Конференції молодих вчених, студентів та аспірантів (Conferences of Young Scientists, Students and Postgraduate Students)
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- Документ3-D візуалізація авторадіограмм радіоактивних частинок(2023) Новіков А. М.Радіаційний моніторинг (спостереження, аналіз та прогноз) стану навколишнього середовища, моделювання та прогноз поширення радіоактивного забруднення посідають важливе місце в проблемах екологічної безпеки. Визначення дисперсного складу радіоактивних аерозолів являється досить важливим, як для прогнозування поширення радіоактивного забруднення так і для оцінки дози опромінення при інгаляційному надходженні радіоактивних речовин в організм людини [1 - 3]. Використання імпакторів для пробовідбору в поєднанні з авторадіографією надає можливість досліджувати аерозольні частинки різних діапазонів аеродинамічних діаметрів.
- Документ3-D тур ОНАХТ(2019) Дударець, К. В.; Снігур, Т. С.Основною метою роботи являється створення програмного продукту, в даному випадку це сайт з 3-d туром по інституту.
- Документ3D анимация персонажей(2018) Манзенко, В.Работа 3d аниматоров — колоссальный труд, позволяющий создать не просто двигающуюся картинку, но и вполне достоверную реальность вокруг. Как создается трехмерная анимация и какие чудеса можно сотворить умеючи, разберем подробнее в статье.
- Документ3D візуалізація операції штампування(2020) Сергеев, М. А.Сьогодні 3D-технології є одним з найважливіших напрямків автоматизації проектування, ні у кого вже немає сумнівів у необхідності їх застосування як на стадії проектування, так і безпосередньо при будівництві промислових об'єктів.
- Документ3D моделювання ігрового персонажу(2020) Вилков, В. С.Одна з найвідоміших сфер застосування тривимірної графіки – це 3D моделювання для ігор. При розробці комп'ютерних ігор 3d-дизайнери та 3d-моделлери можуть створити практично будь-яку модель 3д персонажа і тривимірну реальність, анімацію та відео-фрагменти – реалістичні, з високим ступенем деталізації.
- Документ3D-modeling of the interior of the rooms by cloud technologies(2020) Tsybulnyk, O.The work considers the possibility of using 3D-modeling technology for interior design of restaurant premises; criteria were determined and on-line applications designed for 3D interior design were compared, their advantages and disadvantages are defined. The example of one of the on-line services describes how to design an interior project for a pop art youth café.
- Документ3D-друк в будівництві(2020) Бондаренко, В. Г.; Крупник, Є. Ю.У 2014 році почалося активне будівництво будівель за допомогою 3D-принтера, в якості основного матеріалу використовували бетон. У тому ж році компанія з Китаю WinSun запланувала будівництво десяти 3D-друкованих будинків, і звести їх, вони планували за добу.
- Документ3D-друк в медицині(2020) Бондаренко, В. Г.; Григорюк, Д. К.На даний момент 3D-друк використовується в стоматології, трансплантології, пластичної хірургії, травматології, протезуванні і багатьох інших галузях медицини. Серед безлічі напрямків 3D-друку в медицині можна виділити найбільш розвинені.
- ДокументA comparative approach on human capital formation in the Baltic countries and countries from the Eastern partnership. The determinants of human capital formation in the Republic of Moldova.(2021) Mahmadbecov, R.Human capital formation and development are some concepts that have nowadays a considerable meaning in the process of a sustainable development creation of a country and economically ans socially stable society. There are countries that, having similar economic and life representing indicators in the socialist times, have evolved differently after gaining their independences. A period of thirty years has determined the Baltic countries to improve the quality of human capital formation and to motivate people to stay home and, thus, managing to improve their performance in the Human Development Index(HDI)(Estonia occupying the place 29, Latvia - 37, Lithuania- 34 out of 189 countries, 2019) whereas other countries, such as the ones from the Eastern Partnership that took a similar pace with a lag of ten years, are performing less good and this fact has been reflected in the ranking of the HDI (Georgia occupying the place 61 , Ukraine – 74, Moldova – 90). Numerous factors have determined the Republic of Moldova to lag in the process of flourishment, all of them caused by the political and ideologiacal values and crises, corruption, low level of endowment with resources, late orientation towards new capitalistic markets, unsustainlable social security system, followed consequently by several waves of consistent migration flows. The local governments did not manage to comprehend all the variables and boost a good practice of addressing towards local people, society individuals, as a consequence having a country depending on remittances (in 2006 remittances representing 36.4% of GDP, in 2017 - about 20% of GDP, and in 2019 - 15%) and having a distorted structure of local economy, described by a high share of people involved in the retail activities and many people activating in a sphere other than the ones in which they conducted their studies of profession.The performed research has shown that policies towards human capital formation have an important impact on the economic performance of a country and its efferent position in the world rankings.
