Analysis of pharmaceutical waste management methods based on the example of the quality control department of a pharmaceutical company

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Назва тому
The methods of waste management in the pharmaceutical company. Shown classification of waste generated as a result of the quality control department, in their type, a way of recycling and registration. Established line of action designed for waste management enterprises investigated, legislation of Ukraine. The process of waste management in the pharmaceutical company PDCA cycle occurs. Statistical data obtained from the relevant documentation allow us to investigate, analyze and, if necessary, to make corrective actions in the process of waste management.
Nosachenko M. Analysis of pharmaceutical waste management methods based on the example of the quality control department of a pharmaceutical company / M. Nosachenko ; supervisor T. Zborovskaya // Black Sea Science 2020: proc. of the Intern. Competition of Student Scientific Works / Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies; eds. B. Yegorov, M. Mardar [et al.]. – Odessa: ONAFT, 2020. – P. 598–606 : tabl., fig. – Ref.: 10 tit.
Ключові слова
ecology, environment, pharmaceutical company, waste management, waste water, plastics, chemicals
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