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The article discusses the issue of assessing the safety of food products that are traditional for the Ukrainian consumer (bakery products and wheat flakes). The relevance of the work is due to the fact that safety is an important indicator of consumer properties that all food products should have. The biological methods are widely used, including biosensor technologies and biotestingto assess the safety of food products. Biotesting is one of the research methods used to determine the degree of influence of chemicals potentially hazardous to living organisms by registering changes in biologically significant indicators (test functions) of research test objects with subsequent assessment of their condition in accordance with the selected toxicity criterion. The work assessesthe organoleptic indicators of the test samples. As a result, it was established that the samples fully comply with the requirements of the regulatory documentation, except for sample № 7 in which dampness and an off-taste are felt; this may indicate non-compliance with the storage or sale conditions. The safety of bakery products and wheat flakes was assessed using the Colpoda Steinii ciliate test object. It was established that the test samples did not contain toxic substances, and in the sample № 7 – wheat flakes purchased by weight on the market, the death of most of the Colpoda Steinii occurred within 10 minutes. This indicates its insignificant toxicity and the inadmissibility of further sale of such a product to the population. The second method was used to test the lethality of Daphnia Magna Straus (Crustacea).The results showed that in samples № 1 – 6 the number of dead Daphnia corresponds to the "non-toxic" indicator, but in sample No. 7 the number of dead Daphnia was 25%, which indicates the toxicity of this product. The third method was carried out according to the method based on the non-destructive biocrystallization method. It was established that samples 1 and 2 are characterized by the most symmetric biocrystallogram, which indicates their higher degree of organicity, which, in our opinion, is determined by a smaller share of external negative impact on the product and high-quality raw materials that were used in the production of these samples.
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