- ДокументA compiler of domain-specific language for "Smart-home" applications: design principles and implementation issues(2022) Nelipa, O.The actuality to use of a domain-specific language (DSL) concept in such complex problem areas as the Internet of Things systems and “Smart-Home applications (SHA)” is motivated. The overview of the main methods and software tools for DSL design and implementation is done, and one possible scheme for their classifications is proposed. The approach to DSL compiler designing for SHA is proposed which is based on a configurable grammar rules system. All main functional blocks for the proposed DSL compiler are developed using such programming tools as Python and C++, and the first testing results of this implementation are obtained and analyzed. The effectiveness assessment for this compiler prototype is provided in the way to calculate of two quantitative metrics, and this one allowed to get the approximated weighted efficiency value of the compiler’s usage about 16.75%. It shows the acceptable quality of the elaborated DSL compiler’s prototype, allows to make the positive conclusions about the proposed approach, and to formulate some further work to be done in this research.
- ДокументA novel two-stage ejector refrigerator with mixed refrigerants(2018) Wang, Xuehui; Zhou, Yifan; Pan, Yini; Chen, GuangmingThe energy consumption is ramping up in recent decades. Therefore, it was very important to recover and utilize the low-grade energy, such as the solar energy, the geothermal energy and low-temperature waste heat discharged to the environment. The ejector system has a good prospect in this area due to its obvious advantages :simple structure, without moving part and available for heat sources in different temperature levels, as well as long life-span. Nevertheless, the coefficient of performance of the ejector system is relatively low, so the technology to optimize the ejector refrigeration cycle has been hot topics. In this report, a novel two-stage ejector system with mixed refrigerants was proposed to improve the efficiency of the ejector system. A separator was used to divide the working fluid to high boiling point fluid and low boiling point fluid. The performance of the new system was calculated and compared with other ejector systems. It was suggested that the novel system had a higher COP than other ejector refrigeration systems. Furthermore, it could operate at a higher condensation temperature. When the condensation temperature continued to rise above 50℃, the new system could still be reliable and the COP was about 0.1
- ДокументA real-world case study of a vehicle routing problem(2022) Matusevičius, A.; Lašas, K.The goal of this study is to create a route planning methodology. The created methodology assisgns cargo to a given set of vehicles in such a way that the profits would be maximized. When planning a route, the work hours of pick-up locations, are considered as well as when each cargo is ready to be picked up. Furthermore, cargo that is worth less than what it would cost to transport it, is removed from planning. Also, a unique feature to the original Pickup-and-Delivery problem with time windows is introduced. Namely, cargo can be redirected to depots for a fee, which lets drivers spend less time on the road and collect the redirected cargo in one place. The genetic algorithm method, proves to be a viable approach as it produces failry good results in relatively short time.
- ДокументA result-oriented framework to support the low-carbon transformation of energy services market(2021) Yevtukhova, M.Today, the scope of energy services markets (ESMs) has expanded worldwide and covered almost all areas of production and consumption of goods and services for both industrial and public appointments, as well as households, mainly due to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. At the same time, the incompleteness of theoretically grounded bases significantly reduces the pace of these markets development. The purpose of this study is to present the framework for the determination of directions and construct a model of structural organization and functional interaction of the ESMs participants. Such approach allows, by combining resources, capabilities and information, to expand the scope and improve the efficiency and productivity of energy services. A new structure-function model of ESMs participants’ interaction has been developed. In addition, a new organizational mechanism is proposed to support the efficient functioning of the ESMs in the form of a cycle of continuous improvement of the energy services results. The practical significance of the study is to create a conceptual framework for the organization and functioning of ESMs, which allows to systemically assess the new opportunities for such markets in both developed and developing countries.
- ДокументA сomparison of requirements for safety and quality of honey in Ukraine and in the EU(2018) Kruhliak, Y. O.
- ДокументAbout application of electromagnetic pully for magnetic separation of grain and grain mixture(2016) Branspiz, E.V.; Branspiz, M.Y.
- ДокументAccelerate loading of sites due to dynamic splitting of content into subdomains(2022) Yakimchuk, R. I.; Galchonkov, O. N.The paper considers the development and research of a microframework that dynamically splits content into parts, compiling them into web components and placing them in subdomains on the server. The test results for a different number of subdomains are given.
- ДокументAccess network topological structures varieties investigation(2017) Kondratenko, A. A.
- ДокументAcoustic methods of processing meat products(2022) Tagirov, R. A
- ДокументAdaptive mobile application for the CATS learning system(2020) Lehchylin, I.Using mobile devices around the world has already become commonplace. There are a huge number of applications that greatly simplify everyday life: from simple planning of actions and events to paying for goods by simply touching the terminal with a mobile device. That is why the problem of integration a mobile learning application into the educational process is quite relevant. The purpose of this study is to increase the efficiency of the learning process through using CATS adaptive mobile application. During the study, existing learning systems were examined, their advantages and disadvantages were determined, requirements for the development of a new mobile application for the adaptive training system CATS were developed. The implementation of the mobile application is made in the environment of Microsoft Visual Studio Community (Mac), the programming language is C#. The proposed development has been integrated into the educational process of the Belarusian National Technical University.
- ДокументAdjusting wheat flour quality by enzymes: comparision of some enzymes mixes(2019) Marchenkov, D.