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Метою роботи є вивчення впливу ультразвуку малої потужності на процеси тепло- і масообміну в установках блочного виморожування. Доведено, що ефективним засобом управління потоками енергії при блочному виморожування є застосування ультразвукового поля. Зафіксовано збільшення маси блоку льоду завдяки зростанню коефіцієнту масовіддачі на 15-20%, зниження вмісту солей в стоках на 40% та зниження пористості блоку льоду на 22% Визначено залежність кінетики сепарування та кристалізації блоку льоду від потужності і частоти ультразвуку. Методами теорії подібності проведено узагальнення отриманих експериментальних даних. Отримана залежність Stw(Euw, Gr), що може бути використана для оптимізації та конструкторських розрахунків установок блочного виморожування з ультразвуковим інтенсифікатором в діапазоні частот від 20 до 60 кГц. For the period from 1900 to 1995, freshwater consumption in the world increased six-fold. Scientists predict that by 2030, 47 % of the population of the Earth will have difficulty with access to drinking water. In that regard, the development of energy-efficient methods for obtaining purified water is of practical and scientific interest. 96% of total desalinated water in the world is obtained with distillation desalination plants, 2.9% – with electrodialysis plants, 1% – by reverse osmosis plants, and 0.1% – with the share freezing and ion exchange desalination plants. There is a growing interest in the technologies of block freezing for water cleaning. Systems of this type are characterized by simplicity of design, compactness, and energy efficiency. Over the last years, the interest in intensification of the processes which use ultrasonic radiation has been increased. Despite a wide range of studies, the use of moderate and low power ultrasound to crystallize and separate water is still insufficiently studied. The objective of this work is to study the influence of the low power ultrasound on the processes of heat and mass exchange in block freezing units. In experiments, an ultrasonic generator with variable frequency (from 10 to 80 KHz) and power used. The use of ultrasonic field has been proved to be an effective method of controlling energy flow during block freezing. It has been established that ultrasound increases the mass of ice, and intensifies the freezing process. It has been observed that the ice block mass increases when the weight ratio increases by 15-20 %, and the salt content in the drains and the ice block porosity decrease by 40 % and by 22 %, respectively. It has been determined that there is dependence of the separation and crystallization kinetics of the ice block from the ultrasound power and frequency. Low temperature separation under the influence of ultrasonic fields characterized by significantly lower energy consumption compared with traditional distillation. To summarize the obtained experimental data, the methods of similarity theory have been used. The dependence Stw(Euw,Gr) has been obtained which can be used for optimization and design calculations of block freezing units with ultrasonic intensifier within the frequency range of 20 KHz to 60 KHz.
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