Healthy nutrition — a healthy nation!

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Publishing House I. Ivanchenka
Global health care maintaining is closely linked to the way people live, and adherence to the principles of healthy nutrition. Non-communicable diseases account for more than 80% of fatal cases and more than 70% of the burden of diseases [1, 2]. To counteract this trend, it is necessary to create conditions for reducing the incidence of a disease, prevalence of non-communicable diseases. In Ukraine, there is a lack of awareness of the bulk of the population on the principles of healthy nutrition, which are constantly being improved and updated. Of course, health recommendations have some differences for different regions and depending on the type of human. However, the basic laws are sufficiently studied and focused on the most important food products and nutrients. The recommendations of the World Health Organization and CINDI (Countrywide Integrated Noncommynicable Discases Intervention) have provided an opportunity for a new understanding of the dietary structure on the pathogenesis of certain diseases. According to the modern concept, the nutrition of any human is based on four main components: adequacy to energy consumption, balance of the content of the most important products and nutrients, food safety and maximum possible satisfaction from its consumption. Focusing on individual settings today is crucial for physiological nutrition and takes into account research on dietary habits of individual populations. Preventive services of health care maintaining include [2]: - policy of public health, legislation and organizational measures in such important areas as introducing healthy nutrition, increasing of physical activity, control of tobacco smoking, etc .; - educational work with the public, aimed at encouraging people to maintain and strengthen their health by replacing harmful personal habits with those that can have a positive effect on health; - identification of certain health feature that can cause the disease, and the timely application of effective measures to correct any deviation, etc.
Healthy nutrition - the healthy nation! [Текст] : collective monograph / L. M. Telezhenko, V. V. Atanasova, Y. A. Golinskaya etc. ; Responsible for release L. M. Telezhenko ; Odessa national academy of food technologies. — Kharkiv : Publishing House I. Ivanchenka, 2020. — 383 p. : table, fig. — ISBN 978-617-7879-14-4.
Ключові слова
healthy nutrition, market of desserts, diet, collagen hydrolyzate, sweet dishes, diabetes prevention, lecithin, fish pastes, vegetarian healthy foods, walnut and chia seeds, здорове харчування, ринок десертів, дієти, гідролізат колагену, солодкі страви, профілактика діабету, лецитин, рибні пасти, вегетаріанська здорова їжа, насіння волоського горіха і чіа
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