop of automatic control systems.  In the article the mathematical description of the automatic control system is considered taking into account the features of the  technological type control objects, such as the presence of delay in the control channels, susceptibility to uncontrolled disturbances (intensive coordinate disturbances and parametric, low-frequency disturbances). A detailed considered the procedure for obtaining a mathematical expression for the informative models of the controlled variable spectral density for test typical variants of various system properties and perturbations combinations. The illustrations of the controlled variable of automatic control systems spectral density features are presented for various types of systems. There are also presented the possibility of replacing the informative controlled variable spectral density models with formal ones.
  • Документ
    (2018) А. А. Процишен, Е. О. Улицкая
    The study analyzed the heating system and hot water supply with  using renewable energy sources. To design an automatic control system for heating and hot water supply, which includes a solar collector, a heat pump and a centralized heating source, the following tasks were set: - study of scientific literature on the operation of renewable energy sources; - design of a structural diagram of the automation section; - design of an algorithm for controlling the heating system and hot water supply. The relevance of designing a control system for an object with a variable structure is shown. As an automation object, the system of heat supply and hot water supply with the use of renewable energy sources is considered. The possibility of sharing a heat pump, solar collectors and a centralized source of thermal energy for heating and hot water supply was explored. The technological scheme, the automation scheme, the control algorithm, the software of the complex are designed. The proposed algorithm for controlling the heating system and hot water supply realizes the cascading operation of equipment with the priority of switching on renewable sources of thermal energy to solve the problem of reducing energy consumption. The software of the developed control system and simulation of the heating and hot water supply system was implemented in the programming environment of the controller ОВЕН ПЛК160. For technical implementation, modern automatic control system devices and renewable sources of thermal energy have been selected. The management of automation tools, data collection and visualization is carried out with the help of SCADA-system WebHMI, operating in the real-time operating system. The obtained results of simulation are confirmed by the introduction and successful operation of the designed automatic control system at the municipal enterprise of the town of Yuzhniy. The joint work of renewable sources of thermal energy and boiler equipment under the management of the developed management system has proved its energy efficiency both during and outside the heating season, and it makes it possible to achieve 30% savings on heating and hot water.
  • Документ
    (2018) П. М. Тишин, А. В. Гончаров, К. О. Куширець
    The article describes a multi-agent system based on the OWL ontology, taking into account the FIPA standards for the object security system. The given data on the work of intellectual agents and communication between them, as well as proposals for solving the tasks assigned. The proposed concept allows to significantly reduce the amount of electricity consumed during the operation of the object tracking system at a certain perimeter for the purpose of object protection. The range of tasks to be solved is not limited only to the implementation of the multi-agent system, among other things, such algorithms as constructing the proposed route of the object's movement, selecting a camera for tracking the object, diagnosing the system for errors are realized. Due to the peculiarities of the interaction of intelligent agents, this system is subject to simple expansion in the event of an increase in the surveillance area or an increase in the number of sensors in a certain territory. Structurally, the security system consists of a control center with a control system, where an operator sits observing the perimeter around the protected object; a set of microcomputers monitoring a certain sector of the protected area using sensors (main and auxiliary); two rotary cameras providing a visual inspection of the surroundings of the facility. An effective communication algorithm and a set of rules for agents allows you to capture the maximum number of objects using the shared resources of agents of two cameras. To prevent the failure of the elements of the security system, a monitoring system is provided, which in turn is controlled by an intelligent agent that interacts with the sensor agents and the decision support agent. In the future, the results of the study can be used to improve the protection of objects.
  • Документ
    (2018) O. Maksymovа, M. Maksymov, V. Silina, A. Orischenko
    Currently methods of efficiency analysis are being developed and applied, based on optimization tasks for various types and modes. Usually, the optimization criterion for these objectives is efficiency that can be calculated in various ways, for which there is no concurrent views. The target function based on minimization of given cost that allows comparing options with the same useful effect is used to search for the best indicators of power plants operated within the system. Marginal costs on the amount of difference in the useful effect are introduced to the target function in case of various useful effects. The criterion of selecting the best power plant from an economic point of view is the difference between the reduced costs of the considered and the basic options, but this approach does not allow using the results for long-term projections. Such approach depends on the situation and does not reflect the real costs. The value of the target function to optimize the effectiveness of the technical-economic method is not "marginal" and does not allow assessing the impact of various processes on the overall option efficiency. Therefore, the development of the efficiency criterion that considers the changing needs of the energy system is relevant for analyzing the power plant.