Formation of professional competence of future specialists in the process of using computer games
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Computer games have become not only entertainment and learning, but also a carrier of
culture. They have little resemblance to a ballet stage, a gallery wall or a book page, but they
capture the modern morality, ethics, illusions, hopes and ideas about the past and future of most
people in the same way. Computer games provide a new, unique opportunity to move into the world
of illusions and delusions.
Statement of the problem: the influence of computer games on a person has many aspects. One
of the visible problems is related to the fact that gamers spend a lot of time at the computer, which,
as you already know, threatens the emergence of health problems that are not directly related to
computer games, however, is their consequence. These are problems with vision, spine, hands,
psyche and sleep, as well as information overload. The psychological consequences of this problem
should also be investigated.
List of solved tasks: to define basic concepts in game theory; explore the positive and negative
potential of most computer games; determine ways to solve this problem. The main content of the
research is: to investigate the possibilities of using computer games in the process of forming the
professional competence of future specialists.
So, we can conclude that in modern society, a computer game has come to the fore. A modern
computer game is a multifunctional program that is used not only for entertainment, but also for
educational purposes. Depending on the player's motives, computer games can form certain skills
and abilities, influence the development of thinking, train memory - these are positive
Kapiton A. Formation of professional competence of future specialists in the process of using computer games / A. Kapiton // Комп'ютерні ігри та мультимедіа як інноваційний підхід до комунікації : матеріали II Всеукр. наук.-техн. конф. молодих вчених, аспірантів та студентів, Одеса, 29–30 верес. 2022 р. / Одес. нац. технол. ун-т. Навч.-наук. ін-т комп`ют. систем і технологій "Індустрія 4.0" ім. П. М. Платонова ; ред. С. В. Котлик ; орг. ком.: Б. В. Єгоров (голова) та ін. – Одеса : ОНТУ, 2022. – P. 22–24. – Ref.: 7 tit.