Life cycle assessment of the new generation gas-turbine modular high-temperaure nuclear power plant

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The constructive utilisation of energy is of paramount importance in the enhancement of society’s standard of leaving. Worldwide the consumption of primary energy is expected to increase by 2.1% year due to population increase and economic growth. Currently about 90% of the energy consumed originates from burning of fossil fuels, with 30% of the total used of the primary energy for electricity production. Most of the remaining 70% is used either for transportation or converted into hot water, steam and heat. Nuclear energy is now being used to produce about 14% of the world electricity. Over the next 50 years, unless patterns change dramatically, energy production and use will contribute to global warming through large scale greenhouse gas emissions — hundreds of billions of tones of carbon. Nuclear power could be one option for reducing carbon emissions. An interest in nuclear power despite of Fukushima disaster has been revived. More than 40 developing countries have approached United Nations officials to express interest in starting nuclear power programs.
Koltun P. Life cycle assessment of the new generation gas-turbine modular high-temperaure nuclear power plant / P. Koltun // Актуальні проблеми енергетики та екології: матеріали XVI Всеукр. наук.-техн. конф., Одеса, 5-7 жовт. 2016 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій, Навч.-наук. ін-т холоду, кріотехнологій та екоенергетики ім. В.С. Мартиновського; орг. ком. конф.: голова Б.В. Єгоров, замісники: Н.М. Поварова, Б.В. Косой. – Одеса, 2016. – С. 164-165. – Бібліогр.: 11 назв.
Ключові слова
energy generation, nuclear reactor, LCA
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