Cleaning water from phenols by laccases

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Mykoliv S. I. Cleaning water from phenols by laccases / S. I. Mykoliv, V. O. Krasin'ko // Вода в харчовій промисловості : зб. тез доп. ІХ Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. молодих учен., аспірантів і студентів, Одеса, 3–4 квіт. 2018 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій ; під заг. ред. Б. В. Єгорова. – Одеса, 2018. – С. 49–51. – Бібліогр.: 5 назв.
Phenols - a very common type of pollution of industrial waste water. They are found in sewage treatment plants , associated with the processing of wood, shale, peat, brown and coal (coke plants, gas generating stations); in sewage of refineries, plastic plants, artificial resins, organic dyes, wood chipboards, wood-processing plants, concentrating factories of non-ferrous metallurgy, etc. In view of the fact, that phenol kills microorganisms, it significantly reduces the biological processes of water objects, the process of self-purification, water acquires rather unpleasant smell. Getting into the environment, it has a detrimental effect on flora and fauna.
Ключові слова
water, phenol, industrial wastes, waste water, processing, pollution, purification, laccases isoform, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, laccase
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