Operational efficiency improvements for refrigeration systems during summer period

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Nowadays Refrigeration Systems (RS) consume large amounts of electricity. That’s why RS pay significantly to the running costs of businesses with substantial cooling requirements. Improving simple operational practices with minimum cost can contribute to reduction energy costs by 20% or even more. It becomes more important as a price is placed on greenhouse gas emission in future years and as energy prices rise. Its importance also relates to an increased focus on reducing fugitive emissions from industrial systems such as refrigerant gas. It leads to a peak load on energy capacity in the summer, and has a disastrous effect on climate change, which in own turn leads to an increase in the maximum summer temperatures and their duration for the season. The latter factor causes an increased demand for cold, but at the same time an inevitable increase in the condensation temperature. Often it is accompanied by a destabilization of the refrigeration machine performance, up to an extreme fall in cooling capacity. As a result, the economy and the environment suffer.
Operational efficiency improvements for refrigeration systems during summer period / P. S. Nesterov, O. D. Buyadgie, M. G. Khmelniuk, O. Y. Yakovleva // Сучасні проблеми холодильної техніки та технології : зб. тез доп. ХІ Всеукр. наук.-техн. конф., Одеса, 21–22 верес. 2017 р. / Одес. нац. акад. харч. технологій. – Одеса, 2017. – P. 102–103: fig. – Ref.: 2 tit.
Ключові слова
refrigeration, cooling, refrigerant gas, compressor, throttling
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